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(This chapter is just a filler  from when Cameron and Sophia ran away from their home in Italy.)

♧Albert's P.O.V♧
“Where have you been?” I asked Ashanti as she climbed through the window in her room. For the past few months she has been doing that. She thinks I don’t know but I know. She has been seeing this guy named Sebastien. He’s a drug lord from Rome. My father hates his father because he screwed him over in a drug deal. Which also means that he also hates Sebastien. Our father owns a mafia that deals in drugs and sells guns. He’s one man you don’t want to upset. Sebastien’s father died a few years ago. Are you wondering how Sebastien’s father died? If you guessed my father killed him; then ding,ding you are correct! What I'm saying is my sister is sleeping with the enemy. And if dad finds out; I won’t be able to protect her this time. 
“I was out with friends. Why?” she asked sassily while taking off her jacket and sitting on the bed. I looked at her as if i was saying ‘ you really think i’m stupid enough to believe that?’ It looks like she understands the look. Soon after she let out a deep breath and told me the truth. 
“Fine……….I was out with Seb. It’s not a big deal" she shrugged. I was seriously getting pissed. 
“Not a big deal? If papa finds out about this you and that drug dealing hippy boyfriend of yours will both be dead!” I scolded her.
“Oh please, like that isn’t what papa does, and what he’s training you to do. So don’t bother calling Seb a drug dealing hippy, because that's the same thing you’ll be doing in the next couple of months!” she argued back. She was right, I’ll be just like that drug dealing hippy as soon as I turn eighteen. And I really don’t mind, as long as I'm making my father and mother are proud and I can protect my sister.
“Alright, you’re right. I will be like him and papa. But what I will be is a fucking piece of shit who leaves his girlfriend as soon as he finds out she’s pregnant” I argued. As the word pregnant came out of my mouth, I swear I heard her neck snapped. “Now that……...that I’ll never be” I finished walking over to the window she came in through and looking at the sky. 
“No- No. I’m not pregnant” she persuaded. I don’t know who she’s trying to fool, but it’s not me. 
“Oh don’t lie to me Ash! Lie to everyone else but not me!” I shouted, staring at her and then looking back outside “I found a pregnancy test in your bathroom. The stupid fuck didn’nt drop you off as he always does. And you have dried tears on your face” I explained walking over to her and kneeling down in front of her as she started to cry. 
“Please don’t tell papa or mama. They’ll kill my baby” she pleaded, crying in my shoulder. I would never do that. I love her and I’ll never do anything to hurt her.
“Non lo farò mai. Ti amo tanto” I cooed to her. 
[Italian Translation - I will never do that. I love you so much] 
“Ti amo troppo grande fastidio” 
[Italian Translation - I love you to big brother] 
After her crying for ten minutes straight and me comforting her she told me what happened. 
“ I met him in the park one day after school. My friends and I were sitting on the bench eating pizza we bought at Bigoli. He stepped out of a black SUV. Black dress shoes and a brown suit that hugged his perfect body- “ 
“Spare me the details” I interrupted. 
“Oh right, sorry. So, yeah after he came out we made eye contact for a good five seconds until he look away. You remember the movie after right?" She asked, looking at me. I think I remember but I'm not sure. So I just nodded and she continued, "The eye contact that Harden and Tessa made in the cafe. It was like that. But anyway He looked away and went on with his day. My friends decided that they were gonna mess around in the water fountain. So now I'm sitting by self reading 'The Name Of Rose' by Umberto Eco  when a person came and stood over me. I looked up to see the handsome face of Sébastien Lavigne Monet. We had a little conversation before he told me he had to leave. I knew he was from France because of his last name and when on the phone he said 'sur mon chemin', which means On my way. I know that because I had been taking French classes. It was also pretty obvious because of his accent" she explained. Our parents made it a must to learn five or more languages. I was learning Spanish, Iraq, Arabic, German, Dutch and English. I am now fluent in English as I have been learning it since I was five. I know little Spanish and Dutch. I've only been studying it for two months. As for German and Arabic; let's just say I need to study those some more. As for Ashanti she's  learning Greek, Chinese, Polish, French and English. She's fluent in English and Polish. 
