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Su Min was taken aback.

She didn't expect Chu Xi to really understand their industry.

It stands to reason that these things are kept secret, and no outsiders will know about it.

How did she know that Chu Xi had already thoroughly understood these rules when he traveled through the era before.

However, Su Min is the number one agent in the entertainment industry after all, and he is not surprised at everything. It is the basic quality.

"Freedom is relative. We all living in the world, who dare to say that we can be absolutely free? Our company manages only the work of artists. For other things, you can do whatever you want. "

Su Min calmly followed the temptation.

However, Chu Xi just chuckled.

Those things in the entertainment industry are no longer a secret many years later.

The so-called just taking care of the work of the artist is just a lie!

Anyway, the agreement has already been signed, and how to interpret the clauses is up to the company.

At that time, it is not the company that has the final say on what is official and what is private.

You want to fall in love, want to come out, want to speak swear words, want to smoke, want to show your true self, want to live the life you really want... it's impossible. Because it will damage the image as an artist, and then damage the career.

In short, as soon as you enter the entertainment industry, it is as deep as the sea, and since then it is truly a passerby.

As long as you sign the contract, you are betraying your life and tacitly assume that you will be a dummy in the future, and what you say and do will be arranged by the company. Even your personality must follow the person set by the company.

This is really harsh for Chu Xi.

Seeing that Chu Xi laughed and then fell silent, Su Min knew that the other party was uncomfortable.

Those beautiful nonsense, no matter how much it is said to smart people, it's in vain.

Obviously, this Chu Xi is a "smart man".

However, dealing with smart people is also simple.

Just go straight in.

Su Min didn’t say anything else, and directly set the price: "Everything has a price. Freedom is the same. As long as you sign a contract with us, I can promise you privately. In the future, as long as you hide your private affairs well, I won’t In terms of price, I will give you a rake on top celebrities. And whether it’s red or not, I personally promise you a minimum guarantee of 10 million per year."


Chu Xi's voice trembled.

Ten million a year?

I must have heard it wrong!

"You say it again. I didn't hear you clearly."

"Didn't you hear me clearly?"

Su Min smiled unconsciously.

She knew it was done.

"I said, whether it's red or not, I will give you a minimum guarantee of 10 million per year."


Chu Xi answered decisively and quickly.

Su Min smiled deeper: "Aren't you afraid you won't be free?"

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now