You Can't Do That

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Jughead's POV 

Me and my dad were getting ready to head back to the house when he got a call on his walkie talkie thing saying a girl had just broken into a building and ran from the security, he described her as tall, skinny, blonde, green eyes, and her name was Elizabeth. My eye's widened as I realized that was my girlfriend. "Come on lets go!" I yell at my dad before he turns the car on and heads to the given address. 

When we got there we realized it was the farm. So it was confirmed it's most likely Betty. 

We saw a security guard from the farm holding Betty by the arm and she looked like she was crying, I jumped out of the car with my dad and we both run up to her. 

"You can let her go now." My dad tells the security guard, once he does I immediately grab Betty and pull her into a hug, I can feel her crying on my chest, I'm still clueless to what happened, I raised her head off my chest. 

"Betty what happened?" She looks guilty. 

"I broke in because I wanted to talk to my mom and Polly. I had an idea to get them out of there so we could be a family again but they wouldn't let me in when I got here so I went around back and snuck in, I'm sorry." 

"It's ok baby, let's just get you home ok?" We started to walk back towards the car when we were both stopped by Fp, "Betty, I hate to do this let alone being the one who has to, but you committed a crime, breaking and entering, so I have to arrest you." He told her, I could feel her grip my arm and a few more tears escaped her eyes. 

"Dad you can't do that!" I told him. "I'm sorry but I have to, I'm the sherif. Betty, let's not make this harder than it has to be, just put your hands behind your back, and turn around please." 

She looked at me, with this guilty look, and then did what she was told to do. It broke my heart to see this happen to her, she just wanted her family back. 

After leading Betty to the car so she didn't fall, I got in and she immediately laid her head in my lap, on the way to the police station, I played with her hair, telling her she was going to be fine. 

Once we got there he told me he had to be the one bringing her in and I had to wait in the waiting room thing. I watched him grip her arm and walk off with her. 

Betty's POV

As he gripped my arm and walked off I felt terrible that he has to deal with me, let alone his son's girlfriend. 

I know what I did was wrong, my intentions were to just talk to them but I knew what would happen to me if I got caught so I ran. As he lead me into the small cell in the back of the room. He told me "I'll do what I can to get you out of here as soon as possible but you will most likely be in here a few days." I just nodded because I knew if I said something, I would break down in sobs. I tired my best to whither out an I'm sorry, he nodded before walking out. About 5 minutes later Jughead walked in with a key, he let himself in before closing it back and locking it, I jumped up before running to him locking him in a hug with me laying in his neck. 

"I'm sorry Jug, I'm sorry you and your dad had to deal with me." "Shh I know, and I'm just happy it was my dad because if it were someone else they may not have been as nice, come on let's sit down." 

So I went and sat down by Jughead and he laid back and laid me on his chest. 

"You're gonna be ok, I'll find a way to get you out of here." 

"Juggie, I guess I deserve it, I broke into a building and ran from security."

"Baby you were just trying to get your family back together, you don't deserve jail time for it." 

"Your dad said I may only be in here for a few days, which compared to some people is really good. But I don't know what I'll do in the mean time." 

"You don't think I'm gonna leave you in here without any visits from me are you?" 

I instantly smiled before sitting up, and Jughead started rubbing my back. 

*2 days later*

I was on the little surface thing they call a bed trying to take a nap as I had nothing else to do when Fp walked in, I sat up and looked at him curiously. "I talked with them, we figured it out, you're free to go, and it won't effect your school records, but Betty listen to me, if we ever catch you doing this again I'll have no choice but to lock you up for a lot longer ok?" I quickly nod. 

"I understand, thank you so much, I'm so sorry for all the trouble I caused." As I walked out of the building I planned on just walking home but I saw Jughead's motorcycle pull up and I saw Jughead hop off before running and giving me a hug before we hopped on and sped off to go eat some real food. 

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