Snowy Days

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Betty was bored out of her mind. She was home alone and their was nothing to do as it was snowing quite heavily, so she grabbed her phone and texted Jughead.

Betty: Juggie I'm boooorrreeeeddd.

Jughead: sorry princess what do you want me to do about it?

Betty: come over!

Jughead: really in this weather! Sounds a bit demanding doesn't it.

Betty: JUG!!!!

Jughead: .....

Jughead: fine I'm on my way.

10 minutes later Betty heard a knock at the door and excitedly opened it to let in Jughead who was covered head to toe in snow. And said dryly, "this better be worth walking in that snow storm and freezing to death Betts." Betty rolled her eyes at his comment and replied, "stop being so dramatic."

"You really don't know how cold it is out there do you?" Jughead answered back then he placed his ice cold hands on Betty's cheeks making them go rosey pink and she squealed as they were so cold. He then kissed her passionately on the lips making her cheeks go even pinker.

"So what do you want to do Betts?" He said as he plopped himself down on the couch. "We could watch a movie." She suggested cuddling up next to Jughead. "What movie?" "The breakfast club." She grinned as she knew he was already going to say yes to that suggestion. It was one of his favorite films. "Did you even have to ask." He said in his familiar sarcastic tone. While Betty set up the movie Jughead made some popcorn and raided the rest of the kitchen for snacks. They both then snuggled up under a thick fluffy blanket together while they watched the movie.

After the film rolled it's credits Jughead looked out the window and said, "it's stopped snowing I better go before it starts again." Betty was sad he had to go she had a lot of fun today and she didn't want him to leave. "Hey Juggie why don't we play in the snow like old times in the backyard." She said hopefully.

"Fine" he reluctantly gave in. So Betty dragged him into her backyard and they had tons of fun having a snowball fights and even making a snowman. "This snowman's missing something." Betty said while looking at Jug with a huge smile. "What?" Jug asked confused he thought it looked perfect. "A hat." Betty replied grinning from ear to ear before stealing Jughead's beanie and placing it on top of the snowman's head. "Now it's perfect" she giggled "just like someone else I know." Jug said romantically before grabbing Betty by the waist and bringing her into a warm loving kiss as gentle snowflakes fluttered to the ground around them.

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