Lazy Day

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It was Sunday morning Jughead had stayed over at the Cooper residents while her parents were away for the weekend. Betty woke up she didn't even know what time it was. She didn't even care. She looked over at her boyfriend who was still fast asleep. The beanie-less teenager looked so peaceful. She admired his messy hair that he sadly always covered with his hat witch he should do more often. She just wanted to reach out and push a small stand of hair away from his face but let it be. His moles and imperfections. Even if he said he wasn't perfect he surely was. Even if he didn't have the muscler body like Archie she still found Jug attractive. She watched his chest rise and fall rhythmically from his steady breaths before it hitched. "How long are you gonna stare Betts?" Jughead said sleepily. Even though he was tired he still had a sense of humour. "Sorry Jug, I just find you so cute when you're sleeping." "That's creepy." Jughead said through a stretch before rolling onto his side to face me. Betty then finally moved the little curl out of the way of his face with a smile.

They spent the entire morning just cuddling in bed not caring to get up. They didn't have any plans to go out so they didn't get up to do anything. Apart from eat. Jughead's stomach made loud rumbles and they both laughed. "Let's get something to eat Jug, before you starve to death." She joked. They both walked down stairs and into the kitchen making the biggest and yummiest breakfast they have ever had. Of course while throwing flour at each other and having a full on food fight nearly. They were both covered head to toe in flour and pancake batter. But they didn't care, instead they just laughed hysterically like idiots. Their breakfast consisted of pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs. It was definitely a lot but they both managed to eat all of it.

They then moved over to the couch with Jug grabbing blankets and snacks, while Betty turned on the TV. They made a fluffy pillow fort on the couch. They sat down and started to watch a movie. They didn't care what it was. All they needed was each other's company to make them happy. They shared a few kisses before turning their attention to the tv screen.

They spend the rest of the day, laying on the couch covered in blankets watching tv shows and movies on Netflix. They both cuddled never letting each other go, only occasionally moving their hand to grab a snack off of the coffee table. It was the perfect lazy Day. They couldn't ask for anything better, because after all they didn't care about doing anything that day.

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