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♡Ayanna's P.O.V♡
After he left I changed in the clothes he gave to me and went to look for him. I was really tired so I wanted to go to bed. I opened the door only to see a beautifully decorated house. White walls with black and grey decore. I turned to left as he said and walked. I saw a painting of Cam. Is their anytime that this man doesn't look like a snack? Two empty spots stood beside it. I know that because their are dirt marks in the shape of huge painting.
~what was their?~
I arrived at the third door to the left. I knocked.
"Come in" god this man is gonna be the death of me! I open the the door and went in. I saw Cam behind this big black desk. He had a pair of glasses on his face.
~he wore glasses?!~
He look up from the paper work he was doing. His brown eyes connected with my green ones. For a minute I forgot I wanted to sleep.
"Umm...want to go to bed. Where am I sleeping?" I asked in a soft tone fidleing with my fingers.
"Oh yes, I'll show you to your room" he responded getting of from his desk and taking of his glasses. We walked out of his office turned right and then up a flight of stairs. We stopped at the fourth door.
"This is your room" He said opening the two grand doors. A queen sized bed stood in the middle of the room. With a fire place and a television above it. Over into the far corner of the room was a small coffee table with comfortable looking chairs on each side. A beautiful chandelier hung above the table. Infront were windows I assume had a view of the back yard.
In the near corner on the right was my bathroom. It has a beautiful white counter with beautifully tiled white floors. A glass shower and a bath tub with a beautiful view if I might say so my self.
On the left was my walk in closet it's absolutely amazing. A ton load of closest space including a chest of
drawers. A white one if I might add. A circle mirror above it and a white fluffy rug in front of it.
My room at my father's house is nothing compared to this. My father is rich and all, but he always treated me like a dog on the street begging for food. I am grateful for what I had, even if it wasn't much.
"You like it?" Cam asked in a soft voice.
"No......I love it. It's absolutely amazing" I exclaimed
"Glad you do. You can meet everyone else in the morning. Sleep well" He said exiting the room. I went to bed feeling calm and collected.
"Get up you piece of shit" my father shouted dragging me out of bed.
~what did I do now~
He pulled be towards his office and through me in. He came in after me and slammed the door. He threw punch after punch and kick after kick.
"You.Are.Nothing.But.A.Worthless.Piece.Of. Shit!" He shouted angrily. Each word with a kick to the stomach.
"Please stop" I cried.
I woke up with sweat dripping down my forhead.
~thank god I was dream~ I thought
It was already morning. I got up and made my bed. After I went to take a shower and brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror as brushed my hair in a towel looking at all my bruises. Then it finally hit me, I have nothing to wear! Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I shouted from the bathroom. I peeked through the door to see a old lady.
"Excuse me miss, Mr.Diaz sent me here with these suit cases. He says your clothes are in here " she explained 
"Thank you" I replied and with that she left.
I walked out the bathroom to see two large suit cases.
~OMG, I hope she didn't bring these up the stairs by her self.~ I thought
I opened the suit case that was pink with my name on. My mother gave it me for our first family vacation. We went to Bora Bora for the entire summer. I opened it to see a note from my dear friend Sasha.
Hey pumpkin, I hope your enjoying your forevercation. Get it because your not coming back to this hell hole. I hope your doing ok. I really miss you. Your mother's perfume is wrapped up in your favorite pair of jeans. Oh, and I almost forgot. I put some makeup in a pink pouch in the other suit case. I figured you might need it until your bruises heal up.
Love you, bye!
Your friend Sasha
P.S Mary says hi!
~I miss you too Sasha~ I thought.
I took my favorite pair of jeans out, and there it was. My mom's perfume. I walked into my closest and placed it carefully on my chest of drawers. I then picked up my favorite pair of jeans and a black sweat shirt with my white convers. Thank god it's kind of chilly today or else I would look weird in warm clothes when it's hot outside. I opened the other suit case and took out the pink pouch. I used a little bit of foundation, just to cover up the bruises and a little lip gloss. I had to put a little foundation on my neck also because I had some bruises there too. I wasn't all that lucky today because the wound from which I got from my father, wait that wasn't clear. When he punched me for talking to the man he sold me to. Yes that's better, was still showing because it's still fresh. I knew there was nothing I could do about it so I just let it be. I then made my way down stairs and into the kitchen. I saw a group of men sitting around the island having a conversation in the kitchen while Cameron was making breakfast. I walked in slowly and said "Good morning" the kitchen went silent and all eyes were on me.
