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The beauty of Chu Xi is so direct that anyone can see it.

Chu Xi's beauty is also restrained. There is no unpleasant dominance or frivolousness. She stood there like that, as quiet as a secluded pool, people couldn't help but calm down and admire it, and she couldn't give birth to half frivolity.

Approximately, this is "natural beauty" plus "poems and books in the belly", right?

Su Min was so emotional.

Anyway, no matter what beauty it is, Chu Xi is absolutely beautiful.

Such a peerless beauty with inexplicable enthusiasm, as long as you pull into your camp, you can make money!

Even just "cooperation" can make a lot of money.

Therefore, Su Min promptly signed the cooperation with Chu Xi, and immediately after returning home, he asked the boss to send Chu Xi a job.

This was the result of today's wave of official operations.

Actually, this matter hadn't been settled so quickly.

As a result, the boss still hesitated.

After all, letting an artist who is not an employee of his own company play the heroine of his own investment, how can it be regarded as a disadvantage.

Although it is divided into nineteen, it is still a loss! Compared to those newcomers who have signed a contract, the loss is huge!

Secondly, Chu Xi is indeed a pure newcomer in the entertainment industry. She has not had any relevant experience before, nor has she appeared on any occasion. The directors and others in the circle are not optimistic about her.

I was afraid that her acting skills would not be enough, and she was afraid that her appearance would not be good enough, ruining the drama I worked so hard to create.

After all, this day Chen Entertainment arranged for Chu Xi to act, but it was the heroine.

Even, the crew specially consulted with Tian Chen's boss, and asked if he could arrange a supporting role for Chu Xi with relatively few other roles.

This makes Tianchen Entertainment's boss a bit embarrassed.

Because she really believes in Su Min's professional vision.

But I don't exactly want to talk to those famous guides and the like.

Ji Fang just dragged the saw until this time Chu Xi was pushed into the hot search again.

At this moment, the boss of Tianchen Entertainment was also speechless: The hot search physique of this product is really too evil, right? !

In addition, Su Min repeatedly assured that Chu Xi's appearance was very good.

As a result, she made a decisive decision and directly "talked about it."

Chu Xi's heroine status was completely finalized.

"Red Makeup Chaotang", the prime minister, Gu Yinge.

The first heroine.

As soon as the news came out, all her readers boiled over.

Wow~ My family is too great, right? Can actually go to a TV series!

And still the heroine!

not only that-

Careful readers went to pick up the crew and found that from the director to the screenwriter to all the production crews, they are all big guys!

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now