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I sat on the floor helplessly waiting for the shots to stop firing. Emma lied on my lap sleeping. Not long after the door slid open and Cameron came in. He walked and knelt before Emma and I.
"You alright? Are you hurt?"He asked cupping my face in his hands.
"No, I'm fine" I replied, placing the gun on the floor and placing my hands over his. Tears began to fall from my eyes.
"Hey hey. Don't cry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's gonna be okay" he comforted, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"Come let's go" he said, getting up and lifting Emma off my leg. We walked outside and saw Sophia running towards us.
"Get her dressed and packed. One hour" he told her, handing the sleeping Emma to her. Changed? Packed? Where is she going? He then grabbed ahold of my hands and walked to my room. He walked into the closet and started packing my clothes into one of the suitcases.
"Why are you packing my stuff?" I asked worriedly, "Are you kicking me out?" I asked once again.
"No, It's not safe here" I said while he continued packing.
"Not safe? I'm with you, I'm safe" I shouted. He stopped packing and looked at me
"Listen okay, word got out that I killed my father. The people working for him are looking for revenge. And they won't stop until they kill me and everyone I love," he explained. He then grabbed another suitcase. Wait love? Did he say love?
"Get dressed"
I grabbed some clothes, shoe and walked to the bathroom. I got changed and brushed my hair. I wore a pair of jeans, nude bodysuit and a black flannel. I paired it with a pair of black boots. I walked into the room. Cameron then came out the closet with the two suitcases.
"I'll be right back," he said walking out of the room. I went and sat on my bed. I layed down and stared at the ceiling. A minute later he came back in with a black matey backpack. My mouth hung open in surprise.
"It's not anything big, but it's okay, I guess," he explained, smiling. I got off the bed and ran up to hug him. I'm really appreciative of what I've got and what I'm given. We both pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. Well I was looking in his eyes, his gaze was on my lips.
~just kiss me already~
I got tired of waiting and tipped on my tippy toes and kissed him. Our lips moved in sync. He wrapped his arms around my waist and wrapped my hands around his neck playing with his hair. He licked my bottom lip as if asking for permission and I gave him an entrance. Our tongues danced together in a passionate kiss. I feel like I'm on cloud nine. Fireworks erupted around me. I feel like I am floating. When I'm in his arms I feel like nobody in the world can hurt me. I feel safe when I'm with him. We both pulled away to catch our breaths. We looked at each other smiling for a while. He took my hands and led me to the bed. We sat on the bed and he explained to me what's going to happen.
"You and Emma will be going to Jamaica under the alias Mia and Ava Moore. Ava's father is not in the picture. Here's your ID, driver's license, basically every form of identification card and a bank card" he explained, opening the bag and taking out a purse with everything he said would be there. Including some cash. "You have a bank account, the code is 2565. It has ten million dollars. We don't know how long it will take to eliminate the problem; So I want you guys to have as much money as possible. This is the key for the car you'll be driving to the airport and this one's for the car in Jamaica '' he said, taking two car keys from the bag. "The car in Jamaica is a White Ford Fusion with the license plate 5560 MA. This is the key for your house" he said taking out a key. "Your address is 1045 east west road St.Catherine. Here are your passports and plane tickets. Your flight is at mid-night. This is the phone that we'll use to contact you. Don't use it to call anybody. Don't call any of us. Got it?" he asked. I nodded my head saying yes. He pulled me for a hug. Not knowing when or if I'll ever get to hug him again was really heartbreaking. Before I knew it I started crying. He rubbed the back of my head comforting me.
"I promise once this is over I'll come get you myself"
We sat in each other's embrace for a few minutes before we heard a knock on the door. It was Grey.
"Everything is ready and set to go," he explained. He then walked away.
"Okay, It's time to go" He said, releasing me from his embrace and cupping my face. I shook my head and hugged him as tight as possible.
"Come on principessa, don't do this not now. Per favore" he begged. I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. I walked out and saw Cameron waiting with the suitcases in his hand.
"Grab the bag and your phone and let's go" I took up my bag and phone then followed him down stairs. Bullet holes in the walls the whole place was trashed.
"Did you pack my mom's perfume" I asked after we stopped in the living room
"Yeah, I did," he answered. Soon after Max, Sophia and Emma came down the stairs. Max with the suitcases and Sophia walking and holding Emma's hand. Sophia's eyes were red and puffy. It was evident that Max was also crying. It seems as if he was trying to be strong for Sophia. Sophia walked up to me and hugged me.
"Please take care of my bambina"
"I promise"
"Did you explain everything to her?" Cameron asked Sophia.
"Yeah, she understands everything," Sophia replied with a sad tone.
"Mommy, I forgot something" Emma said tugging on Sophia's hand. Sohpia stooped down in front of her.
"What did you forget miele" Sophia asked.
