You're Prettyyyyy

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Jughead's POV

Today I am driving Betty to her dentist appointment to get her wisdom teeth removed, I can tell she is nervous, she has been since she made the appointment. 

"You ready?" I call after Betty, she nods and we get in the car. 

On the way to the office her leg is bouncing up and down as a sign of nerves. I place my hand on her thigh as a way to tell her to calm down. 

"You'll be fine Betty, tons of people get this done, it's going to be fine, I promise. 

"That doesn't make it any less scary." She whimpers. 

"Look. I'll be there when you fall asleep and I'll be there when you wake up, even though you may not remember because you'll still have the anesthesia in your system, and you'll be a little loopy." I say with a grin. 

"Go ahead and laugh, laugh all you want. You're getting yours removed in a few months, then I'll be the one laughing." 

We both talk and laugh for a little while longer until we finally arrive at the office. We both go inside and sign the forms showing I'll be the one taking her home and stuff. 

We wait in the waiting room for about 20 minutes before they call her in, before she goes she looks at me scared. 

"You'll be fine baby, go." And she nods with a smile before reluctantly going with the doctor. 

About an hour later or so later I hear someone call my name. I look up to see a nurse laughing. 

"She's looking for you." 

I stand up with a small chuckle and follow the nurse inside to Betty's room. 

"Juggie!!!" I hear as I step inside. 

I walk up to her before sitting in a chair beside her and looking up at her. 

"Hey, how ya feeling?" I ask her. 

She looks confused for a minute before yelling "You're Prettyyyyy!" And touching all over my face. 

"Thanks babe, you're pretty too." 

"Aw you're so sweet, he's really sweet isn't he?" She asks the nurse who laughs and nods. 

"Hey! He's mine, don't make moves on my boyfriend!" 

I shoot the nurse a quick apology and explain to Betty she wasn't making a move on me. 

After a while I finally managed to get Betty to the car and inside it. 

While we are driving she kept making car noises and pretending to drive. 

I'm dating an actual child. 

"I wanna take a nap Juggie." 

"Not yet sweetheart you have to wait. You can take a nap when we get home ok?" 


After a few hours Betty's loonpyness had worn off and we were laying on the couch laughing, while I told her the things she said. 

"Wait, wait, wait. I told the nurse not to make a move on you after she agreed you were sweet?" 

I nodded. 

"Oh my." 

And we both just laughed until we couldn't anymore. 

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