A Call Away

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Betty's POV

I felt so alone. I was sitting in my room crying for so long I didn't even know what time it was, all I know was that I had hurt myself even though I told Jughead that I would stop digging my nails into my skin. I couldn't help it, my mom has been so cruel to me lately that I had taken out all my stress on myself and doing terrible things. I needed help so I did the only reasonable thing and grabbed my phone off my bedside table and called Jughead to come over. Thank God my mom was out the house so for once she can just leave me alone.

Jughead's POV

"Hey Betts what's up?" Before she can even finish her sentence the tone in her voice already made me know that something was bothering her even though she never said anything about it.

As soon as I arrive I climb up the ladder to her window and into her bedroom to see her resting her back against the bed hiding her face with her legs and I see small drops of blood on the carpet that looked fresh. All I could hear was her heaving sobs, it broke my heart to see her so upset. "Betty? Is everything ok?" I ask walking up to her slowly and cautiously do I don't scare her.

Betty's POV

I didn't want to answer but I need to tell him, my cries took over my body only letting him and myself hear the sound of my sobbing. But as soon as he rested his gentle hand on my shoulder I instantly calmed and found my voice. "I-- it's my mom and me I guess. She's been stressing me out so much lately and I just snapped. I started hurting myself and I know I shouldn't. I'm sorry Juggie." I said in an almost whisper at the end.

Jughead's POV

I was in shock that such a perfect girl would destroy herself like this, "Betty listen to me." I said as I lifted her chin for her eyes to meet mine. I could see the broken soul inside them, I desperately needed to help her. "I know it's hard for you to not do this but I need you to try. I know your mother strives for you to be perfect but you don't need to be. Your already perfect for me, even with all your flaws." She had a shy smile on her face and had regained the twinkle that always makes me happy. Meaning that she was always happy.

"Whenever you feel stressed or panicked, call me, text me, come over to my place. I don't care what time it is but I will always be there for you and help you through it no matter what. I'm just one call away. Got that Betts?"

"Yes, thank you Jug. Thanks for everything I don't know what I would do without you." She said as she hugged him. "Me neither" he whispered before kissing her passionately.

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