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"No extra room!"

Chu Xi insisted without thinking.

"She can sleep with me!"

After speaking, his face turned a little red.

Mother Chu naturally didn't understand why her daughter blushed.

On the contrary, she was not surprised by what her daughter said.

Accommodation is quite tense in this era.

In their family, both of them are dual employees, senior leaders, and only one child, so the family is not crowded-two bedrooms, three people live. They have a husband and wife room, and their daughter Chu Xi has a room alone.

Other people, who are not all people, young and old, crowded together?

Therefore, it is not unusual for two girls to live in one room.

On the contrary, it is the norm.

If this Ancheng lived in and lived with Chu Xi, it would not be too crowded.

At least, much better than others.


Mother Chu still hesitated.

After all, An Cheng is not his own family.

Instead, Father Chu clapped: "Okay, let her live in. As long as you are happy."

He smiled and touched Chu Xi's head.

Mother Chu looked at her husband hesitantly.

Father Chu smiled comfortingly in return: "Don't worry. It's rare for Xiao Xi to have such a good friend. Just follow her heart."

Seeing that Chu's father said so, Chu's mother didn't say anything.

As he said, it is rare for Xiao Xi to have such a good friend.

The couple is a daughter like Chu Xi.

In the future, Chu Xi, who has no brothers or sisters, will definitely be alone.

By the way, she has no friends yet and has always been alone.

It is rare to have such a good friend now.

It should be cherished.

In this way, An Cheng moved into Chu Xi's house.

To be precise, he lived in Chu Xi's room.

Originally An Cheng wanted to refuse, but she didn't really want to, but was shy.

But Chu Xi was analyzing and persuading, breaking apart and crumpled to make sense, and she finally agreed with half pushing.

After all, she really has nowhere to go.

Not to mention that a home in the country is a **** to her, even the home of her parents in the county seat scared her.

When there was no younger brother before, she was the victim of sacrifice.

Now that I have a younger brother, I can imagine the situation.

Moreover, it is not easy to leave the country and get this job, and she does not want to have another accident.

But for the people in Anjia, her existence and her job that can receive gifts are like a big piece of fat, which will attract them from time to time.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of a thief, you are afraid of it.

An Orange is indeed afraid that they will be worried.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now