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boy? !

These two words are obviously like a thunder.

It shook the hearts of everyone present at Anjia.

—Of course, except Ancheng.

As a new age woman who graduated with a master's degree, An Cheng has no obsession with "the roots of the old X family".

But the rest of Anjia is different.

Needless to say Anjie.

That is his own son.

At this time, the second child was still not open.

As a man, who doesn't want to have a son in his heart?

My daughter, after all, is going to marry someone with a foreign surname. When she had a baby, her surname was no longer Ann.

Only the son can hold this home and pass it on from generation to generation.

Not to mention, in this world, men have more chances of success than women.

The chance of a man "promising" is much greater than that of a woman.

Don’t you see, those bigwigs who are in charge of setting the national policy, there are a few men, and a few women...

Therefore, if you have only one child, no matter from which point of view, the son is better than the daughter.

Of course, giving birth to a daughter, An Jie, as a father, must still hurt.

But if you can have a son, that's the best!

Not to mention An's father and An's mother.

Older people are more traditional in thinking. For grandson and incense, naturally they value things more.

Now that A Ling is pregnant with her son, that is a great happy event!

And Ling, naturally became the most noble person in the An family!

What she wants, Anfu and Anmu will naturally have to sacrifice their lives and be satisfied.

Big house or something...

Naturally it should be bought.

The birth of his grandson in the future will be his future assets.

And he can live in with his grandson.

Happy thinking about it!

Therefore, Father and Mother Ann did not need to look at each other this time, and directly said in unison: "Good! Good! Great!"

A Ling was proud of her face and raised her chin: "I naturally know it's good to have a son. But the house where I live hasn't settled yet..."

This time, Anfu and Anmu still don't need to look at each other.

Father An said directly: "Don't worry, we will do our best for the house matter!"

"Try your best?"

Ling was not happy.

She has been accustomed to fighting since she was a child, and she has spent many years in the social world after she grew up. Naturally, she will not pay for these words like "try your best."

What she wants is something that is practical.

"If you don't try your best, who will know about this kind of thing except yourself?"

The implication is that Anjia did not try his best.

This is certainly not polite.

But with the two gold medals of "pregnancy" and "boy", even if the words are no more polite, Anfu and Anmu have no intention of being displeased at all.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now