"My student of the month trophy," Emma said.
"Alright, go get it," Sophia told her. Emma ran up the stairs to go get her trophy. Cameron and Max packed all the suitcases in the car. Sophia strapped Emma and gave a kiss on the forehead. I gave Cameron one last hug before I left. He kissed me on the forehead then I walked to the car and drove off.
▪︎Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Ava. Happy birthday to you▪︎
"Make a wish honey" I told Ava, putting the cake down on the table. She closed her, made a wish and blew out the candles. We all clapped our hands.
"Are you going to tell me what you wished for?" I asked cheekily.
"No mama if I tell you then it won't come true" she replied. I chuckled and took up the cake and brought it to the kitchen.
"Go have fun kids!" Shouted walking away from the table.
"Mia, yu want mi fi help yu wid dat?" one of the moms asked.
[Mia do you want me to help you with that]
"Yea man" I replied.
I've been here a year and the patios have really grown on me. I sat the cake down on the counter and got the foam plates and two knives. I handed one to Britney. We sliced the cake into small pieces and put them on the plates once all the plates were finished. I got two trays and put the plates on them to hand them out to the kids. After everyone ate their cake, they had a little more fun before they all started leaving with their parents.
"Bye Britney and Prethika!" I said as they walked away. I then closed the gate and grill and walked back to the backyard to clean up.
"Come on Ava time to clean up" I said as she was still jumping on the trampoline. We started to clean up everything. By seven we had finished cleaning and Ava went to take a shower. After she finished I then took a shower. We were now in our jammies in the living room opening presents.
"It's a coloring book with crayons!" She exclaimed I chuckled at how excited she is
"I'll be right back. I'm going to get a slice of cake" I said, getting up and going to the kitchen. I sliced a piece of cake and walked back to the living room. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a tall built figure at the gate. The plate slipped from my hand and fell onto the floor breaking into pieces. The fork made a clanking sound as it hit the floor. The tall built figure looked like Cameron. My breathing got shaky as I looked at him.
"Mama, what's wrong?" Ava asked to getting up and walking towards me. She saw I was staring at something and turned her gaze to where I was looking.
"Zio? Zio!" She exclaimed, grabbing the keys from the entertainment center and opening the grill. She ran outside. He opened the gate and he came in hugging her.
"Ehi scimmia, mi sei mancata così tanto" He said while hugging her.
[Hey monkey, I missed you so much"
"Anche tu mi sei mancato zio" she replied.
[I missed you too uncle]
I still planted in the same stop not believing that he was actually here. He released her from the hug and started walking towards me. He stepped over the broken pieces of glass and was directly in front of me. Even when he's this close I still can't believe that he's here.
"Hi principessa" He said in a low husky voice. I started crying and threw myself in his arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. The feeling of safety, happiness and everything returned. Being in his embrace is all I need.
"I missed you so much" I said, holding onto him tighter while crying my eyes out. I lifted my head to look at him. I tipped on my highest tippy toe to kiss him. He met me halfway and our lips connected in a passionate kiss.
"Ew! I'm going to bed" Ava complained walking to her room. We pulled away from the kiss and chuckled.
"Umm, I'm going to clean this up" I said sniffling and wiping away my tears. I cleaned up the broken pieces and the cake then went to sit beside Cameron.
"Is everybody okay?" I asked him
"Apart from a few broken arms, legs and a few gunshot wounds. But, yeah. Everybody is okay," he explained. "Come here," he said, opening his arms. I got closer to him and laid my head on his chest.
"You grew out your hair" He said while stroking my hair. My hair is no longer shoulder length but it now falls mid-back.
"Yeah, I figured I might try something new" I replied
"I like it" he complimented. We stayed silent after. Not an uncomfortable silence, but a rather comfortable one. Just simply enjoying each other's presence. I soon began to drift off to sleep peacefully for the first time in a year.
I opened my eyes to see that I was in my room. I could smell bacon frying. I never knew I was hungry until I smelt it. I walked to the bathroom to tinkle and brush my teeth. I then walked to the kitchen to see Cameron and Emma making breakfast.
"Morning Mama" Emma greeted upon seeing me enter the kitchen.
"Morning sweetheart" I replied
"Morning principessa" Cameron greeted with a smile
"Morning," I replied smiling.
We all sat down and ate breakfast.
"We leave at noon" Cameron stated while taking a sip of his coffee.
"Noon! That only gives me three hours to pack!" Emma exclaimed, getting up from the table and running to her room. Not long after she ran back for her plate and cup of orange juice.
"I am still hungry," she said before running off to her room.
"I should go and pack too" I said getting up. Cameron grabbed onto my hand and pulled me on his lap. He then pulled me into a kiss. This time the kiss was filled with lust, need. He pulled away cupping my face.
