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Chu Xi's private Weibo was also visited by countless people.

Passersby flooded into Chu Xi’s Weibo one after another, and then... they found that in Chu Xi’s Weibo, apart from occasionally opening new articles and ending old articles for advertisements, they all recommended a teaching short. Video blogger.


What kind of blogger is that? Can get such a warm recommendation from Chu Ci Da!

As a result, everyone rushed to Ancheng's Weibo again.

Then, Ancheng's Weibo was once again passed on as Meidan.

This virtuous circle is exactly the same as before.

However, this time the sensation was even greater.

Because this time it involves the two actresses of Qi Xi and Shi Jian.

As the male lead, another actor is also a popular niche. His fans also felt that Chu Xi was not worthy of his family.

Naturally, as a group show, there are many supporting roles.

Especially many female matches.

And the female partners of this play, every one of them is not low.

The fans were naturally not convinced by letting their idols act as roles for Chu Xi, who was acting for the first time.

So all the families went into battle.

This wave of heat has been pushed higher and higher.

The passers-by were basically on Chu Xi's side in the end.

It's not just that the fans of the Shenghua family teamed up to fight the Chu Xi family.

Even more because, Tianchen Entertainment and the crew of "Red Makeup Chaotang" have made it clear that Chuci has already joined the group, and it is guaranteed to be the female one.

However, Chuci's text is still being updated, and there is no meaning to reduce production at all.

This is really not ordinary diligence.

Everyone knows that the entertainment industry is still very tight on time.

The female one acting in a play basically needs to get up early and go to bed late.

Usually there is not enough time to rest. This Chuci is so big that he can still maintain a daily update of 20,000 to 30,000!

People in the online literature circle are naturally shocked.

Whether it's writing or reading articles, they all know how hard it is to be more than 30,000 today.

Even if you are not in the online literature circle, you can probably guess how much energy it takes to change 20,000 to 30,000 a day.

After all, even if you don't say anything else, typing one word by word, typing two to three thousand words, is enough for an ordinary person to be exhausted and paralyzed.

Not to mention, typing like this for a long time will make your hands useless, right?

Tenosynovitis is something that everyone who plays with mobile phones and computers now knows.

Such a heroine who plays the role of a drama while maintaining a crazy update of 20,000 to 30,000 daily is really not an extraordinary "fight".

Throughout the ages, it has been visible to the naked eye, and I really haven't seen anyone fight this way!

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