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Picture of Cameron and Sophia's parents
👿Cameron's P.O.V👿
Why the fuck did I breakdown in front of her? If it's one thing I hate, it's me looking weak. I could feel that she fell asleep because she stopped messaging my scalp. I laid her down on the bed and tucked her in. Soon after, my phone rang and I had to deal with some work in my office. I kissed Ayanna on her forehead and left the room.
♡Ayanna's P.O.V♡


"Hey, baby!" my mom exclaimed, holding out her arms.
"Mommy!" I exclaimed running up to her and jumping in her hands. She hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.
"I missed you so much!" she exclaimed
"You brought me school this morning mommy" I replied
"I know baby, I can't stand being away from you so long!" she said in a baby voice.
"Can we go home now?" I asked my mother.
"Sure honey, let's go home" she replied, releasing me from her hug. She opened the car door and strapped me in my car seat. We drove home singing the song 'Girls They Wanna Have Fun' by Cyndi Lauper. That was our song. 


I woke up from the dream really missing my mother. I haven't dreamt about her since I was ten. I looked outside to see that it was raining. I figured it would since this morning I heard thunder. I went to look at the time to see it was five in the afternoon. I went to the bathroom to tinkle and wash my face. I was getting really hungry so I went down stairs in the kitchen. I went into the kitchen to see Sophia.
"Hi!" I cheered upon seeing her

