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This brilliant idea is to sacrifice his daughter in exchange for his own life.

Zhou Lan proposed to send her daughter to the countryside and foster her with an elderly lady, who would earn work points to support the family.

At the same time, he took An Guobing's eldest son to the county seat so that he could live well. He also went to school and took care of all expenses.

As for the work station...

As long as Anguobing’s eldest son has a good education, it will be easy to find a job to support his family in the future. Anguobing will be able to enjoy the blessings in the future and he does not need to be a worker at all.

The old lady naturally knew that Zhou Lan meant that she didn't want to let it go.

She also knew that all of this was a compromise that she didn't want the work position to make.

However, she weighed it carefully and felt that this compromise method was not impossible.

After all, in this age, work is extremely important.

Even if Zhou Lan was forced by her husband's **** and promised them to give up the work place, her natal family would not agree.

It is not easy for women to work hard these days.

The Zhou family has finally cultivated her daughter to have a job, so she can pick fruit so easily?

It's impossible!

It has nothing to do with whether the natal family loves this daughter.

Only from the point of interest, the natal family does not allow this to happen.

Regardless of the age, "the economic foundation determines the superstructure".

To put it bluntly, whoever has the money speaks.

This is especially true in the family.

The daughter has a job, and even if she subsidizes her natal family occasionally, the son-in-law and in-laws cannot fault it. After all, people use their own money.

If the daughter is not working and has to reach out to the son-in-law for everything, then everything is different. Even a slight subsidy to the natal family may cause the son-in-law's dissatisfaction and in-laws' gossip.

Therefore, regardless of haunting or marrying, this work position is more or less beneficial to the Zhou family, and the Zhou family will not let it go easily.

What's more, even if Zhou Lan really wants to let the work place, wouldn't the Zhou family be tempted?

There are also people in the Zhou family who are out of work.

Not to the Zhou family, but to the An family... You know with your toes: The Zhou family will never agree.

Don't look at the grandmother An's taking it for granted in the eldest son, but Yemen is clear in her heart: Zhou Lan's job is absolutely impossible to get easily. The Zhou family would never agree.

Even Zhou Lan herself is really anxious, it is possible that the fish will die and the net will break.

She just wanted to use her eldest son to cross the bridge and beat her son as a mother to see if she could cross the bottom line.

Looking at Zhou Lan's attitude now, this bottom line cannot be crossed.

Fortunately, Zhou Lan is also a knowledgeable person and is willing to make other concessions.

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now