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👿Cameron's P.O.V👿

She walked in and saw me slit Pittsburgh's throat. Fuck! She fainted right on the spot.
"Call Fred " I said, rushing over to Ayanna. I took her up in the bridal position and took her to her room. I laid her on the bed. I used her bathroom to clean the blood. Five minutes later Fred came in. I walked out the bathroom to see him shining the same small flashlight in her eyes. I was furious! The only reason she is in this condition is because a stupid fuck let my parents in. I am ready to kill! If they didn't come I could've finished killing in time and she wouldn't have seen anything. He checked her blood pressure and then looked at me.
"She fainted because of a massive amount of pain. I am assuming I was her face. She needs to be on bed rest for the next two days. Absolutely nothing that can stress her out. Keep giving her the pills and use the cream on her belly" He explained
~shit I forgot about the cream!~ I cursed myself mentally.
"Other than that, she should be fine. And put ice on her face when she wakes up to reduce the swelling on her face. Now if that's all I will be on my way" He finished packing up his things.
"There's one more thing, tell Andrew that I need him to clean my office. Only one body this time" I explained. Andrew is the person that cleans up after I finish killing. "Actually, make that two" I said again.
"Yes sir" He said leaving and closing the door. I walked over to Ayanna and played with her hair with my fingers.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you bambina" I cooed to her. I was furious that she was in this condition. I took out my phone and called Max.
"Emergency meeting. All guards. 5 minutes" and I hung up after. I took out my pistol to make sure it was loaded. It was, I took the safety off and walked out the room. Two minutes later I walked into the meeting room and saw everyone one there. Including Max and Alex. I wasn't going to make small talk. I went in and grabbed the chicken by the head.
"Who let my parents in?" I asked, looking at everybody. The room was silent.
"I said, WHO OPENED THE FUCKING GATE FOR THEM?!" I questioned once again. But louder and more angry.
"Sir, it was me. I'm sorry, i-" I cut him off with a bullet between his eyes.
"Find a replacement and Andrew will be here to clean this up. Meeting dismissed" I said walking out of the room. Both Max and Jake followed.
"Is she okay?" Alex asked after he came out behind Max and closed the door.
"Yeah, she is. She just needs to rest and she'll be okay" I explained to them.
"She's gonna be alright dude. I'm gonna go check on Sophia and Emma" Max said before he walked off. I nodded and told Alex I was going to bed.
"Good night!" He shouted when I was halfway up the stairs. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to sleep. So I went to my principessa room. I sat on the chair in her room by the window;
"Good night!" He shouted when I was halfway up the stairs. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to sleep. So I went to my principessa room. I sat on the chair in her room by the window; watching over her. Before I knew it my eyes were getting heavier and heavier, until they just gave in and I slept.
♡Ayanna's P.O.V♡
I opened my eyes to see I was in my bed. My head was throbbing and my face still hurts. I looked around the room and saw Cameron sitting on the chair by the window. He looks so peaceful sleeping. Even though he's the opposite awake. I know he's a mafia leader and all. But he murdered someone. Is that what my father does? My brothers? I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see blood all over my clothes and a little in my hair.
~how did that get there~
I quickly took off all my clothes and took a shower and washed my hair. After I finished I wrapped a towel around my small figure and hair. I then went to the sink to brush my teeth. I walked out of the bathroom to change only to see that Cameron was no longer in the chair. I figured he woke up and went to his room or something. I went into the closet and changed into a pair of jeans and a white hoodie. After I changed, I brushed my hair and decided I was going to let it air dry. So I left it at that and then went to make my bed. I wasn't feeling hungry, so I decided to stay in my room. I used the phone Cameron gave me to watch my favorite youtuber Sssniperwolf. I only got the chance to watch her when my brother Theo lent me his phone. I was about to click on another sniperwolf video when I heard a knock at my door. I turned off the phone and went to look who it was; it was Gloria. She had a tray in her hands. It consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon and a glass of orange juice. On a little piece of napkin was a pill. I totally forgot I had to take pills.
"Mr.Diaz said you should eat this then take the pill" she explained, holding out the tray for me to take. I took the tray from her and said
"Thank you"
She then walked off and I closed the door and went to eat breakfast. It was like ten thirty; so it's still considered breakfast. I ate everything then took the pill. All that chewing made my face hurt. Right on cue I heard another knock on my door. I didn't have the energy to get up so i just told the person to come in. It was Cameron.
"I brought you two ice packs and the cream Fred said to rub on your tummy" he explained, walking towards me. I will say I was a little scared when he came in, but then he said tummy.
~which cold hearted mafia leader says tummy?~
I don't even know if he's cold hearted. I barely even know the guy. He sat on the chair opposite to me.
"Listen, I know what you saw last night was a bit scary" a bit was an understatement, a lot! "But it's what I do. If I don't wear a scary mask in front of people; they'll think I can't protect my family. But I can make this promise to you, I'll take off the mask whenever I'm with you. You'll be added to the list of people I don't wear a mask around. Deal?" he asked, holding out his hand for me to shake. I have no right to judge him. He is who he is because he is you. He does what he does to protect his family. I mean, I would love to get to know him better; he seems like a loving person. Maybe beneath the devilish demeanor he's truly an angel
"Deal" I replied, shaking his hand. He smiled at me while shaking my hand; I couldn't hold back my smile so I also smiled at him.
"You have an amazing smile" He commented looking at me with those lovely brown eyes. My cheeks turned a fiery red. I hid my face in my hands as I was embarrassed.
"It's okay, no need to be embarrassed" he chuckled as he held on to my hands removing them from my face. He looked into my green eyes and I looked into his brown ones. We made eye contact for a good minute before the sound of thunder frightened me and I looked away. I bit down on my bottom lip as I realized there was nothing really serious. Ever since I was little I was always scared of loud noises.
"Don't do that" he said in a low husky tone.
"Don't do what?" I asked, looking at him. I once again bit my lip out of confusion.
"That" He replied, pointing at my lips. I immediately realized he was talking about me not biting my lips.
"Sorry" I apologized. Even though I didn't know what I was apologizing for. Since I'm polite I just apologized.
"Get on the bed" He demanded, titling his gesturing for me to get on the bed.
"Wait, wh- ummm......why?" I questioned confused as to why he wanted me on the bed. He gestured once again for the bed and this time. This time I did as he said and walked over to the bed, lying down with my hands at my side. I then realized what he was going to do. He took out a tube from his back pocket and walked over to me. He placed his hand at the hem of my sweater as if he was asking permission to lift it up. I gave him confirmation to do so by nodding my head. He lifted the hoodie over my belly. He saw the many bruises on my belly. Both new and old ones. He stared at my belly for a good five seconds before he opened the tube and applied the ointment on the bruises. He then walked over to the table to pick up the ice packs he brought with him. He rested one on my belly and the other on my face. He then walked to the bathroom to wash his hands and then came back into the room.
"Let's watch a movie!" he exclaimed, walking back into the room and sitting on the other side of the bed.
He took up the remote of the night stand and turned on the tv. He then opened netflix and stared searching for a movie.
"Scary, comedy, action, thriller, romance?" he asked, looking at me.
"Romance! Let's watch 'Life in a Year"
He looked at me with a look that said 'romance? really?' I looked at him and smiled as I knew he liked my smile.
"Ugh! Fine" He whined as he searched up life in a year. He clicked on the movie and we started watching.

