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Betty's POV

Blood. Crimson blood burst out of his skin. It slithered down his body, dripping on the cold surface and staining his clothes. The man with the back ski mask grabbed the knife out of the boy's chest. The knife, what was once a shiny kitchen tool, was now a thick blood stained lethal weapon. I try to scream Jughead's name but nothing came out of my mouth. I try to stand up and run at the killer but my legs were tied up in a thick, hard rope tightening every time I try to scramble up. I try to scream for help. But help never came. 

I wake up with my eye's filled with transparent tears. As my eye's slowly focus on my surroundings. I realize I'm in my bedroom, in my bed. I check the time, 1:45 in the morning. Even though my window is open, my whole body is boiling hot and sweaty. Thank God, it was a dream. I throw my covers off me and throw on a coat. I need to see him. 

I silently open my bedroom door and creep down the stairs. As I open the front door, I walk out and start sprinting away from my home. 

I reach Sunny-side trailer park and bang on the door, tears streaming down my face. The door opens, revealing a worried and slightly startled face. 

3rd person POV

"Betty?!" Jughead says worriedly as Betty fell into his arms. He puts his arms around her waist and stroked her hair out her face. He leads her to the sofa and sits her down. 

"Juliet answer me, what's wrong?" Jughead says softly, looking into her crystal eye's. 

"" She then started crying again.  

She calms down and speaks again. 

"Juggie... you died in my nightmare and...God it seemed so real. You just got stabbed right in front of m-me." Jughead interrupts her.

"Hey, you can't get rid of me that easy Betts." Jughead says smirking. Betty giggles. 

After 10 minutes of sweet talking and cuddles, the couple finally drifted to sleep. Betty felt safe in her boyfriend's arms. 

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