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Originally, the days flowed quietly like this, but there was nothing wrong with it.

But Honghuang has never been peaceful.

An Cheng had been practicing alone in a remote place before, so it was okay.

For so many years, I haven't seen anyone bother.

But as time progressed day by day, her strength increased day by day.

The entire prehistoric land was slowly under her feet.

It's just that she never knew it.

Until later, a prehistoric master accidentally strayed into Ancheng's training residence.

Yes, those who can find this are basically masters.

Because it is very remote. Most people will never come. Those who will come are basically just wandering around in the jungle.

Wandering around the jungle in the prehistoric world, that's not an ordinary ability!

You know, this world is properly designed for the weak and the strong. Fighting and killing has long been the norm in life, and we absolutely follow the rules of the weak and strong!

Moreover, there is a legend that "under the saints are all ants". This makes countless people do everything in order to become saints.

According to legend, the ancestor of Hongyun had the chance to become holy, but because of his lack of strength, he could only be intercepted and killed by Kunpeng and other people who snatched the chance and died.

And since he can get the chance to become a holy, the strength of the ancestor of Hongyun is naturally not low. It can even be said to be the top master in the wild. But he was still intercepted.

It shows how dangerous the prehistoric is!

Therefore, in Honghuang, except for the masters who really crush all levels, other people dare not wander around the jungle at all.

Moreover, that kind of rolling is relatively speaking.

Even if it is a bull-level boss, there are still more bullish people who may subdue him. Even if you can't subdue one-on-one, the big guys may come to fight you in a group.

In short, in the land of Honghuang, except for the inseparable super-big and small groups like Fuxi and Nuwa, or the "Sanqing", no one else can run wild.

Of course, not "able" does not mean not "dare".

The world is big, and there are always people with bold skills.

Therefore, no matter how remote the place where Ancheng lives, there are still people looking for it.

Naturally, it is not ordinary people who can find this place.

But an ancestor-level boss——

Zu Qilin.

Yes, before the dragon and the phoenix dominate this land, it is the unicorn who dominates.

Dragon and Phoenix are ancient legends.

Kylin is even more so.

Now, there are fewer and fewer legends about unicorns.

But once, they were the masters of this world.

However, there are already several great calamities in the prehistoric world:

One said the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation.

The second is the Lich War.

The third is the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now