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This statement also makes sense.

At least the old lady believes.

And, I agree.

After all, there is no mother in this world who is not for her son.

And her daughter-in-law's son is not her precious grandson.

Anyway, it's better than giving this job to Ancheng.

After all, Ancheng belongs to someone else's family.

When the time comes, the money has been earned and it is not given to other people's families.

Even if she doesn't talk about marrying someone, she just spends the money by herself, and it won't fall into the hands of her precious grandson An Jiabao.

So, anyway, this job is best for the little daughter-in-law.

After being instigated, Mrs. An actually went to Ang Guozhu, let him be the master, and gave An Cheng's job to the little daughter-in-law.

Ang Guozhu has always respected his mother.

After hearing what my mother said, I didn't feel anything wrong.

After all, in his heart, his mother is the biggest. His life is his mother's, let alone anything else.

You have yourself only if you have a mother.

You have a daughter if you have yourself.

Therefore, everything about yourself belongs to the mother, and accordingly, everything about your daughter should belong to your grandmother.

Even if you take everything to filial piety to your grandmother, you should.

Not to mention a small job.

Therefore, Ang Guozhu went directly to the director of the factory and asked him to give up his daughter's job to his younger siblings.

The director was completely stunned when he heard it.

These days, there are patriarchs, but none of them really pit their daughters to death.

Looking at Ang Guozhu's posture, he really wanted to drive his daughter to death.

Seeing that the director did not speak, An Guozhu saw that the other party was not very happy, so he hurried to persuade: "Director, listen to me, my sister-in-law cooks really well, and she is very diligent in doing things. She usually works outside of home. A good hand. Much better than Xiao Orange's girl."

The factory director still did not speak.

Ang Guozhu waited a little longer, but still didn't see the other party's position, so he hurriedly continued to persuade: "Director, you believe me, my sister-in-law is definitely better than An Orange!

The factory director looked at him steadily.

After a long while, he finally said: "An Cheng came to our canteen to do some chores and not to cook. There is a special cook for cooking."

"That's what my brother-in-law can do!"

Ang Guozhu answered the conversation without even thinking about it.

The director was speechless.

It was another long while before he looked at Ang Guozhu and solemnly said: "Comrade Ang Guozhu, there are many people who can do chores in this world, and many do well. Our factory really does not lack people who can do chores. Go to the mountain village to invite your brother-in-law."

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now