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Their parents were originally dual employees in the county, and their lives should have been pretty good.

But her parents' preference for sons is not good for her.

Especially after the birth of her only brother, she was even more disgusted by all kinds of things.

In this era, "filial piety" is also very popular, just like "patriarchy".

Moreover, many people have a rather rigid understanding of "filial piety" and feel that filial piety means obedient. There is no bottom line to be obedient.

An Cheng's grandmother An Cheng is a senior patriarch.

In her mind, her sons and grandchildren are human beings. Daughters and granddaughters are losing money.

Anyway, you will lose money in the future, so you have to squeeze desperately before marrying someone else. If you can squeeze a little bit more, squeeze a little bit.

The old lady worked hard all her life, but only had two sons.

Yes, two sons.

As for the daughter...

Well, this is not important.

Daughters are not counted as offspring, no matter how many births they are, it's no use.

In short, the old lady worked hard all her life and gave birth to one after another. In the end, she only had two sons.

Therefore, for her grandson, she has an obsession that transcends everything.

If it is said that she expected her son before, it is 100 points.

Now, she hopes that her grandson's heart is 200 points.

Her two sons, one is the eldest, and An Cheng's father, named An Guozhu.

Ang Guozhu worked harder and smarter, earning a job in the province and city.

Although working as a miner, it is considered hard work. But after all, after eating public meals, there is no need to make mud legs.

Naturally, he is the greatest pride of the old lady.

The youngest son of the old lady is also the youngest.

Yeah, young and old. Daughters or something are not counted among them.

In short, she has two children, one eldest and the other.

This young man is called An Guobing.

But not as smart as his brother, and not as diligent as his brother, who just knows nothing but idleness all day long.

Not to mention studying and exams to earn a future for himself, he can't even grow a lot of land.

An Guobing's laziness is well-known far and near.

When others go out to earn work points, that's really doing things.

He went to work to earn work points, but he didn't work hard.

He was even unwilling to even go to work.

Too bad the sun.

Originally, the people on the team had opinions about An Guobing's dispatch:

Everyone is working to earn work points and get the same remuneration. Why does he An Guobing rest on the ridge every day?

Work hard to grow grain, and the grain that is planted is also distributed to everyone. Evenly distribute according to work points. This Anguo soldier did nothing but came to take up work points and distribute food. Isn’t that taking advantage of everyone?

I'll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now