New Friend?

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♡Ayanna's P.O.V ♡
After Cam walked off the stairs I grabbed an apple and made my way upstairs. On my way I saw Cam coming down.
"Oh, Lilli. Wait, can I call you that?" he asked. As long your the one calling me that I'm fine. Ofcourse I didn't say that.
"Yeah, that's fine. As long as I can call you Cam?" I questioned with a smile and he chuckled.
"That’s cool. Give me your phone so I can put my number in it and you can call whenever you need something" He explained. But the thing is I don't have a phone. My father said that I'm not allowed to have one, hence the reason I'm sometimes socially awkward and have no friends.
" see the thing is......I don't have one" I explainedto him. I could see how shocked he was without him saying a word.
"Don't worry about it, I'll get one for you on my way back. If you need anything just use Sophia's phone to ring me. Okay?"  He asked. I nodded in response. Is Sophia the girl who was in the kitchen. We both walked away, me going up and Cam going down.
"Ayanna one more thing" He said turning around, "what's your favorite colour?" My favorite colour?Why?
"Blue, I guess " I never really thought about that. But I guess if I had to pick a favorite colour it would have to be blue.
"OK, see you soon principessa " and with that he left. Wait did he say principessa? I'm no expert but I think that he is Italian. I'm not sure. I went to my room to unpack my clothes so I could settle in. I rolled the pink suit case into the closet. I took out the shirts and hoodies and hung them on the racks fold my jeans. Put my shoes and socks away. When I finished the first suit case I heard a knock on the door. I walked out of the closet and towards the door. I opened the door to see Sophia standing there with two glasses of Coca-Cola.
"You drink coke?" She asked rasing the glasses of coca-cola's in her hands. I smiled and opened the door gesturing for her to come in.
"So, what you doing?" She asked handing me one of the glasses.
"Nothing really, just unpacking" I said taking a sip of the coco-cola.
"Need any help?" She asked. I really didn't want to be a bother to her.
"No, it's okay. I wouldn't want to trouble you" I explained.
"No trouble here" she said while taking the other suit case in the closet.
She put done her coke on the chest of drawers and so did I. She sat on the floor and opened the suit case.
"I never really got your name" I was talking to her and I didn't know her name.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners. Sophia Diaz. Cameron's sister" she explained. He had a sister? No way. Maybe she was one the paintings that were removed.
"Nice to meet you" I said with a smile. I think I might like her. She helped me unpack the rest of my clothes and we finished quicker than I expected.
"So what's your story? Any siblings?" She asked getting up and taking up her drink.
"Yeah, two. Theodore and Jake " I explained stayed sitting on the floor.
'No way! Your the sister of that dude that was uncover here? Wait.......are you undercover?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.
"No, no. I literally found out about this whole mafia thing yesterday" I explained. And it was true. I literally found out like 18 hours ago. Soon after a little girl came running in.
"Mommy? Mommy? Miss Gloria said you were in here" she said standing in the room. She then came into the closet to see her mother.
"Mommy!" She exclaimed running into her mother's arms. Sophia got down on her knees and hugged her tight.
"Oh my baby! I missed you so much" she exclaimed. She was so adorable. "Em, this is Ayanna. Ayanna this is Emma" she introduced.
"Your pretty" she said with a beautiful smile.
"And so are you" I replied with a smile. She kinda looks like Sophia.
"I should take her to her room. See you soon Ayanna" Sophia said hold out her hand for Emma to take it.
"Bye Ayanna" She said grabbing on to her mother's hand. They both left. I think I might have made two new friends today. I was now alone and it's about two in the afternoon. I got up from the floor of my closest and went to take a bath. I ran the bathe then got in. I then saw the bruises all over my belly and flashbacks from last night flooded my mind. A few minutes later I got out the bath tub dried myself and put on a pair of leggings and hoodie. I wore the same convers I had on this morning. I then reapplied some foundation on my face and some lip gloss. I took up the glass and the half eaten apple and made my to the kitchen. I threw away the apple and cleaned the cup. I drank a glass of water and made my way back to my room. I was kind of sleepy so I layed down to take a nap.                               
I opened my eyes and rolled over to look at the time on the clock on my night stand. It was five thrity. I slept for a long time. I got up and sat around the table that is in my room. I stared outside lost in thoughts with my knees to my chest. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on my door.
