Movie Night

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Betty's POV

I arrived at the entrance to the park and continued to walk past the trailers, middle-aged men stood outside their doors, talking and smoking while I attempted to avoid eye contact. Eventually I saw the motorbike that stood proudly outside the familiar trailer. I knocked on the door and was greeted by my raven-haired prince. "Hey baby." He said with a smile. "Hi." I responded, he moved to the side and I shuffled past him, pecking his cheek on the way in.

"Did you walk here on your own?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Yes, and I'm fine." I said wanting to enjoy the night without Jughead going into overprotective-boyfriend mode. "You may be this time but you shouldn't walk through the Southside by yourself." I sighed and took off my coat. "Tell me next time and I will pick you up, okay?" He said sternly, not wanting to argue I responded with a simple "okay." As he sat on the couch.

I was about to sit down when a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I was placed on Jughead's lap, I couldn't help but giggle. He pecked my nose, "promise?" I pecked his lips and said "promise." I smiled. "What are we watching?" I asked. "A scary movie." "Nooo Jug!" I slapped his chest playfully. "You know I hate scary movies." I whined, he laughed at me and picked up the TV remote.

"Better stay close then." He said and winked at me. I laughed and shook my head at him. The film started, I hid my face into the crook of his neck and mumbled, "I hate you."

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