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A single woman in her thirties who is emotionally lonely, depressed at work, and distressed in her soul... and the daily pressure of her native family, it can be said that life is really very difficult.

In the past, Chu Xi accompanied each other to comfort each other remotely, and could barely keep warm.

Now that I have gone one step ahead, I don't know what to do behind An Orange?

This worry that I can't let go of, finally becomes an obsession that travels through life.

And Chu Xi's crossing was to eliminate the obsession of the original owner "Chu Xi".

To put it bluntly, it is to realize the wish of the original owner.

Helping people realize their wishes or something made Chu Xi speechless.

What age is this? How can there be so much obsession? In just a few decades of life, can't you just live your life well?

Still "obsessed"? Still "guard"? It's really leisurely enough.

As a funeral home, she can't understand this obsession with Secondary Two at all.

I don't want to waste energy to participate in these love and hatred at all.

However, she couldn't help it.

Because this is her mission.

The pamphlet stated very clearly: her obligatory task is to help the original owner fulfill her wish, protect the woman named Ancheng, and make her life worry-free.

Chu Xi looked at the brochure and smiled helplessly.

Worry-free life?

This requirement can be really high.

Regardless of the year, how many people really have a worry-free life?

But there is no way. People's "obsessions" and their own tasks cannot be changed.

Chu Xi had no choice but to use his brains, thinking about how to make people "worry-free"?

In Chu Xi's view, worry-free life is nothing more than two words: rich.

This is the insight she got after seeing everything in her last life.

Now that he is reborn, he still remains unwavering.

To be honest, if she has enough money, she definitely doesn't even bother to work, and she doesn't even bother to contact any so-called relatives or friends.

Unfortunately, she didn't have such a life in her previous life.

Therefore, even at the extreme of the funeral home, you must go to and from get off work on time.

Of course, she still has no such life in this life.

Conversely, what she needs to do is to try to make "others" have this kind of life.

This "other" is naturally An Orange.

Since the mission of this trip is to protect each other and make each other happy, it is certainly not just a mouthful.

It is necessary to give the other party a lot of money.

After all, the economic base determines the superstructure. If you want to raise your eyebrows and attack your face and change your living environment... you can't do without money.

Chu Xi doesn't like to make money.

Especially don't like to make a lot of money.

Because of tiredness.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now