"I still owe you a date" he said while stroking my cheek. My cheeks flush red and I bit down on my bottom lip. He used his thumb and pulled my lip from my teeth.
"How many times have I told you not to do that" he said in a low husky voice using his fingers to caress my lips.
"I should get packing" I replied nervously
"Okay" he replied, chuckling. I got up from his lap and walked to my room to start packing.
"Mama! Have you seen my black headband?" Emma asked entering my room.
"It's on the glass table in the living room,'' I replied.
"Thank you" she said walking away.
I curled my hair and applied light makeup. It was very hot today so I wore an army green romper and a spaghetti crop top. I paired it with a pair of white nikes. I was fixing my hair when Emma walked in.
"Can you please fix my hair?" She asked, holding a hair brush and a box full of hair accessories.
"C'om, sit down," I said, getting up and pointing to the chair. I sectioned her hair in four pieces. The two back pieces are bigger than the top ones. I braided the two back pieces to the front of her head. I then made two pigtails with the braids and then made a bun that looked kinda messy.
"There you go honey" I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you" she said, getting up taking her brush and box with her. I then finished packing my things.
We pulled up at the airport at twelve on the dot. We walked into the hangar and boarded the private jet.
"We moved to a different house because of the incident that happened a year ago" Cam explained.
"Am I still going to have my own room?" Emma asked excitingly.
"Of Course monkey," Cam replied. Emma clapped her hands in excitement. We then took off and began our journey back to the states.
We landed in America at four. The door opened and I walked out. Outside were the boys and Sophia. I made eye contact with her and smiled, tears flooded my eyes.
"Mama! Papa!" Emma shouted, stepping down the steps of the plane. She ran towards her parents, her parents fell to their knees and hugged their daughter. A happy reunion. I walked over to the boys and gave them all a hug.
"I missed you," Alec said as he hugged me.
"I missed you too," I replied. Alex and I have grown close, he's like a third brother to me. I then walked over to Sophia and gave her the biggest hug ever.
"Thank you. Thank you so much for taking care of my baby" she said with tears running down her cheeks.
"No need to thank me. I'll do anything to protect her" I replied. I walked over to Max and hugged him.
"Thank you" He said
"No need for thanks" I replied
We all then walked over to the different cars and drove to the new house. About an hour later we arrived at the mansion. It was more grand than the last one. It looks like a king lived here. Beautifully decorated garden, water fountain, beautiful lawn exotic cars parked in the front.
~i'm going to live here?~
"Welcome home principessa" Cameron said. We got out the the car and stood in front of the house. It's absolutely amazing. We all then walked into the house. I was decorated with balloons. A sign was hung. It read 'Welcome home Ayanna and Emma'. They planned a surprise party. Cake, popcorn, snacks and drinks sat on a table.
"You guys! This is amazing!" I exclaimed in excitement. Emma stood beside me with her mouth hung open. Decoration aside, this living room is amazing. I feel like I would feel bad if I spilled something on the tiles.
"Welcome home!" They all shouted.
We all walked in and sat on the couch. We all dug into the snacks and watched movies. We watched movies until midnight. By this time almost everyone was asleep except Cameron, Andre, Taylor Max and me.
"I'm gonna go put my two lovely ladies to bed" Max said getting up. He took Sophia on his shoulder and Emma on his side.
"Goodnight" I said as he walked away.
"You should get some rest also," Cam said looking at me.
"Ok" I said in a sleepish voice. We both got up and Cam showed me to my room. It's even more lovely than the other two.
"My room is to your right. If you need anything just let me know,"he said. He gave me a kiss on the forehead before walking to his room. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I then changed into pajama shorts and a sports bra. I laid down in bed trying to sleep but couldn't. I got up from the bed and walked to Cameron's room. I knocked on the door and opened it, he wasn't there. I walked around the big house for a few minutes; that's when I saw a study room. Cameron sat behind a big desk drenched in paper work. I walked into the study; I leaned on the desk beside his chair.
"Why aren't you in bed?" He asked, looking up from his paperwork and looking at me.
"Couldn't sleep. You look exhausted, when was the last time you slept?" I asked him.
"A month ago" He replied
"You should really get some rest" I said softly. He used his left hand and grabbed onto my waist. He then pulled me towards him. He hugged my waist and laid his head on my stomach. I used my hands to play in his hair to comfort him. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he picked me up. My legs straddled him and my hands around his neck. We walked into his room and he laid me on his bed. He then lay down between my legs and rested his head on my stomach. I resumed my actions and played in his hair. Soon after I fell asleep.

Author's Note

Here's an update on sold to the devil. I will try to upload one more chapter today or tomorrow but not sure. Ayanna and Emma, sorry Ava and Mia were in Jamaica for a year. Mi aguh see weh mi can do for ehh next chapter. Inna di lates!
Remember to vote,comment, like and follow me.

PS. Tash♡

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