We reached the scene where Isabelle was in the hospital and they told Daryn that she was dying and he was breaking down. I heard sniffles beside me and looked to see Cam crying.
"Are you crying?" I asked shockingly
"She's not gonna die, right? She doesn't have to die" he sniffled, wiping away the tears that fell from his eyes. I sat up and put the ice packs on the nightstand. I then took up the remote and paused the movie. I went over beside him; he was crying uncontrollably. I got up and sat on his lap. My legs are on both sides of him as I cupped his face.
"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying" I asked in a soft voice. He rested his head on my shoulder as he cried. I hugged him as I didn't want to upset him more. After five minutes of him crying he finally spoke up and told me what was bothering him.
"Back in Italy my parents and I didn't have the best relationship. They only used me because my papa wanted someone to take over their drug business. They would even sometimes use me to see how strong or weak the drugs that they bought and sold were" he explained, trying not to break down. "They made me kill the people that betrayed them. They said it made me strong" I didn't know he had been through that much.
"I was raped when I was twelve. My papa paid a hooker to do it. They locked me in a room with her and she raped me. They said if I lost my virginity early it would make me a man. The only thing it did was make me hate myself. Then there was this time when he locked me in a room with a bunch of fifteen and sixteen year old boys. They beat me up and broke my left arm. After they left my father called me weak and beat me up a second time;That's when he broke my nose" is voice started breaking and he started to cry again. He wrapped his hands around my waist and buried his face in my chest. I wrapped my hands around his neck and played in his hair in an effort to comfort him.
"Whenever I fucked up they would get me high and then beat the shit outta me. Mama never did anything about it. She just watched as everything took place" He finished speaking and cuddling into me more. We stayed like that for about an hour until I slowly began to drift away until I fell asleep.

Author's Note

Hey! As promised here's the first of five chapters. 113 read  Bambina! I am so exited to see where this book will go. Ayanna saw Cameron commit murder. Do you think she'll change her mind about him? Cameron became vanerable infront of Ayanna. Will that change the way he treats her? There are four more chapters heading your way today.
Remember to vote,comment,like and follow me. Bye! 1/5


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