You Joined Them

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⚠️Warning- References to self harm!⚠️

Betty's POV

"Jug? Jug!" I shouted as I saw him walk away. "Jug wait up!" I continued.

While running after him I questioned whether it was Jughead or not, but I still kept going. As I ran I realized what he was wearing. A black leather jacket, with a snake on it? "Isn't that the Southside serpent jacket?" I thought

"Jug, stop." I said panting.

"What?!" He snapped; he looked annoyed

"What are you wearing?"

"Uh, nothing." Jug said.

I wasn't stupid and he knew it, so I wondered why he lied.

"Look I have to go." He hesitated.

"Go where?" I asked, on the verge of crying.

"I just do, Betty. Okay?"

"You joined them didn't you?"

He knew what I was talking about. The serpents; a gang on the Southside of Riverdale. They were known for drug dealing and murders.

"Maybe I did. What do you care?" He said.

Jughead was never like this with me. Something must have really annoyed him.

"Please don't do this Jug. The serpents are dangerous." I said crying.

"Maybe I'm dangerous."

Those words hit me like a rock. Jughead didn't care anymore and there was nothing he could do. His face was cold, almost lifeless. I dug my nails into my palms as a fail attempt at calming myself; I looked a mess, but I could care less.

"Jug, please."

"God, Betty, don't you get it? I was born into this; I don't want to do it." he said as his eye's teared up.

"No, you don't have to. Run away with me."

I grabbed Jughead's soft hands and he felt the blood on my palms. A tear ran down his cheek and he stood in silence for a few minutes. In this silence, he looked and examined my hands with his eyebrows furrowed. I sniffled and attempted to stop crying.

"God." He paused.

"Betty, I'm sorry." He said.

"It's fine." I added.

"No, It's not. I shouldn't have down that."

Jughead looked into my eye's and pulled me into a hug. I embraced him and we stood like that for a while.

He whispered in my ear, "It'll be okay, we'll figure something out. I love you."

I smiled beneath my horrible state and he smiled back.

"Let's get you some bandages."

As I stopped crying, we walked hand-in-hand to his trailer.

"Thank you." I said softly.

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