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"Plant your left leg and spin and kick with the right" Cameron explained again. We've been here since one  in the afternoon. I wanted to learn as much as possible. We've had breaks to rest and time to eat. From the shooting range to the gym. Turns out I'm really good at shooting and throwing knives and stuff with blades. The fighting part I need to work on. I did as Cameron said and I kicked the dummy in the head. I jumped in joy and gave Cameron a hug. I'm excited because that one move was really hard for me to get. He lifted me off the floor and I wrapped my legs around him.
"We're done for today. We can continue tomorrow. For now take a bath with me?"
"Ok" I smiled. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He carried me to his room. He ran a bath then we got naked and got in. I layed on his chest peacefully finally allowing my muscles relax.
I really wanted to feel relaxed and comfortable I wore another of Cameron's t-shirt and boxers with my hair in messy bun.
"You look tired, I'll make sure Em goes to bed. Go lay down. Do you want something to eat?" Cameron asked as I walked out the closet.
~why did i push myself past my limit?~
Maybe because you don't wan to loose the love of your life.
I shook my head and walked over to his bed and got under the covers. Cameron gave a kiss on the forehead and left the room. Not long after I fell asleep.

"Возьми телефон и сними это" I short fat man says as he grips Cameron's hair and held it back with a knife to his throat.
(Translation- Get the phone and film this)
I sat on the chair I was tied  crying my eyes out begging the man not to do it. We got word when at home that Cameron and the boys got captured. They wanted to leave me behind but I refused to sit and around wait while the love of my life is in Russia and needs help.
"Я не могу дождаться, чтобы отправить твою голову Энцо" the fat man chuckled.
(Translation- I can't wait to ship your head to Enzo)
I don't know how or why but I understand every word he said. That makes it even worse I know exactly what he wants to do.
"Please don't do this. I'm begging you" I cried to the Russian man. I knew it would do nothing as I pleaded to him as he killed everyone else.
"Ayanna bambina, I want you to close as tight as possible" Cameron shifted his eyes to look at me. The empyness and hurt was evident in his eyes. Either from seeing his family get murdered infront of his in less than ten minutes or the fact that he couldn't stop any of it.
"No,no please, don't leave me" I cried. I can't loose him again. Did for a year I can't for a lifetime.
"заткнись, сука" the Russian man sneered
(Translation- Shut up bitch)
"I love you" Cameron said. Before I tell him I love him the man slit his throat and took his head off. His body fell to the ground and the man looks at his head in his hand and smiles.


"Wake up bambina, I'm right here" I shot up from my nightmare. I was sweating and my breath uneven. Cameron was sitting on the edge of the bed. I lounged forward and wrapped my hands around. He wrapped his hands around me and stroked my hair gently.
"Another nightmare?" He asked. I nodded my head in response.
~i never said it back~
"I love you" I mumbled hugging him tighter.
"I love you" he layed down on the bed and held me in his arms. He can't go to Russia.
                                             THE NEXT DAY

