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👿Cameron's P.O.V👿

(From when Cameron put Ayanna down to sleep in his room)

I laid her down on the bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I walked out the room and to the gun room. On my way down stairs I ran into Max and Andre.
"Hey bro, how is she?" Andre asked, concerned.
"Not fucking good," I said as I shook my head and walked pass them heading to the kitchen. They both followed behind me. "I was to protect her, Fuck!" I cursed slamming my fist on the kitchen counter. The boys and Sophia stood before me. "I fucking left her in the house with him knowing his fucking past!" cursed once again.
"Don't beat yourself up about it" Sophia said, trying to comfort me.
"My one goal in life is to protect my family, she's apart of our family now" I remarked, "Sof, please check on her in about an hour or two, I'll be in the gun range if anyone needs me" I said walking out of the kitchen.                                                                                                

I spent the past hour and half in the gun range shooting at targets to vent out my anger and frustration. I was reloading a Mac-10 when Sophia burst into the room.
"I can't find Ayanna anywhere" she panted out of breath.
"The fuck you mean you can't her!" I shouted, throwing the gun on the table and walking over to her.
"I came downstairs after her bath to get her something to eat and some clothes. When I went back to your room she was gone," she explained. "I looked everywhere," she finished. We walked back to the kitchen to find the boys.
"I checked the library, she's not there , she's not anywhere" Taylor said walking up to the group.
"We checked everywhere. Twice!" Alex complained
"MOMMY! MAMA" Emma shouted, finding her way to the kitchen.
"Hey baby, you're supposed to be asleep. What's wrong?" she asked, walking up to Emma and kneeling in front of her.
"I heard a screaming in the backyard; so I went to check and saw a naked woman in the flower garden" she explained. Sophia turned to look at me, I walked off in the direction to the back yard. I got to the backdoor and saw a robe on the floor. I stepped out into the rain to see Ayanna on the floor crying. I ran over to her and kneeled in front of her. I wrapped my hands and hugged her, she continued to cry. This is all my fault, I should've let them leave before I went to check things.
"Let's get you inside; if you stay any longer you'll catch a cold" I said softly. She nodded her head. I took her up in my arms and walked back to the house.
"I'm going to set you down for a bit so you can put on the robe. Okay?" I asked to look at her. She nodded and I set her down. I took up the robe and put it on her: I then took her back to my room and set her on the bed.
"You can take clothes from my closet to wear. You'll sleep here tonight, I'll be in one of the guest bedrooms. Try to get some sleep" I explained walking over to her and giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.
                                                                            1 WEEK LATER

