Don't give up

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👿Cameron's P.O.V 👿                                             
"You guys good?" I asked turning in the direction that I saw Max, Grey and Andre. The room his pitch black because the blocked all light by closing the shutter.
"Yeah, I'm good. You good?" Max asked
"Other than the bullet hole on my shoulder and my broken nose, yeah I'm good. Andre? Grey?" I asked after not hearing them.
"I'm good" Andre replied.
"Same here" Grey responded.
"We ne-" I stopped talking when the shutter was been pulled open. Four men walked dragging two unconscious bleeding persons. Two persons dragging one body.
"Taylor?" I asked in shock after seeing the familiar scorpion tattoo on his wrist.
"Fuck! Taylor! Grey!" Andre yelled after he also realized.
"Stop your whining, their not dead" Sokolov rolled his eyes.
~i will burn his fucking eyes out~
The men tied them to a chair and their head hung down.
"I can't kill you until Enzo gets her. Well I can but I choose not to"
"Boss! Look what we found!" A guard yelled throwing, my sister? On the ground along with Alex and Alec
♡Ayanna's P.O.V♡
"You can't leave me here!" I yelled trying to free my self from the hand cuff the was locked on the steering wheel of the car we drove here in. We landed in Russia little over a hour ago and drove to the warehouse. They tricked me into thinking they'll let me help but then handcuffed me to the steering wheel.
"Sorry Ayanna, it's for the best. If something happens to any of us Emma needs someone love and take care of her" Sophia leaned on the car and spoke.
"Sophia come on! Please let me help" I pleaded.
"I love you, take care of my baby if anything happens" she said walking off with Alex and Alec.
"Come on!" I yelled. They parked a couple blocks away from the warehouse so we don't get caught. I started to kick the steering wheel trying to get it off so I can get out.
Many kicks, mental break downs and crying later I finally got the steering wheel off. I opened the door and got out walking to the trunk. I found the spare key and unlocked it off my wrist.
~that's not good~
My wrist was red and hurt like hell. I got the stuff I took from the weapons room back at home and hide them all over my body. Knives, guns, star shaped blades and a strap holding a sword on my back.
~good girl gone bad~
I closed the trunk and walked to the warehouse. The gate was gurded by guards.
~did they not get here yet?~
I threw two knives hitting both of them in the throat. Their guns fell from their hands and they fell to the ground shaking holding on to their neck. I walked up to the gate and used one of the swords to break the lock before putting it back and unwrapping the chains. I opened the gate and walked in taking the knife from their throats. I wiped the blood of the knife onto their blazers before bending and running to the side of the warehouse.
~let's see how good my aim is~
I took a star shaped blade from my thigh holster and threw it in a curved motion. It flew and cut three other guards across the throat, sticking into the last one's throat
I bent down once again running and hiding behind a car. I peeked threw the car window and saw the guards were still there. I reached foe a knife in my holster.
"Move and I shoot" a man said. His Russian accent thick. I looked back and saw five men surrounding me with guns pointed at my face.
~this is it, aleast i tried. i love you cameron~


•Where ever there's desire  there gonna be a flame, where ever there is a flame someone's bound to get burned. But just because it burns doesn't mean your gonna die, you got to get up and try, try.•
"Mommy?" I asked looking around. I wasn't in Russia anymore I was back at my father's house in my room. I recognized the voice instantly. My mom used to sing to me before she died.
"What does that mean Mommy?" It was me, when I was younger.
"That you should never give up no matter how hard times get or how it hurts." I remember this night. But not the exact date. "Now, mommy won't be able to pick you up from school tomorrow. Jeffrey will come and get you" she explained to young me.
"Why?" The young me asked
"I have to go somewhere. I might not be back for a while" she spoke again. I remember this night. It was the last time I ever saw her. The next day she......died.
"Why? Where you going?" The young me asked.
"Don't worry about that. Remember don't give up" she kissed my forehead and got up as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"I love you" young me said as she left.
"I love you too baby" she replied.
"Get up!" She yelled. I opened my eyes and I was back in Russia.
"Fight for what you love. Don't give up Ayanna!"
"Get up and fight. Don't give up!" She yelled again


I opened my eyes once again and the men were still surrounding me.
~don't give up~
In a flicking motion  I took our the gun and shot at each of the men hitting each with a bullet between their eyes. They fell onto the floor. I took one of their Ak's and stood up shooting at the the guards that were left standing. I stalked towards the door of the warehouse.
"Узнай, что это было, черт возьми!" A man yelled. There are two guards in there plus the man that just yelled.
(Find out what the fuck that was!)
As both men ran towards the exit I planted my feet and shot both of them in the head as they stepped out the building. I leaned forward and peeked in the warehouse the man was beside Cameron with a gun to his head.
"Я знаю, что это ты. сука, известная как дочь Энцо. Я проткну ему мозг!" The man yelled
(I know its you. the bitch known as Enzo's daughter. I will put a bullet through his brain! )
"Следи за своим ртом Соколов!" Cameron yelled.
~he know russian?~
(Watch your mouth Sokolov!)
I checked the amo on the AK to see that there's no more bullets. I dropped the revolver from my waist. I made sure it was loaded before taking a deep breath. I moved from behind the wall and aimed the fat man. Without a second thought I shot him in the head.
~john wick style~
"Ayanna!" I heard Cameron yell. Everyone else had a shocked expression on their face.
~okay? shocked to see I shot someone?~
I furrowed my eyebrows when I felt warm liquid on my stomach. I lift my hand and to feel what it was. After I touched it I looked at my hand
I look down and I'm bleeding.
~my baby~
Before I could register what happened things went black and fell. But someone caught me.

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