"You wanna tell me what your dream was about?" Cameron asked from the shower. I sat on the sink eating ice-cream and pickles. I've been having craving weird foods since last night. Cameron's getting ready to go to the warehouse to finalize some things for his trip to Russia.
"No" I replied stuffing ice-cream and pickles in my mouth. He got out the shower and wrapped a towels around his waist.
"Come on, talk to me" he walked closer to me and wrapped his hand around my waist. I swolled everything in my mouth before responding.
"I don't even remember it anyway" I lied. I remembered very well, word for word. Every single emotion I felt. The look in the eyes of Cameron watching his family die infront his eyes. It pains me that out of all my nightmares this is the one that choose to be glued into my mind. I've been having  nightmares ever since my mom died. They got worse when my dad started abusing me. I took some pills to calm me down but they can only do so much. Cameron lifted me off the sink and walked into his closet. He sat me down on the chair and started getting ready. I sat and continued eating my ice-cream and pickles.
"Sophia and Max are coming back today" he announced buttoning his shirt.
~great a day closer for you going to russia~
"You can't go to Russia" I blurted.
"Is that what your dream was about?" He asked stooping before me.
~how did he know?~
"Yeah" I replied simply.
"Nothing will happen. I'm just going to Russia, putting my container on a ship and flying home to be with the my girlfriend" he caressed my cheeks.
"No buts, trust me" he paused then continued, "I have to go, I love you" he kissed me and got up.
"I love you too" I replied
"Don't say too, it sounds like your agreeing with me"
"I love you" I smiled. He sprayed on some colone and left. I finished my ice-cream and left his closet. I walked out his room and saw a maid. I handed her the empty carton and the pickle jar. I walked to my room and decided to take a bath to drown out the nightmare I had.
I looked at the time on my phone and closed the book I was reading. The bath did nothing as I'm still thinking of the nightmare. The image of his throat being slashed and his body dropping to the floor. I just can't get the damn image out my head. I took my phone and purse and went to the garage. I got in a car and drove to Emma’s school to pick her up.
"Hey,honey" I greeted as she opened the car.
"Hi" she smiled.
"How was school?" I asked as I drove off.
"I have to make a poster for the dance competition on Friday. Can we go to the store to get some supplies?" She asked.
"Ofcourse" I replied.
                                              AT THE HOUSE
"Zio Taylor got La La Jolla to teach me a dance routine for the competition" she smiled happily as we entered the house. I still don't know who this La La Jolla person is.
"Mama! Papa!" I heard her cheer excitingly. I looked and saw Sophia and Max. Emma ran to her parents and gave them a big hug. They hugged her back and something caught my eyes. A diamond ring on Sophia’s finger.
"Don't stand there give me a hug" Sophia said walking over to me. She opened her arms and hugged me. I hugged her back.
"Nice ring" I took her hand and looked at the ring.
"He proposed on the Effile Tower!" She cheered. That's so romantic.
"I'm going to help Emma with her poster" Max said from behind us. They ran off up the stairs and Sophia and I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. We sat and ate and she told me about her time in Paris.
"What's wrong, you've had this sadness in your eyes since I saw walked through the door with Emma?" Sophia asked. I don't know if I should bother her with my nightmare that messed me up.
"I can tell something is bothering you so don't say it's nothing" she spoke again. I sighed and decided to tell her.
"I had this nightmare that.....when they go Russia........that they'll get captured and we went to save   them........but......but you all um, end up......dead" I let out a shakey breath as tears fell from my eyes. 
"Hey, hey, don't cry" Sophia pulled me in for a hug.
"I watched helplessly as it all happened" I cried
"It was just a bad dream. Don't overthink. Everything will be okay" She comforted.
"That’s the thing, I keep telling myself that but I just won't listen" I pulled away and look at her.
"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" She asked I nodded my head in response while wiping away my tears. "Ok, then let's go the range then" she smiled slightly. She took my hand and lead me to the range. I took up the goggles and ear muffins and put them on. I took up a glock 17.
~yes, i know some types of guns now!~
I cocked it back and aimed at the target. I re-imagined my entire nightmare but this time before anyone got killed. I pretend the target was the fat man. I emptied the clip and quickly reloading it and continued. The more I imagined the fat man the better my aim got. I was so in the heat of the moment I just emptied and reloaded until all the bullets were finished. I took up the knife in that's infront of me and threw it all the wall behind me.
"Cameron!" I said out of shock after I realized that I threw the knife at him. I stuck in the door beside his face.
"Remind me not to get you upset when you have a knife" he chuckled and took the knife from the door.
"Hey Sof" he smiled, "Congratulations" he smiled walking over to her and hugged her.
"You knew?" She asked in shock hugged him back.
"Yeah, he asked me for your hand in marriage" he replied.
"You knew and you didn't tell me?" asked in shock
"Eh, umm, oh you shot the target in the head" he avoided the question. I looked at him with a 'really' look on my face. I shook my head and took off the goggles and ear muffins before walking towards the door.
"Thank you Sophia" I said walking out the door. Her idea really helped in relaxing my nerves with the whole dream.
"Where are you going?" Cameron asked following behind  me. I ignored him and continued walking. Suddenly he was spun around and lifted off the ground and on his shoulder.
"Cameron!" I said yelled in shock.
"What?" He asked nonchalantly. I got an idea and slapped him on his butt and laughed.
"Don't ever do that again" He warned.
"Ok" I said as I continued laughing.  He walked to his room and dropped me on the bed. I chuckled a bit. He lounged himself over me. He leaned down and kissed me. My hands reached up and tangled them self in his hair.  His lips moved from my lips leaving a tingling on my cheek and jaw. He kissed down to my neck and sucking on one spot on my neck. A small moan escaped my lips. I felt his hand moving slowly down my stomach and into my shorts. My breath hitched in my throat.
"Not laughing now are you?" He smirked.

Here's an update. Posting another chapter tonight. Please vote, comment and follow me.


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