"So before he left he gave his number and he took mine. He didn't call me that night or the next day. But he did call the day after. He said he wanted to take me to the cinema, so I said yes. But I had to sneak out because you know dad didn't allow me to go anywhere other than school. He still doesn't know that I take detours to the park during the week after school" Our father is a very strict person especially with my sister. She's only allowed to go school and back as she said. If papa finds out that she goes to the park everyday; she's dead. But I would never let that happen. 
"So we went to the cinema and watched 'The Binding'. After that we went to get food and-" 
"OK, enough with the first date. When did you find out he's papa's enemy's son?" I interrupted and asked.
"I found out a week after he asked me to be his girlfriend" she explained 
"You do know he's like nineteen right. You're sixteen!" I scolded her. Most people might not see anything wrong with it, but I don't like it one bit. And it doesn't make it any better that it's Sebastien. 
"Yes I do know that, but it's not a big deal" she shrugged. 
"If it's not then why did he not want you or the baby?" I questioned. 
"He said he only used me to get dirt on papa; he wanted revenge for killing his father. He said that I was just an inside man for him" she explained breaking down into tears. I went over to her to comfort her. Not long after her room door burst open. And in came an angry mama and papa. 
"Oh Ashanti, l'hai cenato ora! Tuo fratello non può più proteggerti!" Mama shouted and grabbed Ash by the hair. 
[Oh Ashanti, you've done it this time! Your brother can't protect you anymore!] 
"No mamma per favore! Mi dispiace non farlo!" she kicked and screamed. I was about to lounge at mama but papa held me back, slamming my body to the floor. 
[No mama please! Don't do this to me!] 
"Lasciala andare! Ferisci me invece non lei! Per favore papà!" I begged my father, but it was too late, mama and Ash were already out the door. 
[Let her go! Hurt me instead, not her. Please papa!]
"Per favore papà, sono tuo figlio!" I begged once again. 
[Please papa, I'm your son!] 
"Per favore, sopportarti solo perché ho bisogno di qualcuno che gestisca i miei affari. Per quanto riguarda tua sorella, non so davvero perché la tengo in giro, ma domani cambierà" he crused. I should have known that's all he wanted. And what does he mean by it's gonna change tomorrow. He released me and walked out the door slamming it behind him. 
[Oh please, I just put up with you because I need someone to manage my business. As for your sister, I don't really know why I keep her around, but tomorrow it will all change] 
Her screams could be heard from a mile away. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up off the floor and went to the room they were beating her in. Or  so I thought. I opened the door to see my papa on top of Ash raping her and mama just stood there watching. I was about to lounge at him when a guard held me back. I stood there watching my papa rape my sister. 
"Credo che ora so perché la tengo in giro, dopotutto, Albert. È una persona meravigliosa da scopare. Lo sai?" He questioned. I swear to god I want to kill him and the guard holding me back. 
[I guess now I know why I keep her around after all, Albert. She's wonderful person to fuck. You know that?] 
"Fare qualcosa! Non limitarti a stare lì!" I shouted at mama but she didn't even spare me a glance. 
[Do something! Don’t just stand there!] 
I'm tired of this fucking shit! I flipped the guard to the floor using a move papa showed me and took his gun. I cocked the gun back, took off the safety and shot papa in the leg. He dropped to the floor grunting in pain. 
"Oh mio dio tesoro, stai bene?" Mama asked papa. 
[Oh my god honey, are you ok]
I ignored them and went to see if Ash was okay. She sat on the chair dad was raping her in balling her eyes out. I dropped the gun and hugged her. Not long after guards came rushing in. They called the doctor and locked my sister and I in the cells in the basement. 


It's been at least twenty four hours since we've been down here. No food and no water. I'm pretty sure that's not good for the baby or Ashanti. I wonder how long he has been doing this? What  if the baby is papa's? Why didn't she tell me? I wasn't going to ask her, she's already traumatized. 
Two guards walked into the cell. One holding two chairs and the other holding some rope. They tied both me and my sister to the chair. They left us there for another hour. That's when my father and mother came in. He had bandages around his leg and had crutches. 
“Spararmi è stato l'errore più stupido che tu abbia mai fatto” He looked at me shaking his head. 
