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Chu Xi is the original author of this show!

No matter how much time you ask for leave, it will not affect the state of any shooting!

With this excuse, Yang Ming finally agreed to Chu Xi's leave of absence with peace of mind.

Therefore, Chu Xi flew back to An Cheng in the shortest time.

The moment An Cheng saw her, she was stunned: "You, you, you..."

Chu Xi smiled so that his eyes were bent into crescent moons: "Why, I haven't seen you for two months, my oranges have become stuttered?"

An Cheng smiled and patted her again.

Eyes are wet: "Why did you come back suddenly?"

Chu Xi smiled and embraced her in her arms: "I will accompany you."


An Orange was taken aback.

Do not cry.

Just widened his eyes: "How do you know I'm going back to give a lecture?"

"It's written on your Weibo."

Chu Xi was very calm.

An Cheng was shocked and speechless: "You...you were filming outside, and you took the time to read my Weibo?"

"What is "time out"? I have to watch it every day."

Chu Xi is serious.

This is very frank.

As if it should have been.

After the two were completely separated because of filming, they were thinking of each other.

An Cheng was naturally thinking about Chu Xi, lest Chu Xi didn't have enough sleep time, so not only did she not call, but even the other party called back occasionally, she immediately hung up without a few words.

But Chu Xi, why not consider Ancheng?

She is on the crew herself, and there are many people around her, so naturally she doesn't have to worry about safety and other issues. But Ancheng lives alone and faces security issues. At the same time, it may not be without the problem of loneliness.

Therefore, Chu Xi was always at ease.

In order to ensure that An Cheng is safe and happy, she wanted to call each other every day, but An Cheng was very reluctant.

No way, she can only follow each other's Weibo at any time.

In addition to filming and writing essays every day, she must take some time to read Ancheng's Weibo.

No matter how tired or sleepy it is.

Now, the two have confirmed each other, knowing that each other cares about each other so much, and their inner emotions are overflowing instantly.

So, immediately kicked the door, hugged and couldn't wait to go to the room.

This love is fierce.

There is a deep affection for a long-term goodbye than a newlywed.

Approximately, everyone would never think: Chu Xi is so versatile, and apart from filming a female scene at the same time and 30,000 daily changes, he still doesn't forget to take time off his busy schedule and take the time to fall in love with his wife.

This time management...

Gee, it's a god.

On the contrary, Ancheng is not so accurate about time.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now