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Betty and Jughead were in the bunker watching each other, they sat in silence. Jughead sat with a look of anger, betrayal, and sadness on his face. Betty sat across from him confusion visible on her face. But deep down she knew why Jughead had called her here and why he looked so hurt, she was just hoping she was wrong. 

"Why did you call me here Jughead?" Betty said, deciding that she would start the conversation. Jughead remained silent. "Do you have a lead on the tapes?" His silence was starting to worry her, it only helped confirm her suspicion. 

"Is there anything you wanna tell me?" He finally spoke. 

"No." She said nervously. She knew that she should just come clean but a small part of her hoped he was angry for a different reason. 

"I know you kissed Archie." He admitted. 

She looked at him surprised. How did he find out, she wondered. She pushed that thought aside though. Now she was trying to come up with a good explanation, even though she knew there wasn't one. She had kissed one of their closest friends, she knew she hurt Jughead. There was no way out of it this time. Funny how I can take down an organ harvesting cults but I can't save her relationship, she thought. 

"Did Archie tell you?" She replied in a small voice. 

He scoffed. "Wow, I tell you I know you kissed my best friend and the first thing you ask is if Archie told me." He raised his voice taking off his beanie and raking his hand through his black locks. He feels like it wouldn't hurt as much if it was the first time, but no this is the second time she has kissed the red-headed boy. And Archie how could he do this to him?" Jughead dropped everything to go be on the run with Archie because he cared about him that much, and this is how he repaid him. 

"I didn't mean it like that Jughead." She said. She got up from her place on the bed and walked over to Jughead and sat in the chair next to him. She places her hand on Jughead's but he quickly pulled his hand away, and Betty can feel the tears well up in her eyes. She placed her hands on the worn-down table in front of her instead. 

"Jug I am so sorry." She said, her voice breaking and she took a deep breath and pushed the lump in her throat down. "I never meant to hurt you." She said. 

"Why Betty?" He mumbled afraid that if he spoke any louder he would burst into tears. "I thought we were doing good." 

"We were Jug, I don't know why I kissed him, okay I just did." She admitted and the look of hurt on his face is enough to kill her. She can feel her heart shattering into a million pieces. She felt like such a jerk and she knew she was. How could she hurt him? The boy that stood by her through everything, the black hood scandal, the farm, and so much more. She broke his heart, the one person who hasn't left her side over the last few years. 

"That answer isn't good enough for me Betty, and I don't know if it ever will be." He sadly said. Her kissing him without a reason made it hurt so much more. It felt like their relationship meant nothing to her if she was able to go and kiss another boy without a cause. He wanted to forgive her he really did but he just couldn't get past the betrayal. It hurt so badly, he hated to see the women he loved cry but he just wasn't ready to forgive her yet. 

"Jug." She cried taking his face into her hands he tried to pull away but she wouldn't let him. She looked into his eyes and saw the tears he was holding back. She hated herself because she was the reason the tears were there. "Jughead Jones I love you with all my heart. I am so incredibly sorry and I will try to make it up to you until I die." She apologized. 

She pulled him into a kiss and he could taste the salty tears running down her face, and for a moment he wanted to forgive her. He was ready to forget about the kiss she and Archie shared, he was ready to get back to his perfect relationship with Betty but he knew he couldn't. He had to stay strong. He pulled away from the kiss and a tear falls down his face. 

"I love you Betty and I know you love me but I'm not ready to forgive you. You hurt me deeply and that can't all go away because you kissed me." He said, blinking more tears back. 

"I understand Jug." She breathed in a shaky breath. She wished all off this never happened, but she can't take it back now. She would just have to give Jughead time and space and maybe, just maybe he would forgive her.

"I'm gonna go." She whispered after a moment of silence. 

"yeah tha-that's probably best." He stammered. 

"Bye Jughead." She turned to leave walking towards the latter, she is about to climb up it when he called her. 

"Wait, Betty?" 

"Yeah, Jughead?" She looked back over her shoulder, feeling a little hopeful thinking he was going to ask her to stay.

"Can you tell Alice and my dad that I'm staying here at the bunker tonight?" He asked twisting the grey beanie in his hands. 

"Sure." Her hopefulness was replaced by disappointment. She made her way to the latter and climbed up it quickly just wanting to get out of there. She closed the blue trap door and walks slowly to her car. 

She reached her car swinging the door open and slumping down into the driver's seat. She slammed the door shut. That's when she finally lets out the sobs she had been holding in. She put her face in her hands. Her body shaking with every cry. 

How could she be so stupid? She was sure in this moment that she didn't love Archie and that ever since she was with Jughead she never did. She had learned the hard way. She ruined her relationship and in the process hurting herself and Jughead for nothing. She didn't want Archie and she didn't know why she thought she did, and poor Veronica. Archie hadn't told Veronica about the kiss, so Veronica was walking around completely oblivious to the secret Archie and her were hiding. 

She had to tell Veronica. She wasn't going to let her get told by anyone other than Archie or herself. She wished she had done the same for Jughead. 

Her head was spinning. She never thought she would end up without Jughead and now that they were no longer together she didn't know what to do. 

Her palms clenched her fingernails were so close to breaking skin. She unclenched her hands though, she started punching the steering wheel instead of resisting the urge to dig her nails into her palms. 

When she was done beating the wheel she cried some more. She was crying so hard her head hurt but she didn't care. 

After a while of crying, she calmed herself down, tears still falling, and out the keys into the ignition. The car started up and she drove home, feeling terrible. 

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