"Hey!" She greeted me, "No makeup today huh?" She asked before taking a sip of water from her glass. Oh my god I forgot to put on makeup! I immediately covered my face in embarrassment of all my scars.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed, those are battle scars. You survived abuse. You never gave up when the time gets rough. You're a survivor, be proud of those scars" she encouraged, removing my hands from my face. She smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I also had abusive parents. Whenever I 'fucked up" she explained, using air quotes when saying f'd up, "I barely got any beaten because my brother always took it for me. He always wanted to protect me, even when I told him it was okay and I could take it. He still insisted and always took the beating for me. He has more drugs in his body than an addict and don't think that's possible" she continued. I didn't know they'd been through that much. It seems Cameron is really an angel, "Want something to eat?" She asked, walking to the fridge. I nodded and she continued telling me her story and taking ingredients from the fridge, "But, I was raped when my brother wasn't around or when he was sleeping. I didn't tell him because I knew if he found out things would have gotten ugly quicker than we anticipated" she explained washing the lettuce and tomato. She was raped! She had a worse childhood than I had.
"My brother is more like my mama and papa than my actual mama and papa. He basically raised me and he was also the one that gave me my name" she paused and took a deep breath before she continued, "Back in Italy my name wasn't Sophia it was Ashanti" she finished. Putting my sandwich together.
"If you don't mind me asking, when did you guys decide to leave Italy?" I asked not wanting to force her to tell me anything. He handed me the sandwich and then answered my question.
"When I got pregnant, and my parents found out I go to the park everyday after school" She explained, she saw the confused look on my face and cleared it up, "I wasn't allowed to go anywhere, just school and back" she explained.
"Hey, just like me, we have so much in common," I joked. We both laughed and then things got serious again.
"And when my brother found out my father was raping me. Cameron shot my father in the leg and then we got locked in the basement. My father wanted to kill me but thank god for the boys. If they hadn't raided the house I would be dead in Italy and Cameron would be left with something he didn't do" she finished explaining.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through all that" I sympathized.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Looks like we both had shit heads for parents" she answered chuckling. We both laughed before she had to go get Emma from dance practice.
"Bye!" She yelled going through the door.
"See you soon!" I replied, finishing my sandwich. I did the dishes and then went into the living room to watch a movie. I decided I was going to watch 'Words on Bathroom Walls'. Few minutes into the movie two people came in. A man and a woman. The man was thick built and the woman was slim. They were wet; the man had a gun in his hand. I cuddled up to the side of the couch out of fear. They took off their coats and threw them on the floor. They both look like they were in their mid fifties.
"uff! È molto umido qui dentro" the woman said.
[Ugh! It's very humid in here]
She sounded disgusted. They also had an accent that sounded like the one Cameron, Sophia and the boys had. So maybe they're also Italian.
"Siete?" The lady said, looking at me.
[You are?]
I had no idea what she was saying. It looked like she saw that I didn't understand what she was saying and scoffed. They both walked over to the sofa and sat down. The man put the gun down on the table in front of the sofa. The lady looked at me in disgust and the man lit a cigar and started smoking. Just on cue Cameron came down stairs shouting my name.
"Ayanna! Ayanna! Ayan....Mama, Papa?" He was questioned confusingly. His confused look quickly turned to anger.
"Credevo di averti detto di non tornare nella mia fottuta casa!" He shouted in anger. You could see a vein bulging out from his neck. It looks as if it could burst any minute.
[I thought I told you not to come back to my fucking house!]
"Non è così che funzionano le cose. Io sono il genitore, il tuo bambino, io ti dico cosa fare, non il contrario" His mother said walking up to him and looking at him with anger inflicted in her eyes.
[That's not how things work. I'm the parent your the child I tell you what to do, not the other way around]
"Se è qualcosa, tu non sei mia madre. Questa è l'ultima cosa che dovresti chiamare te stesso!" Cameron barked back.
[If it's anything, you are not my mother. That's the last thing you should be calling yourself!]
"Hey! Attento a come parli con tua madre!" His father shouted, getting up from the couch and pointing the gun at him. I gasped in shock when he took off the safety.
[Hey! That's no way to talk to your mother!]
"Wait, there's no reason for vio-" I said before I was rudely interrupted by Cameron's mother.
"Shut up cagna" the woman shouted frustratingly.
~what's a cagna~ (bitch)
"GUARDA.LA.TUA.LINGUA.QUANDO.LEI.PARLA" He said through gritted teeth.
"Principessa, go up to your room. I'll be there in a few" He said in a soft voice walking over to me. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked up the stairs and sat on the floor waiting for Cameron to come.
👿Cameron's P.O.V👿
"Is she another one of your whores? She looks too innocent to be with you. What did you do to pull this one?" he asked, looking unimpressed. He set the gun down on the table and sat back down on the couch.
"It's none of your business, now LEAVE!" I was fucking pissed. Why the fuck are they in my house? And he even had the audacity to call Ayanna a whore. If she is anything it's the opposite. She's a kind, sweet, beautiful and intelligent girl. And she is so much more. "If by the time I come back and your not gone, things are gonna get fucking ugly" I finished, walking out of the house to go give those security guards a piece of my mind. I walked up to the gate to see all the guards dead. All gunshot wounds to the head. I didn't see a silencer on the gun. How did I not hear these gunshots? And where are the boys? I took up my phone and dialed Max's number.
<Phone Call>
Where the fuck are you guys?!- Cameron
We're in the warehouse, why? - Max
My parents are back and they killed five guards. - Cameron
We'll be there in ten- Max
<End of Phone Call>
I realized that they hadn't come out of my house yet, so I took out my gun and ran back to the house. I opened the door to see that they weren't in the living room. I ran up the stairs and heard crying coming from Ayanna's room. I ran to her room and opened the door to see my fucking father raping Ayanna. She begged and pleaded for him to stop, but he paid no heed to her cries. Out of impulse I shot him. But this time not in the leg. I ended it this time. I shot him in the head. He fell off the bed and onto the floor. I ran over to Ayanna, she was crying uncontrollably. She was shivering as if she was cold. I got onto the bed and held her between my legs. I held on to her as tight as possible. She also clung onto me. I took off my jacket and covered her with it. I then also took a blanket and covered her with it. Immediately after another shot was fired. I grabbed my gun and aimed it at the door. I saw my sister with a gun and my mother on the floor. Dead. I threw the gun on the bed and hugged Ayanna.
"Is she okay?" she asked, looking at Ayanna. I shook my head in response.
"Did he?" she asked once again. She didn't have to finish the sentence, I nodded and she knew what he did. She walked away and left Ayanna and I. A few minutes later Andrew stood at the door with his cleaning supplies. By this time Ayanna was asleep. I took her up and brought her to my room. I laid her on my bed and tucked her in. I went into the bathroom for a washcloth to clean the blood off her face. After cleaning the blood. I kissed her on her forehead and left her to sleep.
♡Ayanna's P.O.V♡
I slowly began to wake up. My surroundings are different. A grey room with white decor. Memories of what happened before started flooding back. My cheeks became wet with tears.


