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So, it's different.

It's not the same at all!

An Orange can't be there.

But Chu Xi can be away.

Chu Xi looked at An Cheng seriously, with a firm expression: "Chengcheng, this is really different. Without you, I don't need to exist. But without me, I hope you can still be happy."

An Orange was taken aback.

She felt that Chu Xi was serious.

In fact, the topic of death and disappearance really shouldn't appear at their age.

However, people in love are always afraid of losing.

Even if it's just one's own assumptions, it will still feel true.

At this time, An Cheng was really empty and uncomfortable.

As if really lost.

Feeling her uncomfortable feeling, Chu Xi held her shoulders with serious and fierce eyes: "Orange, I'm serious. You know how much I love you. If I can do it, I will definitely live a long and healthy life. I will exercise, I will go to bed early and get up early, I will have three balanced meals, I will have regular physical examinations and see the doctor, I will drink more hot water, I will keep warm, I will do everything possible to be healthier and live longer. However, there are some things that we can't decide by ourselves. Many things are not just'artificial', right? If one day..."

She took a deep breath and added: "I mean, if there is such a day, I will really leave you first..."

Having said that, she took another deep breath. The eye sockets are already moist: "If I really leave you first, I hope you can live well. Not only live, but live well. To live long, you must be healthy. Even if you are alone, you must live well. . For the rest of my life, I just want you to be happy and happy. If one day, life burns out and I can no longer protect your happiness and happiness, then I also hope that all the things I have struggled with can also protect the rest of your life and let you Can still be carefree and happy."

She is serious.

Speaking of later, she did not shed any more tears, but was full of firm expectations.

She hopes that her hard work now can give An Cheng a worry-free future and protect her from being bullied and suffering for the rest of her life.

In this way, her current efforts are meaningful.

If it wasn't for Ancheng to be happy, where is the meaning of working so hard?

Chu Xi's heart was aching.

An Cheng felt the turbulent emotion of Chu Xi.

The heart was also shocked.

In the meantime, she suddenly understood everything.

Yes, myself, I should stay happy.

Even if Chu Xi really wasn't there one day.

Otherwise, it really failed.

An Cheng still remembers what Chu Xi was like at first:

A low-educated factory girl with a heavy family burden, it can be said that every step she takes is extremely hard.

Her life is almost hopeless.

However, Chu Xi now cut off all the shackles, broke free of the former living environment, tried his best, and walked in front of him.

Not only came to me, but I also gave myself a house, a home, a book of the present without being bullied, and a future with a worry-free food and clothing.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now