~I hate being the center of attention~ I thought
"Oh, I almost forgot. Guys meet Ayanna. Ayanna meet Cole, Alex, Gray, Andre, Taalor, Alec and you already know Maxton" He said pointing to each individual as he said their names. They all looked fit and well in shape. And handsome. But not as handsome as the devil himself- Lucifer - omg did I just say that?
"Hi" they all said in unison.
Cameron guided me to an empty seat on the island and I sat there.
"Dude, what did you do to her?" The one introduced as Alec asked reaching for my face. I tilted my head in the opposite direction trying to avoid his hand.
" I did nothing, ora se non togli le mani da lei in due secondi non avrai mani!" He snarled. What language is that where is he from. Alec quickly moved his hands and rejoined their little group conversation.
{ Italian translation: now if you don't get your hands away from her in two seconds you won't have hands! }
They were having a conversation on who's the best super hero.
"It obviously Superman, like come on it's obvious" Gray argued. Andre and Taalor nodded indicating that they agree.
"No, Spider man is. How many people do you climbing up walls like spiders. Look how many of them Fly. Like Captin America, Green Lantern Wonder Woman, Supergirl" He was cut of by a beautiful blue eyed burnnett who entered the kitchen.
"And she's the best, no questions asked" she said walking up to Maxton placing a kiss on his lips.
"And who's the new girl?"she asked looking at me.
"Oh that's Ayanna" Alec said.
"And who's Ayanna?" She asked once again
"None of your business" Cam said turning around from the stove.
"Hey there sailor, long time no see" she said.
"You can say that again" He said turning back around to the stove.
" So, Ayanna which is it, Superman, Spider-Man or Supergirl?" She questioned. All eyes were on me again.
"Ummmm.......none? I'm gonna have to say Wonder Woman. The way she left her life in the Amazon to stop a war. That's what you call selflessness. She kinda knew the risks. Never being able to see her mother again. Superman and Supergirl are both the same. Plus Wonder Woman doesn't fly" I explained
"Fair about you Cameron" she asked turning her attention to Cameron.
"I think I'm gonna have to agree with Ayanna on this one" He said looking at me with those lovely brown eyes.
"No fair" Alec said crossing his arms
"Quit acting like a baby" Maxton said rolling his eyes.
"Okay, breakfast is ready" Cam said turning around with two plates in his hands. One with a huge stack of pancakes and the other with scrambled eggs and bacon. The boys instantly rushed to grab their own.
"Hey! Have you no manners? Let the guest go first" the girl said looking at me. I still don't know her name tho.
"Oh, no thank you. I'm not hungry" I said shaking my head slightly.
"You need to eat in order to take the pills. Or else your face will feel like shit " Cam explained. And he was right. So I took up a plate and took one pancake, a little bit of scrambled egg and two pieces of beacon. As soon as I finished the boys rushed towards the two plates. In a matter of seconds both plates were spotless. Cameron took out a bottle of orange juice and a 8 glasses. One for each person. Why wasn't he eating anything? He poured me a glass and gave me the pill on a piece of napkin.
"Aren't you gonna eat something?" I asked him
"I don't normally eat breakfast" He replied. What why? I will admit I sometimes don't eat breakfast also, but that's after my father beats the crap out of me and I can't swallow nothing. This one time I couldn't eat for a whole month. I lost a lot of weight. I looked really skinny and malnourished.
"That’s not good. You should really eat something" I explained.
"No it's okay. Really" He said. I still wasn't taking no for an answer. I cut a piece of pancake and raised it to his mouth. He refused, but after he saw I wasn't giving up, he finally took a bite. The whole kitchen erupted with ohh's and laughter. Once again the center of attention.
"ok ok. È abbastanza" I still don't know what language that is. I don't even have a phone so I can research it
[Italian translation - ok, ok, that's enough]
"We leave in ten minutes so hurry up" He said once again. Where are they going. Wait their in the mafia so their probably going to do mafia stuff. I finished eating and took my pill. Afterwaards I got up and put my plate in the sink.
"Do you want me to do the dishes?" I asked Cam
"No, it's okay Gloria will do that" He explained walking off and going upstairs.

Author's Note
Hey! Here the other chapter for tonight. Hope you enjoy. Ayanna meet Cameron's family! I will probably post another chapter tonight. Not sure yet, but maybe.
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