Ayanna's P.O.V
For the past week, last night was the first time I got a good night's sleep. I've been in Cameron's room ever since my little breakdown in the backyard naked. Today I decided to go downstairs and have breakfast with everyone. I walked into the same scene I saw the first morning I was here. Only this time they weren't talking about superheroes; they were talking business.
"Hi" I greeted more to myself than to them. But they heard me
"Ayanna?" Taylor asked in confusion
"Hey!" Alec replied happily
Cameron turned around from the and looked at me with a confused but also happy look. We smiled at each other before I went to the island and took a seat beside Andre. Today Cameron was cooking bacon scrambled eggs and toast. Everyone ate their food before they left.
"You have to come down to the warehouse to check on somethings" Max informed before he walked out the kitchen. Cameron and I were left in the kitchen. He was sipping on some coffee and I was still eating my eggs.
"How you feeling?" He asked setting down his coffee cup
"Better" I replied simply. He turned around and took a small bottle out the cupboard and walked over to me.
"The last one" he said, handing me the last pill. I took the pill from his hand and swallowed it. washing it down with some orange juice.
"I'm gonna head to the warehouse. You need anything?" he asked. I shook my head in response.
"Alright, if you change your mind and you need something don't hesitate to call me. Okay?" he asked, using his hand to caress my face.
"Okay" I replied
"Alright see you later" he said, giving me a kiss on the forehead before walking out the kitchen. He's been doing that lately; giving me kisses on the forehead. For the past week when he came to check on me, before he left he would give me a kiss on the forehead. I got up and did the dishes. Afterwards I went to grab my phone and headed to the garden. I was getting bored so I went to explore the house. I've been here a little over a week and I never looked around. I was on the third floor far right of the mansion when I spotted a library. It's like I'm in heaven. Books for days! I could spend my whole day here and never get bored. I walked around the library for a bit before I found a series of Nancy Drew books. I've always wanted to read these books; but my father would tell me it's a waste of time and money. He once told me that I was good for nothing and he's wondering why he didn't get rid of me after mom died. Nothing he ever said didn't hurt as much as those words. I took up 'The Secret of the Old Clock' and sat on the floor.
😈Cameron's P.O.V 😈
I walked into the warehouse but not before like a dozen security procedures.
"Boss, Benjamin Roberts isn't talking up about who he helped sneaking your parents into the country. We tortured him all the ways possible but he still won't tell us who he works for" one of the guards briefed me while walking to Benjamin's cell.
"Does he still have his fingers?" I asked stopping in front of the cell.
"Yes sir" he answered
"Then you didn't torture him in always possible" I replied walking into the cell. I saw a couple of goonies beating the crap out of him; yet still he isn't giving us what we want.
"Well hello Mr.Roberts" I said with a devilish smile on my face.
"Good morning Mr.Diaz '' the goonies greeted upon realizing my presence.
"Get me a knife and a blow torch" I commanded. One of them left to get the things I requested and the other stepped aside.
"So here's what I'm thinking, I'll make you a deal. You tell me what I want to know and I'll let you keep all your fingers" I said keeping the same devilish smile. I don't care if he tells me, he's gonna die either way.
"I already told them, I don't know what you guys are talking about" he said trying to convince me of his lies.
"I gave you a chance and you missed it. Hand me the knife" I commanded. I took the knife from Andrew and walked closer to Benjamin. I cut loose his right hand and grabbed hold of his thumb. I decided slow and painful was the method to use. I started moving the knife back and forth, slowly cutting my thumb. He screamed in pain trying to his hand away from me.
"Diego and Mateo Pérez!" he shouted before I could reach the bone. Diego? Why would Diego help my parents into the country? I think it might be revenge for his daughter. Nobody knows this but I slept with Isabella (Diego's daughter) and got her pregnant. The baby was born prematurely because of stress. Before that Isabella was diagnosed with stage two cancer. She died in labour and the baby died a few weeks after. I wasn't in love with her or anything. I only took care of her because she was pregnant with my child. Her father told me to tell her to get rid of the child but refused to kill my unborn child. Even though it didn't make sense as the baby died a few weeks after birth. Ever since then the Pérez's have had a vendetta against me.
"Well, it seems like you are no longer useful to me. It was my pleasure" I said, dropping the knife and taking out gun from my waist.
"No please, you said you wouldn't kill me if I told you what you want to hear" he pleaded.
"That deal expired when you lied a second time. Bye, Bye" I said, pointing the gun at his head and pulling the trigger.
"Get this cleaned up. And send his body to the Pérez's. I'll be in the training room if anyone needs me" I said walking out to the cell. I walked over to the training room where they were training the new comers I walked in and everyone greeted me. I sat on a chair and watched the new trainees. After about two hours of watching them training I went to my office to do some paperwork. 

