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new Year's Eve.

Wanjia lights up. The city is full of hustle and bustle.

Chu Xi was reading the novel under the covers alone.

All the excitement outside the door has nothing to do with her.

To be precise, everything in this whole world is not very relevant to her.

Because she doesn't care at all.

I didn't care for a long time.

Over the years, she has lost interest in this world more and more.

Especially after work, in addition to commuting to and from get off work every day, she almost always stays at home, watching dramas and reading novels.

It can be said that the word "mourning" has been carved into her bones.

Although she is young, she has gradually seen through: everything is imaginary.

Feelings are imaginary.

Only when there is value in use will we talk about feelings. If there is no use value at all, there is no emotion at all.

Struggle, hard work, and so on, are also imaginary. Life is short, struggle for a wool? In just a few decades, it is serious to be happy and have fun in time, to fight for all kinds of things, and to make yourself so tired. What is it?

In short, she is not interested in everything.

If she didn't need to earn money to support herself, she wouldn't even bother to do the job, even the door.

At this time of New Year's Eve, she was too lazy to join in the fun. Just watch the novel silently at home.

Actually, this novel is not very good-looking.

But for her, it's better than nothing.

I don't know how long it took, she looked a little sleepy, yawned, and was about to go to bed.

But when the phone screen flashed, a line of words appeared:

[Don't want to look at it. 】


What do you mean?

Chu Xi rubbed his wistful eyes.

What do you mean? Does this novel website still know about people?

Well, I must have read it wrong.

However, just as she changed her mind, the phone screen flickered again.

The other line reads: [You read it right. No dazzling. Just say you, say you! 】


This little temper is quite aggressive!

Chu Xi rubbed his eyes again.

This time I was completely awake.

this is…

At this moment, countless may be flipped in her mind.

Is it a virus in the phone?

Or is it a virus in a novel website?

Or is someone playing a prank?

[Don’t guess! I am not a virus! I just can't understand you so much! 】


Chu Xi blinked.

What is this stuff?

Do you know how to read mind?

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