[Shooting me was the dumbest mistake you've ever made] 
“No, è stata la decisione migliore che abbia mai preso. Il peggio è stato cercare di impressionare voi due!” I cursed. 
[No, it was the best decision I've ever made. The worst was trying to impress you two!] 
Ash sat  beside me crying her eyes out.
“Ash, andrà tutto bene”  I cooed to her. 
[Ash, it's gonna be okay]  
“Ugh! Chiudila, cazzo!” he commanded one of his goons.  
[Shut her the fuck up!] 
“Allontanati da lei!” I shouted trying to get loose. But it was no use. My father has this drug that can put someone out in a matter of seconds. That’s the drug he gave her. They injected her with it. I don’t think it’s safe for her or the baby. I can handle it but Ash can’t. In a matter of seconds Ash was out like a light. 
“Non puoi farlo!” I shouted. 
[You can’t do that!]  
“Oh davvero, e perché no?” Mama mocked
[Oh really, and why not?] 
“Perché……….Perché” I stuttered. I wasn’t sure if I was to tell them that she’s pregnant. They got really upset just knowing that she was the girlfriend of Sebastien. I’m sure finding out she’s carrying his child would make it worse. 
“Come mai? "perché è nostra figlia?" Lo abbiamo sentito più volte. Non è mia figlia, è una puttana con due facce!” she cursed.
[Why? 'because she's our daughter?' We've heard that multiple times. She's not my daughter, she's a two faced whore!]
 I couldn't stand her talking bad about her. That’s when it just slipped.  
“Lei è incinta!” I shouted. I regretted it the moment I said it. 
[She's pregnant!] 
“Incinta?!” Mama asked in shock. 
“Un motivo in più per ucciderla! Porta in grembo il figlio della mia acerrima nemesi! Datele un'altra dose!” He cursed and commanded. 
[The more reason to kill her! She is carrying the child of my arch nemesis! Give her another dose!] 
“No, non puoi farlo! La ucciderai!” I shouted in fear. If he kills her I lose my purpose to live. After I was born my mama and papa didn’t want any more kids. So after my sister was born, they kept saying she was a mistake and they wanted to get rid of her. But I guess my mother wasn’t all that of a witch. Because she couldn’t bring herself to do it. As soon as she was born they started to neglect her. They didn’t even want to name her. So I took the liberty to it. I named her Ashanti Emma Accardi. Me two years old and Ashanti one month old. I had to take care of her. I looked like two but had the mentality of a thirty year old. 
“Esattamente!” he snapped cheerfully, “Devo ammettere che è brava a scopare. Ma a parte questo non serve a niente. Ma continuo a pensare che dovremmo sbarazzarci di lei prima che nascesse” he continued. 
[Exactly, I have to admit, she is good to fuck. But other than that she's good for nothing. But I still think we should've gotten rid of her before she was born]
“Maledetto bastardo! Non posso credere di averti chiamato mio padre!” I spitted angrily. 
[You sick bastard! I can't believe I called you my father!] 
“Oh per favore, non posso credere a tuo figlio mio! Come non volerlo scopare?! Tutti vogliono scoparla!” He said cheerfully.
[Oh please, I can't believe you're, my son! How can not want to fuck her?! Everyone wants to fuck her!] 
As I looked at the man in front of me, I couldn't believe I tried to make him proud. I feel so embarrassed to call him my father. And the woman beside him, who I believe stood and watched multiple times as her husband raped her only daughter. For the longest time she has always done as my father commanded. He’s like a drug she can’t get enough of; he’s her heroine. 
“Basta chiacchiere, dalle un'altra dose!” he commanded his goone.
[Enough chit chat, give her the second dose!]
 Just before he could inject her; gunshots started firing upstairs. 
“Prendi il capo e la signora!” one of the goonies yelled. 
[Grab the boss and the mrs!] 
They grabbed both my mother and father and took them to safety. Leaving my sister and I behind.

Authors Note
Hi! Here's a little bit of Cameron and Sophia's past. Or should I say Albert and Ashanti. There will be a part two finishing of explaining things about there past in Italy. Hope you enjoyed it.
Remember to vote,comment, like and follow me. Bye!


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