                        5 HOURS LATER

It's now five in the afternoon. I decided it was time for me to go home. I went to look for the boys to tell them I'm leaving. I found them in the gun room.
"Hey, boys! I'm heading home. You guys coming?" I asked
"Nah bro, we're gonna stay a little bit longer. Tell Sof and Emma I'll be home late" Max explained.
"Alright, see you at home" I said before walking away and heading outside of the warehouse. I got in my car and began driving. I tried calling Ayanna but got no response. I called her multiple times but no answer. I got home and saw Sophia and Emma on the couch eating popcorn and watching a movie.
"Hey, have you seen Ayanna?" I asked Sophia
"She found the library" she simply said, "I guess we now have someone to finally use it" she finished while smiling. I didn't know she liked to read.
"Did you finish your classes?" I asked Sophia, suddenly remembering she had classes today.
"Yes I did" she answered annoyed, "And yes I did my home work and so did Emma" she finished
"Okay" I said walking away going upstairs to the library to look for Ayanna. Walked in the library and looked around. I found her at the back of the library lying down reading a book.
"Ayanna" I called but she didn't answer, "Ayanna" I called once again but no response.How interesting can that book be. I walked over to her and took the book from her hands. Our eyes met
"Have you eaten anything?" I asked keeping eye contact with her.
"No" she answered
"Come on, let's get you something to eat" I said, holding out my hand to help her up. She took my hand and I pulled her up.
"What do you want to eat?" I asked as we walked out the library.
"Spaghetti" she replied smiling. We walked downstairs and in the kitchen.
"Sof!" I shouted from the kitchen
"What's up?" she replied
"Max's gonna be home late" i told her
"Okay" she answered
I began to cook the pasta and Ayanna sat around the island engrossed in her book. After half an hour I finished cooking. I made a plate for: Ayanna, Sophia, Emma and myself.
"Dinner!" I shouted. Emma came running in the kitchen and towards me.
"What did you cook zio?" she asked in the sweetest voice ever. I took her up and sat her on the counter.
"Spaghetti" I replied, handing her a plate. Sophia soon came into the kitchen and sat down beside Ayanna. I slid a plate to Ayanna and Sophia. Ayanna closed the book and began eating.
"This is delicious" she commented after taking the first bite. After five minutes Sophia finished eating.
"C'mon bambina, time to get ready for bed" she said, lifting Emma off the counter and onto her hip. "Goodnight" she said before walking out the kitchen.
"Night" Ayanna replied, "That was delicious" Ayanna praised.
"Thank you" I said smiling
"I'm gonna go take a shower" she said getting up and taking up her book. "Thanks for dinner" she said walking out of the kitchen.
"Your welcome"
I took all the plates and cups off the counter and in the sink. I decided to help Gloria out and do the dishes myself.
Ayanna's P.O.V
I walked upstairs and into Cameron's room. I took a shower and then put on sweatpants and a T-shirt. I layed on the bed and decided to watch a movie. I decided on a comedy called 'Shazam'. Five minutes into the movie Cam walked in. He would do this on a nightly basis to get clothes. He grabbed some clothes and was ready to leave when I stopped him.
"Watch a movie with me?" I asked. He looked at me for a few seconds to agree.
"I'm gonna go take a shower first," he said, beginning to walk to the door.
"You can use that bathroom" I said pointing towards the bathroom
"You sure?" he asked, looking at me.
"Yeah, go ahead," I confirmed. He walked towards the bathroom and I continued to watch the movie. Five minutes later he came out of the bathroom. He came and sat on the bed and we watched the movie. Well most of it, because I fell asleep soon after.
😈Cameron's P.O.V😈
If I had known this was a superhero movie, I probably would've declined the offer. I looked over beside me to see Ayanna was asleep. I slowly got off the bed and started walking towards the door.
"Stay," she said in a sleepish voice. I walked back over to the and lied down. The second I laid down she rolled over and layed on my chest. It took me a few seconds to realized what was going on. I wrapped my hands around her and hugged her.
"Can I go to school tomorrow?" she asked sheepishly
"Sure, if that's what you want to" I replied, "Your books are in my office" I finished
"Thank you, now shh, I wanna sleep '' She shushed, falling back asleep. Not long after I too fell asleep holding Ayanna In my arms. 

Authors Note

Hey! Ayanna was really hurt by the fact that someone took away her innocence from her forcefully. One a happier note Ayanna I going back to school.
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