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Cameron's P.O.V 

She was shot. She was fucking shot and she didn't even know is. She was about to pass out when Mikhail caught her. 
~that fucking bastard~ 
He the son of Aleski; the heir to his father's mob. 
"Cameron, or is is Albert?" He asked sarcastically putting an unconscious Ayanna on his shoulder. "Whatever, i don't care" he shrugged 
"Mikhail, I swear to the dev-" I started but he cut me off. 
"Shh! I won't let her die....... yet. The bullet was made with a sedative. You have 72.......no let me me a little bit more generous" he paused and acted as if he was thinking.  
All I can think about is if Ayanna is alive. 
~please be alive~ 
"You have 73 hours to find me or I'll mail you a box with her tongue in it, then her eye, then her ears. You get what I'm trying to say" he shrugged waving his gun around. He gestured for one of his goons and he walked over to me. 
"Don't do anything stupid" he warned as the goon placed a blade in my hands. I kept my anger in as they walked away with her. 
~i did this. it's my fault~ 
I waited until I heard a car speed of before I used the blade to cut the rope on my hand then my feet. I got up and cut everyone loose. Sophia wrapped her arms around Max before she came and hugged me.
"I think I should tell you this but I know if a I do you won't think straight" she said as she pulled away. I looked at her and she was pale with a worried expression on her face. The same looked she had when she found out she was pregnant.
"Sophia are you pregnant?" I asked with my eyebrow raised not sure why she thought it would make my head go crazy.
"Are you?" Max asked with a hopeful tone.
"No, I'm not" she replied looking up at me to read my expression. "Ayanna is" she continued searching for my reaction. Wait what? Really? I'm gonna be a da- she was shot. Suddenly my surroundings where spinning and I couldn't hear anything Sophia was say. My breaths got uneven. I took slow deep breaths to calm myself. She was pregnant. With my baby and she....got shot. It's......dead. That makes two babies that died because of me. We were going to start a family. Even though I didn't know. I was going to have a family with her.
"Cameron, you need-" Sophia started but I cut her off.
"That motherfucker's dead" I grit storming out the building . I'll find him and I will make sure he suffers to the point where he'll beg me to kill him but I won't. He'll see the rage of the motherfucking devil!
I kicked open a door and shot the five guards inside, "Clear!" I yelled walking back out.
"There not here" Max said stating the obvious.
"No shit" I shook my head walking out the warehouse.
I've been a bad mood if you can't tell.
"Cameron we're going to find her" Sophia said in attempts to calm me.
~i won't feel calm until u find her and know that she's alright~
"I'm not so sure of that one" I replied getting in the armored truck. Everyone else got in and we drove back to the house. We're still in Russia and it's been two days since Ayanna was taken. We've been raiding the warehouses that belong to the Russian mob. Twenty for warehouses and still nothing. There's a good ten more left in Kazan. No one has slept a wink since she was taken. I've been on the edge since she was shot and I found out she was pregnant. I've been short tempered. I've killed one hundred of my own men because they either disagreed with le, asked for rest and the rest just irritated me. The van parked outside the mansion in Kazan and we got out.
"Gear up we leave at five" I ordered walking up to the door.
"Boss, it's been-" one of my men said walking up behind me but was cut off with a bullet through his head.
"Clean this up, five sharp" I ordered opening the door and walking in. I walked into my study and through my gun on gun on the couch. I took off the bullet proof vest before stripping of my weapons. I walked over to the chair and sat down.
~why can't I fucking find her!~
I'm just hoping she's alive. I took out my phone and started scrolling through pictures of her.
~yes i'm being that person~
Pictures of her sleeping, laughing, playing with Emma, her staring at the ring I got her, her eat-. The ring I got her.
~there's a fucking tracker in it~
How did I forget that? I got up and practically ran out the room. 
"Grey!" I yelled running around the house trying to find him. "Grey!" I yelled once again. I turned and ran up the stairs. I saw him running down.
"What's wrong?" He asked with panic.
"I need you to track a chip. It's in the ring I gave Ayanna" I explained out of breath. We went back into my office and sat around my desk and started typing away on the laptop. 
"What's the code for the chip?" He asked still typing.
"1232006" I told him the code. He typed it in and continued typing.
"The location here says she's in Japan" he said still typing.
"A somewhere in Kayto. I can't say a specific location. They  have signal blocker jamming the signal" he explained still typing away.
"Get the jets ready" I ordered walking out. Please be alive bambina.
♡Ayanna's P.O.V♡
My eyes slowly fluttered open. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit but couldn't because of the pain in my stomach. My hand rested on my belly as the memories of what happened came back.
~i lost my baby~
A tear slipped from my eyes. The baby wasn't even born yet and I loved it with all my heart. Give he or she the best life possible. The life I didn't get. The love I lost. I wasn't excited at first because I wasn't sure what Cameron would think but I realized I would be happy with my baby either way.
~shit! cameron!~
I wiped away my tears before sitting up. I tried moving my legs but it's chained to a bed. I looked around and took in my surroundings. I was in a dark room with only a bulb as the source of light. It's a small room with a toilet in the corner and a sink beside it. I'm laying on a small bed with white sheets and I'm in the same clothes I was in. There's an iron chair in the center of the room. And an iron door leading outside to I have no idea where. There's also a camera over the door pointing directly at me. The opened reveling two very tall built men. They walked over to me. One held my hands while the other unlocked my legs. They picked me up and sat me on the chair before chaining me to it. They then left. A man then walked in.
"Your awake!" He cheered, "I'm Mikhail" he introduced

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