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Third Person POV

It was the worst jughead had ever felt. He was sprawled out on the couch. His head pounding, he had a fever and he was coughing and sneezing every few minutes. Jughead had a cold. He was meant to be going on a date with Betty tonight and he hoped he would get better by then.

Betty's POV

Where was Jughead he was meant to be picking me up at 6 for our date and now it is 6:15. Why would be blow me off like this, I had called him three times already and he hasn't answered. Where could he be? So I did the only reasonable thing I could do and went over to his trailer to find him.

Jughead's POV

I haven't gotten any better, I feel worse as I know that Betty would think that I stood her up. She has called me three times and I'm to weak to even pick up my phone and answer it. Soon I hear a banging at the door and I groggily got up to answer it already knowing who was on the other side.

Betty's POV

The door of the trailer swung open to reveal a pasty, pale Jughead. He wasn't wearing his beanie for some strange reason and his hair was all messy and some strands were stuck to his forehead with sweat. Betty then heard the quiet croak of Jughead's voice say "hi Betty" I felt so guilty that I thought Jug stood me up that I gave him a big hug and whispered "sorry Juggie."

Not long after that I received a reply of "I'm sorry you're going to get sick."

Third Person POV

Betty spend the rest of her evening tending after the sick Jughead by giving him medicine and homemade soup. Later that night while they were watching a movie with Jughead resting his head on Betty's lap and her stroking his dark locks Jughead Leaned up and said, "sorry I ruined our date." Nonsense this been my best one yet. Betty replied as she kissed his forehead.

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