Happy Birthday

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♡Ayanna's P.O.V♡
I woke up early this morning to make him a birthday breakfast. I can't believe my baby is already five. It's feels like only yesterday I gave birth to him. I made him chicken nuggets with eggs. I poured a glass of orange juice before going to wake him.
"Happy Birthday to you, happy bot to you. Happy birthday dear Asher, happy birthday to you" I singed holding back tears.
~he's five. he missed five years~ 
"Mama?" He smiled sheepishly sitting up on his bed. I turned the camera to front camera sitting beside him.
"Happy Birthday baby" I kissed his cheek hugging him.
"Thank you" he wrapped his arms around me. I could never get old of his hugs. I stopped recording enjoying this moment with him. If I were to ever loose him I'd loose myself with him. I picked him up and started walking to the kitchen. 
"I made you birthday breakfast" I said to him.
"Chicken nuggies?" He asked excitingly. I nodded my head and smiled as as he cheered. I sat him infront the plate and he started eating.
~god i love him~
"You ready?" I asked putting on his spidermanvmask. He loves Marvel so I figured it would be nice to add  something he loves. He smiled nodding in response. I kissed his forhead before standing and opening the door.
"Happy Birthday, Ashton!" His friends shouted excitingly. They all ran him and hugged him. They were wearing costumes of the different Marvel characters. They then ran to the backyard. I smiled loving how happy he is.
"Summer, so happy to see you" one of the moms smiled.
"Happy to see you too Karen" I know she doesn't like but I don't care. We all greeted each other while they handed me the gifts and followed the kids to the backyard. I put the gifts on the counter before following behind them. It's a outdoor theater party. I downloaded the new Spider-Man movie for them. It's about two hours so that good. I made sure everyone was comfortable before turning on the projector I borrowed from my neighbor. I connected the speakers to my laptop before pulling up the movie and pressing play. The kids cheered making me smile. I walked back into the house to start making the popcorn. I too out a pan lighting the stove and putting the pan on the flame. I poured in some oil before opening the packet with the popcorn seeds and pouring some in the pot. I covered it with the lid before getting to buckets ready. After like ten minutes I made enough for the kids. I took up the buckets walking out back. I gave each the kids one then went back in for the juice boxes.
"Do guys want something?" I asked the moms.
"What do have to offer?" Karen asked.
"Wine" I replied simply.
~she gets my nerves~
"Cheap wine?" She asked again.
"Yes" I replied frustratingly. I'm not rich lady. I practically live from paycheck to paycheck.
"Well have the wine" Suzie replied.
"Water" said Karen.
I rolled my eyes at her before going back into the house to get their drinks. I might have judged the other moms wrongfully. It's just Karen who's a bitch. She's a house mom who married a millionaire. I brought them their drinks before sitting and watching the movie. About half an hour into the movie all the boys finished their popcorn and asked for more. I got up and made it for them. Ash has not taken his eyes off the screen since the movie started. He's such a big Marvel fan. I feel kinda guilty that he can't watch all the Marvel movies. They cost a lot of money to rent and way more to buy. And I don't have a Netflix subscription. I can't spend money unnecessarily. When the movie was almost finished I got up to get them ice-cream. I also ate some. When the movie finished I got up to put the candles in the cake we made. Not the best looking but it's something. I still can't believe my baby is five.
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Asher. Happy birthday to you" we all sang him the birthday sang. He sat grinning his teeth. I love how happy he always is. I never want that smile to turn into a frown. He closed his eyes for a second making his wish before blowing out the candles. We all cheered and clapped. The kids ran around the yard while I packaged the cake for everyone. It's almost seven and the kids have school tomorrow. We said bye to everyone before I gave Ashton a slice while I went to clean up the backyard. I folded the blankets and picked up the pillows. I put them aside before picking up the garbage. I brought the blankets and pillows to the washroom before going back outside. I took down the white sheet that the movie was projected on and brought it inside along with my laptop. I brought the projector and speaker to the kitchen. I smiled at Ash and cut another piece of cake for my neighbor.
"I'll be back soon" I kissed his cheek and walked out the front door.  I walked to my neighbors house. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. The door opened reveling Sydney. She's the daughter of the couple that lives here.
"Hey Summer" she greeted.
"Hi, I brought back the speakers and I brought a slice f cake" I smiled handing them to her.
"Thanks for the cake. Tell Ashton I said happy birthday" se replied. She closed the door and I walked back over to the house.
"Mama, I'm finished" Ash singed after I walked into the kitchen.  I gave him a glass of water before taking up the plate and fork. I washed everything that was used. When Ash finished the water I also washed the cup. I helped Ash down before walking to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth before we went to his room. He changed into his pj's before walking over to his bed.
"Ash, do wanna pee?" I asked before he could climb onto the bed. He groaned making me laugh. He walked back to the bathroom and going to pee.
~someone's sleepy~
I heard the toilet flush.
"Remember to wash your hands!" I shouted. I heard another groan before I heard water running. After a few more seconds the door opened and he walked back into his room and climbing on the bed. I tucked him in before kneeling beside the bed.
"Don't you want to open your presents?" I asked him.
"Tomorrow" he muttered in a sleepish voice. He leaned up cupping my cheeks and kissing the tip of my nose.
"Night mama. I love you" he muttered laying back down.
"I love you too baby" I moved his curly hair from his forhead before kissing it. I turned on the lamp beside his bed before standing up. I turned of the light that illuminated through the room leaving the light from the lamp on. I closed his door before walking to my room to get ready for bed.


I opened my eyes rubbing away the sleep before turning off the alarm. I got up and made my bed before going to the bathroom to take a shower. After I showered I brushed my teeth. I then went to my room to change. I wore a pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt with the logo of my work place on it. I packed my bag with the things I might need for the day. I sprayed on my perfume before brushing my hair and tieing it into a ponytail. Then took up my things and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. When I was almost finished I went to wake Ash.
"Ash, baby it's time to wake up" I kissed his cheek he stirred a bit before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He got up and walked to the bathroom. I made his bed before picking out an outfit for him. I then went back to finish making breakfast. Asher walked into the kitchen while I was making his lunch. He climbed onto the stool and started eating breakfast. I packed everything in his lunchbox. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, juice box, apple slices, a bottle of water and a go-gurt. I took a sticky note and wrote a little note on it for him. It read 'I love you always. Love Mama'. I sticked it on the water bottle before closing it. I then went to make sure his backpack was packed.
"Finished mama!" Ash yelled from the kitchen.
"Go brush your teeth baby" I replied. I continued to get everything ready. I then went to wash the dishes. After he came back we opened his presents. I got him a night light and a Spiderman action figure. The other gifts were toys and play dough. I helped him put his backpack on and handed him his lunchbox.
"Ready?" I asked holding his hand. He nodded his head in response. I smiled at him and we walked out the door. I closed it before walking to the curb waiting on the bus. When the bus came I kissed his cheek and he waved bye to me. I smiled as I watched him go on the bus. The bus drove off and I started arranging for an Uber. Luckily I remembered I forgot my apron. I quickly went back to the house. I unlocked the door before going to my room for a clean one. I hurriedly walked back to the door. I opened the door and instantly ran into a hard object. I looked up. My heart beat fastened and my breathing uneven. I never thought that I would see him again. He's here. Infront of me.

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