I was sitting on the floor waiting for Cameron to come in. I soon heard a knock on my door.
"Cameron?" I questioned getting up to open the door. At the door stood Cameron's father. I tried to close the door but he stopped me and invited himself in.
"Hello principessa, that's not very welcoming of you" He said in a soft defensive voice.
"Can you please leave?" I replied with a soft tone. He came up to me and grabbed my hair. I winced in pain and held on to his hand.
"Are you a whore" He asked aggressively.
"No" I screamed in pain
"Then why are you here?" He asked again. I stayed silent not knowing if I should tell him how I got here. My silence made him even more upset. He used his hand that held onto my hair and moved my head forward and backwards.
"He bought me!" I shouted in pain
"I knew it!" He cheered with excitement. He released my hair and threw me on the bed. I tried to crawl to the other side but he grabbed my leg and drew me towards him. I kicked him in the face and that made him even more angry. He slapped me across the face. He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. I knew what was going to happen so I screamed. He took out his gun from his waist and pointed it at me. I immediately stopped screaming.
"Take off your clothes" He commanded. I got off the bed and took off my hoodie and jeans.
"Your bra and underwear too" He said once again.
"Please don't do this," I pleaded. Tears flooded from eyes as I pleaded to him.
"DO IT!" He shouted. I did as he said and took off my bra and underwear. He used the gun and gestured to the bed. I did as he said and got on the bed. He pointed the gun at me with one hand and the other to take off his pants and underpants. He got on the bed and then got on top of me. Begged and pleaded for him not to do this. He ignored me and then entered me. I screamed in pain as he moved in and out. I'm being violated right now. How could he do this? My father went as far as to hitting me but never to the point of raping me. He took my innocence, my pride. He took it away from me. I then heard a gunshot. I closed my eyes as tight as I could.
~am I dead?~
Blood splashed all over my face. I heard a thud on the floor and then I opened my eyes. I saw Cameron at the door with a gun in his hand. I curled up in the fetal position;shivering and crying. Cameron came on the bed and held me between his legs. He hugged me as tight as possible. I held on to him as if I could regain my innocence. He let go and took off his jacket and covered me with it. He then took a blanket and covered me. He then held me with his arms again. I was completely lost in this world. Everything around me faded. I was just staring, lost in my thoughts. I soon fell asleep.


~Mommy, I miss you so much. I wish I could hug you and cry in your arms. Before you left the only pain I ever felt was when I fell and skinned my knee. Now you're gone, a huge hole is left in my heart. That hole opened more when dad started abusing me and now I got raped. I'm broken beyond repair. No glue can fix me. I am broken~

I was dragged from my thoughts when someone knocked on the door. I wiped my tears and faced the door. The door slowly creaked open and in came Sophia.

"Hey" she greeted in a soft voice. I stayed silent as I didn't want to say anything, "I'm going to run you a bath" she said walking towards the bathroom. Few minutes later she came back into the room and knelt in front of me. She opened her arms and gave me a slight smile. I leaned forward and hugged her. Before I knew it was crying again.

"It's alright, let it out. Let it all out" she comforted me while rubbing my back. I cried for a few minutes before she helped me up and led me to the bathroom. She took off Cameron's jacket and helped me in the tub. She used a washcloth to clean me. She then got up to get a rob. I used this opportunity and submerged my head under water. I stayed underwater for a good five seconds before I came back up. I wrapped myself in a robe and a towel for my hair. We walked back to the room and I sat on the bed.

"I'll go to the kitchen to get you something to eat and then to your room for some clothes" she said, giving me a kiss on my forehead before leaving. I got up from the bed and walked through the door. I walked down the flight of stairs and to my room. Memories started flooding back. Him pulling my hair, yelling at me, forcing himself on me, his blood splashing all over my face. I broke down in tears and fell to the floor on my knees. I soon got up and walked to the backyard. It was still raining. I took off the robe and walked into the backyard. I walked as far away from the door as possible. I dropped to my knees on the grass and screamed. I screamed with all my might until I was out of breath. 

Authors Note

Hey! It's a sad time. Ayanna got raped by Cameron and Sophia's father. Are you happy that their parents are dead? Will the killing of their parents come and bite them in the back? Will this incident change Ayanna's personality?
Remember to vote, comment, like and follow me. Bye! 2/5


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