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I go!

This is too good to hear!

In the short video, An Cheng didn't show her face, just facing the elaborate ppt picture.

People can't see her.

But she can hear her voice, which is very nice. Moreover, the lectures are very clear, and the questions are repeated, which makes people linger.


Just a small teaching video, can it be so attractive?

Everyone thought they had an illusion.

But obviously, it is not an illusion. It's really special... I like to listen.


sounds so good.

Everyone was just curious to click in, but after clicking in, they were reluctant to go out.

After watching the small video that I clicked on at random, I couldn't help but continue to click on other small videos to watch. Well, it smells so good.

A particularly intellectual voice, with a clear idea, a little bit of ironing into the heart, people...can't help but accept the knowledge. And, it sounds fascinating.


Why didn't you love learning so much when you were studying?

On Ancheng’s Weibo, there are elementary school, junior high school, high school and university.

Because she doesn't know how she will develop in the future, everything is just casual. Record whatever you think of.

Regarding the future, plans such as unifying the short video world were all planned by Chu Xi silently.

She didn't tell An Cheng about these matters related to the struggle to move bricks, because it was not recorded in An Cheng's account at all. Those are all demands of oneself.

Chu Xi's guiding ideology is very clear: all struggles are done by himself. Ancheng is only responsible for enjoying happiness and glory freely.

In short, I am responsible for moving bricks, and my wife is responsible for enjoying.

In order to make the daughter-in-law happier, she has to work harder to move bricks, lay more ground, and become the capital of the daughter-in-law in the world.

Well, she wants to be the backer of her daughter-in-law!

Therefore, under the protection of Chu Xi, An Cheng really didn't consider other things, and just decided to make a short online teaching video and recorded it as he pleased.

In the past few years, she taught in elementary school, so she recorded more short videos of elementary school.

But sometimes I think of some classic question types in junior and high school, and I can't help but summarize and record several issues.

Especially the unique and convenient methods she summarized before, she can't wait to share them with you all at once!

Occasionally, I also recall the mathematics I learned in college, including undergraduate and graduate years.

Some of the content she liked very much and found it meaningful, so she also recorded it into a beautiful little video.

As a result, everyone was circled.

Even if the individual is not fanned, it is not black to shut up.

—The main reason is that it cannot be black. Professional mathematics in college, professional mathematics in graduate school... Even if you want to be black, you have to be capable.

Obviously, not many have such capabilities.

Even if an individual has the ability, they don't want to be black.

The Weibo undergraduate rate is 4%, which is not covered.

Therefore, even if some people were sore at first, "just taking some simple elementary school knowledge to sensationalize", after seeing her constantly throwing out high-end videos, they silently shut up.

Most people are still relatively objective:

At first, I was just curious, click on this Weibo.

Click on a video at will, and it will be fragrant immediately. I think it's really good-looking.

Therefore, more videos are very good.

As a result, I was lingering.

Finally, with emotion: What kind of fairy blogger is this? Actually spread knowledge on Weibo. And it's so simple and profound that people want to hear it after listening!

This feeling is amazing.

As a modern person, who hasn't gone to school yet?

When in school, how many people really love learning?

Especially, year after year, it's really hard to keep that love all the time.

But by the way, watching Ancheng’s small videos gives me a lot of feeling.

I can't help listening attentively, and I understand it as soon as I hear it.

When I first watched the elementary school video, I thought I just remembered the previous content, so I could understand it.

But after listening to classic questions and even classic problems in middle and high schools, I can understand it as well.

This is very hard to come by.

To be honest, after graduation, everyone has forgotten more or less of the previous things.

If you mention it, remember a general idea.

But if you really solve the classic problem, you can't do it. Even the application of some specific knowledge points is not quite understandable.

But this blogger is able to explain profound theories in simple language, breaking the classic questions and knowledge points a little bit, so that you can easily understand them.

As for the content of the undergraduate major in mathematics, everyone clicked a little bit with the idea of ​​giving it a try, and found that they could understand it!


Everyone was even more surprised.

Shaking his hands, I clicked on professional mathematics for the master's level...still, I can understand it.

Not only can I understand, but I also have a good time listening.

This is amazing!

As we all know, it is great to be able to explain the obscure and high-end knowledge points in a simple way and let the public understand!

For a time, no matter which degree she was, she admired her very much.

Especially some parents.

It is not someone who is not a parent who reads Chu Xi's novels.

Following the public opinion, there are even more parents.

They are often not too old, most of them are new mothers, and they are carefully raising their children.

For old mothers who raise their children, the education of their children has always been the most important issue.

On weekdays, they still know how difficult it is to learn.

Once I saw a targeted video on this Weibo, I couldn't help but broadcast it to my children.

And these children, after reading it, understood in seconds.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now