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Chu Xi is happy: "Of course."

"Oh my God. How did you do it?"

An Cheng couldn't turn around for a long time in shock.

The question mark in his head lingered stubbornly.

Chu Xi smiled.

Explained proudly: "It's very simple. I told her that Lixing Company also found me and gave me a better price."


An Cheng was stunned.

"However, the price offered by Lixing is not so high."

The two have long been intimate.

Even for the Lixing Olive Branch incident that just happened, Chu Xi reported to Ancheng for the first time.

Chu Xi smiled: "Yes. But I can tell her that Li Xing has made a higher price."


An Orange was speechless.

Okay, I can tell, it was Chu Xi who gave Su Min a routine.

Chu Xi looked at her speechless and happier: "An. She asked for it. If she signed a contract with me early, there would be no follow-ups. But she has to be smart and keep the price down with me, then I Of course you don’t have to be polite."

An Orange nodded in agreement.

indeed. If the other party did not temporarily play tricks to lower the price, the contract would have been signed long ago. There will be nothing after that.

Since the other party was not sincere first, then Chu Xi didn't need to have any psychological pressure.

It's nothing more than business.


An Cheng smiled, and her eyes were crooked. Congratulations.

Chu Xi opened her arms and smiled and hugged An Cheng into her arms: "Same joy and joy."

The two have already been tied together.

One person's money is two people's money.

The career of one person is the career of two people.

An Cheng also laughed.

An Xin leaned in Chu Xi's arms.

For Chu Xi, she was really relieved.

Indeed, everything is shared by two people.

Including glory, but also money.

Therefore, after the two embraced for a while, they began to happily plan their future.

With regard to the future, Chu Xi's path is very clear.

It is nothing more than writing and mixing entertainment.

Needless to say, writing is still 20,000 to 30,000 a day.

In the entertainment industry, it's also easy to mix up. Because she didn't need to use her own brains at all, Su Min, as her agent, would naturally arrange everything. It can be said that she can be a tool man.

Ancheng's future is unclear.

In the past, I resigned because the working environment was so awkward that things always belonged to her and the benefits belonged to others.

After resigning, she did not have those interpersonal pressures, and she was indeed much happier.

The body is also lighter.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now