Untold Secrets

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♡Ayanna's P.0.V♡
I made my way to my room to clean up. Looking in the mirror there are bruises all over my face. New ones and old ones. Scratches with blood running out of them. Normally I would feel sick at the sight of blood. But when you have been abused the way I am, you kinda get used to it. I went into the bathroom to clean up my face. I wet a washcloth under warm running water and slowly pressing it against my bruises. After 10 minutes I finally finished. I had time until dad needed me in his office so I went to the living room to watch tv. After minutes of searching I decided to watch SpongeBob. 15 minutes into the show Theo came in with bruises all over his face. He has blood running out his nose, a black eye and scratches on his face and arms. His was messed up and he was dirty. He looks like he hasn't eaten in weeks.
"Theo?" I said in disbelief.
He ignored me and went straight pass me up the stairs.
"Theo what the hell happened to you?!" I said following after him. He ignored me once again. Brusting through dad's office door, "WHAT DEAL DID YOU MAKE WITH CAMERON?!"
"Firstly watch your tone when your talking to me. And second what ever deal I made was best. If I didn't there would be a war and that means alot of blood shed." He explained. What war are they talking about and what's on the bag in Theo's hand?
"He gave me this to give you" Theo said throwing the duffle bag on dad's desk. Dad opened it and smiled. He then pulled out a note and read it. His face went pale after he read it.
~what was on that piece of paper?~ I asked my self.
"You." He said pointing to me.
"Take a seat" He said pointing at the chair infront of his desk. As I sat down Jake came in.
"Hey br......what happened to your face?" He asked Theo.
"I have smth to tell you" my father spoke up and said.
I stayed silent and listened to what he had to say.
"Our family owns a mafia and we're called the Cobras" He started. I just sat there in silence. A mafia?
"You weren't supposed to tell her" Jake whisper yelled to Dad.
"Would you shut the fuck up and let me speak?" My father said slightly annoyed. After a minute of silence he spoke again. "We're number three on the most feared mafia list. And in number one is Cameron or as he is known has, Lucifer. I tried multiple times to take him down but failed. For the past year your brother has been undercover getting information on how to take him down. But he didn't get anything. His cover was blown. Hence the reason for his face looks like that. Now in order to stop a war from out breaking we made a deal. I will sell you to him or all hell will break lose. The exchange will be made tonight at the ball. YOU WILL GO TO THE BALL AND YOU WILL DO AS HE SAYS." He explained without any interruption from me or my brothers.
"You can't possibly be serious. He'll kill her the moment he gets her!" Theo said angrily.
"And I don't give a fuck if he wants to kill her. I already got my money and that's all I care about" He said to Theo.
"How much money did you get?" I asked finally speaking up. He looked at me with total anger in his eyes.
"You dear to question me?" He asked with anger inflicted in his voice and on his face. I shooked my head and stared at the tiles below my feet.
"She has a right to know. After all you are selling her to a cold blooded killer anyway" Theo said.
"No she doesn't" Jake said in a low voice.
My father looks at him with pure adoration. Theo looked like he just saw a ghost and so did I.
"That's my boy!" My father said in a happy voice. "Maybe you should be the one to take over my mafia" father said after.
"You can't be serious" Theo said with his eyebrows furrowed.
"I am" is all my father replied.
" I'm the who has been training day and night ever since I could walk! I have put my blood sweat and tears into proving to you that I am worthy of being the person you want to be. You. I'm the one that went undercover!" Theo said in a shacky voice.
"And yet you failed, hence the bruises on your face. Your pathetic!" Jake said with slight anger in his voice.
"Enough!" Father said banging his clenched fist against the wooden desk.
"SHE IS GETTING SOLD TO LUCIFER AND THAT'S FINAL! We leave at seven. And you" He said and pauses and points on me "If I see one of your scars you will be fucked. Now all of you........leave, I have some things to sort out before we leave tonight." He said. Theo stormed out angry, I left with a frown and Jake left with a smirk. What did I ever do to him?

Author's Note

Hey guys! How'd you like this chapter? The cat's out of the bag. Ayanna knows the big serecrt. What did you think? You like it?
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