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Not only herself, but even "An Orange", why not?

In the two previous worlds, Ancheng also had no motivation to fight.

Her life is like a pool of stagnant water.

But after Chu Xi crossed over, all kinds of warmth and positive guidance were given to her, which made her change as well.

For example, Ancheng in the first world, after Chu Xi became a tycoon in the entertainment industry, did not really fully enjoy his achievements as a golden velvet, but created his own career with a relaxed mind without any pressure. Become a hot figure in the entertainment circle.

Yes, she also loved life at that time.

In the second world, even though An Orange can do only limited in sixty zero, there is no idleness either.

Thanks to Yu Chuxi for taking care of her, she also worked very hard, vying for the first place in her work, and creating her own value.

Even under the influence of Chu Xi, her cultural class has not been put down.

The love of life has kept her enthusiasm for knowledge.

Later, when the college entrance examination was resumed, Ancheng was the first to be admitted to the top-ranked university in the country.

Later life was even more prosperous.

She has been working hard, and her achievements are getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, although she could not match Chu Xi's status, she was also a national academic veteran.

An Orange in this world, although Chu Xi hasn't come into contact with him yet, the situation is the same if he wants to come.

There is no motivation, surely everyone is too lazy to practice.

With motivation, it's different.

And "love" is the greatest motivation!

For Chu Xi, love for An Cheng can make her fight endlessly.

For An Cheng, being loved by Chu Xi is also a huge motivation.

To be loved is always happy.

And this sense of happiness can give people endless motivation.

What's more, Chu Xi didn't just love Ancheng, but really took good care of her.

An Cheng’s life pressures are all isolated by her, so she can naturally re-examine, plan, and fight for life in the most relaxed state.

It is precisely because of such a virtuous circle that the more developed the two talents, the better.

Even, the potential is unlimited.

Perhaps it is because they are both super abilities, perhaps because the potential of human beings is limitless.

In any case, they were all accomplished in the previous world.

Now with a new map, Chu Xi is confident that it will be no exception.

This time, she must be successful too. On the one hand, she protects Ancheng I without any worries, and on the other hand, she also accomplishes her own great achievements.

However, this life is cultivation, and it seems...more difficult.

After all, the word "penance" has taken root in the hearts of the people.

Whenever there is cultivation, there is nothing without suffering.

To be honest, Chu Xi still didn't want to endure hardship.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now