Leaving for Russia

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😈Cameron's P.O.V😈
I got up this morning at three to pack and get the things together. I bathed and changed into jeans and a turtle neck as it's cold in October in Russia. After I changed I went to wake up Ayanna to let her know I'm leaving for Russia. I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her cheek. She's so kind, sweet and loving. An angel. Yet she fell in love the devil. I hope I don't corrupt her kind heart. I wouldn't know what I'll do if I didn't have her in life. She's an escape from the world I live in, the one she was born into.
"Bambina, wake up" I cooed to her while I continued to stroke her cheek. She hummed and stird a bit.
"What time is it" she asked in a sleepish voice.
"Four thirty in the morning" I leaned down and kissed her forehead.
"It's too early for this" she shifted and turned to lay on my lap.
"It's mid-day in Russia" I replied moving her hair from her face.
"Russia? Russia!" She shot up from her sleep with a scared look on her face.
"Calm down its only Russia" I shrugged.
"Only Russia? Your meeting the man my father probably has a alliance with!" She yelled frustratingly. I took her face in my hands and looked into her eyes.
"I promise I'll come back home to you" I love how worries for me no matter how much I assured her. I leaned forward and gave her a kiss before wrapping my hands around her to give more assurance.
"I'll be back on Friday" I told her as I played with the ends of her hair.
"Take me with you" she blurted out. What? I'm not bringing her a meeting with a Russian mob boss.
"Yeah no" I replied.
"If it's not dangerous then bring me" she said again.
"Ayanna, no" I stated firmly. "I have to leave now, I love you" I kissed her again and started getting up. She pulled me back down and wrapped her hands around my neck.
"Bambina, come on" I stood up and she was still hanging onto me. She wrapped her legs around me and buried her face in the crook of my neck. Memories of a year ago when she had to go to Jamaica flashed back into my mind. I my hands around her waist and stood there. My phone started to ring and the caller ID was Max. I held her with one hand and took up the phone with the other.
Cameron- Yeah?
Max- The jet is almost ready and we're ready.
Cameron- Alright be down in a sec
It wouldn't be wise to have all the boys come with me. He'll think it's an ambush and we'll be on their turf. Only Max, Grey and Andre are coming. Cole and Taylor will be on the ship going and coming. They left at midnight to be there by time we get there.
"Bambina, I have to go now" I put my phone in my pocket and wrapped my hand back around her. I got no response. I lift her head to see that fell back asleep. I let out a chuckle and layed her back on the bed and covered her with the sheets.
"I love you" I kissed her.
"I love you" she replied stirring to get comfortable. I smiled at her. She's the purest. I took up my bag, turned off the lights and left the room. I walked downstairs and Sophia was sitting on the couch on her phone.
"I'll see Friday, I love you" I walked over to her and gave her a hug.
"Ayanna told me about her dream" she said suddenly. Don't tell me your also worried about that.
"I promised her I'll come back home to her" I replied.
"Keep that promise. I don't want to bury my brothers or fiancé" she spoke in a warning tone.
"You won't have to" I kissed her forehead and started walking towards the door.
"I love you too" she said as I opened the door.
"Don't say too!"
I won't lie and say Ayanna's dream didn't at least worry me. I know meeting with a mob lord us dangerous but I'm not in any way scared.
♡Ayanna's P.O.V♡
I woke up from my sleep with the urge to vomit. I got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom and knelt in front the toilet.
"You guys should just move into the same room since you barely sleep in yours" Sophia walked into the room. "Ayanna?" She called not seeing me in the bed. I gaged as I vomited in the toilet.
"Oh my god Ayanna" She walked into the bathroom and held my hair back. After I finished I tore a piece of toilet paper and wiped my mouth. I flushed the toilet and got up.
"Are you alright?" Sophia asked standing beside me as I washed out my mouth. I nodded my head and wiped my mouth with a towel.
"I'm hungry" I said as I walked out the bathroom.
"I brought food" she said following behind me. I looked at the tray on the bed and sandwiches and apple juice. I don't want that.
"I'll be right back" I said leaving the room. I walked to the kitchen and got two cans of sardines,mayo and pickles.
"Eww, Ayanna" Sophia said after seeing the condiments in my hands.
"What?" I shrugged. I sat on the floor and opened the sardine can and dip the sardine in the mayo.
"Oh shit!" Sophia said with wide eyes.
"What?" I asked looking at her and drinking pickle juice.
"Your pregnant!" She yelled. 
"No. I am not pregnant"
~am i?~
"I'm going to be a aunt!" She cheered.
"No I'm not, no your not" I replied worried
~im 19, im not ready to be a mom~
"Let's confirm our suspension shall we" she smiled and left the room. Few minutes later she came back in with a box of pregnancy tests.
"Pee on this" she handed me one. I took it has quickly as possible and ran to the bathroom.

There might be another chapter soon but not sure. Please vote, comment and follow me.


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