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On the way back to Ancheng's house, Chu Xi was afraid of code word breaks, and tried to seize all the time. !

In order to make Ancheng more comfortable, Chu Xi did not grab the train tickets as Ancheng did in previous years, but bought the plane tickets directly.

Ancheng’s home is very far away, and it takes more than ten hours to take a train, even if it is a train.

If you want a sleeper, it will take longer. It takes a full day and night.

Whether it is sitting for more than ten hours or lying down for more than twenty hours, it is too tired.

——Although you cannot open a notebook code on the plane, you can on the train. But Chu Xi couldn't bear to let his Ancheng suffer these hardships.

And, in order to make Ancheng more convenient, Chu Xi did not buy those discount tickets for "free time".

What she buys directly is the most convenient "golden" time. There is no discount.

Everything you pay is what you pay for.

The so-called "free time" discount tickets are often early in the morning or at night, or even in the middle of the night. It's not convenient to come and go.

There are also time points that are okay, but the duration is particularly long. This is also a waste of time.

In short, in order to make Ancheng more comfortable and convenient, Chu Xi did not hesitate and bought the best time ticket directly.

But no matter how short the time is, it is only relatively speaking.

Even if it is by plane, there is still more than two hours of flight.

On the plane, all electronic equipment must be turned off.

In order not to waste a bit of time, Chu Xi also brought extra paper and pens, so that he could write a little bit on the plane.

When she couldn't write at all, she closed her eyes and rested, and by the way, she sorted out the next outline in her mind.

Of course, you still have to bring a laptop.

Because on the bus and subway to and from the airport, it is also necessary to insert the code word.

What's more, after going to Ancheng's house, you should always have a notebook in hand.

The full use of all the fragmented time is the secret of Chu Xi's twenty to thirty thousand changes each day.

Even, in order to fear that the notebook would run out of power halfway, Chu Xi bought another notebook specially.

In other words, she took two portable computers with her...

An Cheng's house is indeed different from the original owner Chu Xi's house.

Although father and mother Ann also hope that his daughter can marry a good man when she is successful, she will help her son.

However, for this daughter, they still love it sincerely.

Even if it is not as good as the love for the son, but also love.

For example, the love for a son is one hundred points, and the love for a daughter also has sixty points.

This is much deeper than outsiders such as friends and relatives.

Therefore, seeing their daughter come back, the two of them are still very happy.

Especially since I haven't seen it for a long time, An Fu An's parents were very excited and prepared a large table of delicious food.

——Of course, this big table is delicious, not just An Orange.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now