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Since being with An Cheng, Chu Xi hasn't stayed up overnight.

Nothing else, just because I love myself more. Will also consider An Orange's work and rest.

I love myself even more because of someone I really love.

Naturally, he will not stay up late and hurt his body.

At the same time, one's own work and rest time will also affect the one you love.

She can't bear to affect An Orange a little bit.

After all, Ancheng’s health is not good, and it also needs adequate sleep to supplement it.

It can be said that during that time, two people who were almost exhausted physically and mentally and were about to suffer from all kinds of illnesses depended on adequate sleep to sustain their lives.

Sleeping has always been the most effective regimen.

Chu Xi has always paid special attention to it.

Especially, last time I discussed the future health and longevity with Ancheng.

After the discussion, I cherish health even more.

This is not just for myself, but also for Ancheng.

If you want to protect a person, you must first protect your health.

Therefore, Chu Xi never does anything about staying up late.

She is just good at using all the odd time.

It can be said that except eating, sleeping and filming, all her time is spent on code words.

In her life, there is no real "free time".

But she didn't feel tired at all, on the contrary, she was very fulfilled, and she was full of enthusiasm and sense of success every day.

This mental state, reflected in the lens, is also very attractive.

She is already top-notch.

But the appearance is only external after all.

Some people who are very beautiful have no feeling whatsoever when they open their mouths and throw their hands.

But Chu Xi is obviously not.

The top-notch appearance, combined with the most vigorous vitality, is so stunning that people can't move their eyes.

Even Qi Xi, the actress who is most touted as "stunning", is a bit embarrassed.

Especially, in the film, Chu Xi and Shi Jian also have a rivalry.

Shi Jian in the play is Chu Xi's first person.

This kind of first love plot would have been deliberately beautified.

When Yang Ming was shooting, naturally, it was no exception.

Looking at the beautiful and picturesque pair of Bi people under the camera, Qi Xi felt a little pain in his stomach.

She stared at the two people under the spotlight all the time, her face frighteningly dark.

The dark-faced queen made Director Yang Ming very uncomfortable:

Well, the two under the camera are clearly acting very well, what is the dissatisfaction of this lady queen?

Uh, could it be that your shooting method is wrong?

While Yang Ming doubted himself, he worked hard to finish the scene.

Then, I made an appointment with Qi Xi to chat: "Sister Qi, did I not shoot the scene well just now?"

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now