Let us be your stress relief

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Betty's POV

My life has been so stressful lately. One drink couldn't hurt...right? 

1 drink...

2 drinks...

3 drinks...

Jughead's POV

We are all in the student lounge waiting on Betty, she missed first period, and she hasn't answered any of our messages. "Maybe she just slept in, or forgot to set an alarm." Kevin told us. 

Just then we hear Betty walk through the door, eye's bloodshot, and she was stumbling over to the couch, she plopped down beside me laying her head in my lap. 

"Hey Juggieeee." She slurred. 

"Is she drunk?" Archie asks. 

"But Betty doesn't drink." Veronica adds. 

I lift her off of my lap and she sits up before she suddenly bursts into tears. 

Me and Archie both sit on either side of her with an arm on her back trying to sooth her, after all none of us know what's going on. 

"Hey hey, what's going on baby, what's going on?" I ask as she continues to cry not answering. 

"Ok, let's go." I pick her up bridal style and we walk out of the school and I hand Betty to Archie to take to his truck and I drive behind them on my bike to Betty's house. 

Once we get there Kevin opens the door and we walk in and it reeks of alcohol, we continue to Betty's room to see 2 empty beer bottles and a bottle of whiskey. 

"How did she even get these?" Veronica asks. 

"Her dad has a cabinet with them, he would drink them while watching TV." Archie says. 

"How do you know that?" I ask. 

"When me and Betty were kids and I would come over to play, we would go in the cabinet and grab one and pretend to drink it and her dad would always catch us and yell at us." He adds with a small laugh. 

We're quickly drawn out of the moment when we see Betty reach for another beer. I quickly take it out of her hands and hand it to Veronica. 

"Betts, you need to sober up and then we're going to talk ok?" She nods before I lay her down and she falls asleep. 

Veronica and Kevin stay with her while me and Archie go through dumping out all of the alcohol in the house. 

About 2 hours later Betty wakes up hungover with a huge headache, I give her an aspirin before closing the curtains and just leaving her lamp on. We are all siting on her bed waiting for her to tell us what happened. 

"Betts, what happened, and why did we find so many empty beer bottles?" Veronica asks. 

"It's to much! My life! Everything, I can't handle it! School is stressing me out enough. My mom ran off to the farm leaving me here alone and she wouldn't let me take the babies so the freaking farm owner adopted them, so I can't see them anymore because they think I'm a detractor whatever that means, and not to mention the fact that I'm the daughter of a serial killer still haunts me! And apparently it haunts everyone else too because no one can seem to let me peacefully go through a day without reminding me of how much of a failure me and my family are! So yes, I drank, I drank until I couldn't any more because you know what!? I forget, it helps me forget! It relieves my stress, it takes it away even for just a little while! And I'm sorry, I'm sorry that you guys have to deal with it." She finished her rant. By now all of us are in tears. 

I stand up and walk to her before grabbing her into a hug, her laying her head in my neck. 

After a while of her crying we are now downstairs on her couch with her head on my shoulder and Kevin on the other side rubbing her back. 

"You don't have to go to that to relief your stress baby, let us be your stress relief, come to us." 

She looks at me planting a kiss on my cheek. "Ok." 

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