"Come in" I said placing legs in a cris cross apple sauce style. A head peeked through the door. It was Cameron. I cannot get over the fact of how hot he was. Gosh!
"Hi"  I said smiling as I saw him push his head through the creek of the door.
"Hey" He replied fully entering the room and closing the door behind him. He had two bags in his hand. He came and sat in the chair infront of me.
"I got you something" He said smiling handing me one of the bags.
"No you shouldn't have" I said smiling. I opened the bag to see a phone box inside. No He didn't. My eyes widened in shock.
"No you didn't" He got me a phone. Holy moly! If you can't tell by now, I don't really cruse. But anyway He got me a flipping phone, "I can't accept this" it's too much. He already got me away from that he'll hole. Even though I don't know what he's gonna do with me. It can't be worse than what father has done. Right?
"I insist. Your eighteen, you should have a phone" He explained. I don't really need a phone. I have no friends. Expect Sasha and I think Sophie and Emma. I took out the box to see it was an iPhone 11 pro max.
~I've always wanted one of these~ I thought
I smiled. More like a chuckle. Not sure how there similar but stillz I was so happy I got a phone. It was a black one.
"I also got you this" He said handing me a blue phone case with my name on it. Ayanna ♡ . I love it so much. Excitement got the best of me and jumped up and hugged him. I through my arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. I got lost in his scent. He smelt muscular. It's intoxicating. He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. Hugging him has given me a feeling I've never felt before. And I don't know what it is. Realization hit me and a pulled away. I stared at the floor, my face is as red as a tomato. I think he saw it because he was smiling at me.
~think? gurl anyone could see your face because of how red it is~ I mentally cursed myself. He stood up right infront of me. The top of my head resting on his broad chest. He used one of his hands and lifts face by my chin so I was looking into his eyes.
"Don't be embarrassed bambina. I liked our little hug" He said looking into my eyes and smiling, " I also got you this" He said once again holding up the other bag that was in his hand. I placed the phone and phone case on the table and took the bag. When I opened it, it was a sky blue Mac book.
~this is too much~ i thought
"I-" I was cut of by him.
"I got it for you as a present, so smile and say thank you. No complaints" He sassed.
"Thank you" I said looking back up at him and smiling.
"Your Welcome" He replied. Wait, yesterday was Saturday and today is Sunday that means I have school tomorrow. Shot! All my school supplies are back at the house.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked him walking away and sitting back down on the chair.
"Sure" He said also taking a seat.
"Can I go to school. I still have a few months left. And I would love to finish. If that's okay with you?" I asked. I really hope he says yes. I really do want to graduate high school.
"Yeah sure. No problem" He said. Wait I can actually go! Yass queen! "But only on one condition" Oh no! "I have to drop you off and pick you up. Everyday. And if I can't make it, one of the boys or Sophia. Deal?" He questioned. Free ride to and from school. Ofcourse I'm taking the deal.
"Deal!" I said with a smile. "There's one slight problem tho. I don't have my books, there at my father's house" I explained fiddling with my fingers.
"No worries" He said he took out his phone and dialed someone's number.
"Get someone to go to Francis' house and get Ayanna's school supplies" He said and then hung up the phone. "I have some work to get done, so I'll be in my office. Ok?" He said getting up and walking to the door. I simply nodded. I was alone again. I took the free time to set up my new phone and computer.
It's now six thirty and I have finished setting up both devices. I was now kind of hungry so I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. I'm not great cook so I just made a bowl of cereal washed the dishes and went back to my room. I decided it was time to take a shower and get changed into my PJ's. I went into the closet and took a pair of pajama pants and a sports bra. I then went into the bathroom, took a shower and then  put on my PJ's. I brushed my hair a couple of times then I brushed my teeth. Both my face and stomach are killing me right now. I finish brushing my teeth and then went back into my room. I figured that maybe if I go to sleep then I won't feel the pain anymore. I layed down on my bed trying to close my eyes. But I couldn't, the pain was too much. I got up to see if could find Cameron. I figured he'd still be in his office, so I went there. I went down the stairs and to his office. I knocked on the door then entered. What I saw in there was definitely not meant for me to see.

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