Chapter 20

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Rebecca's POV

        When we arrived at the radio station everyone got out but me and Mickey. He didn't make me move or open my eyes until he felt like I was ready which I was oh so grateful for. 
        "Hey Bumble you ready to go out and then back in again." he said with a small laugh that I couldn't help but open my eyes for. I looked at him and saw how worried he looked and hated it.
        "Yeah, Just need a few secs to breath, I had this problem since I was knee high to a grasshopper now so I guess I'll be ready in a few ticks." I said with a small smile but Mickey just looked at me confused.
        "what the Fuck does knee high to a grasshopper mean?" He asked with a laugh that I actually returned to him.
        "It means since I was really young and or small." I said while giggling "Guess it must be a Cambrian thing." I giggled as his confused look slowly went away and he was laughing with me. He grabbed hold of my hand again and helped me out. We linked arms again as this somehow mannaged to make us both burst into fists of giggles again. When we finally met up with the others they just looked at us like we were mad, and to be honest we probable looked that way too.
        "You two need help." Was all Ash said. The others just laughed at us. I just stuck my tongue out at them and giggled a little. We all calmed down when their manager came in to the room.
        "Hey boys hope your up for this. And Becca I bet your wondering why your here." Paul said (A/N I think that's the dudes name I tried so hard to double check since me and names go as well as my dog and a bath but I couldn't find it anywhere. I hope I don't look like an idiot! :/) 
        I just nodded for him to continue, still trying to breath as that panic attack really attacked my heart and lungs. "Well I just thought that since your going to be with the boys for a while and probably be in most of their future posts that it would be best for you to do a few radio things with them. Are you OK?" He asked, he looked really worried and so did the other boys. I didn't say anything for a little bit as I was stating to worry as the side effects of a panic attack never last this long with me. I took a deep breath.
        "Yeah, Had a panic attack and its taken a real big tole on me I guess, but I'll be fine for the interview. You have a really good point and it should be fun." I said with a small smile. I just realized that Mickey still had his arm linked with mine when he removed it to hug my waist to try and comfort me. Help me out on the breathing point, not the pain in my chest though, neither got worse nor better, just carried on aching. This was worrying me now.
        When we went into the radio booth thingy, I don't know what it's called leave me alone, there was 5 pairs of head phones and three mics, I guess they knew I was coming before I did. We all put on the head phones and waited to be introduced. Mickey still seemed to be worried about me because I kept on cringing at the pain in my chest.
        "Don't worry Mickey it will die down and go soon." I said with a weak smile, not sure if what I was saying was true or not. I just didn't want him to worry about me while he needed to be silly for the fam. I hated when people called them fans, I just always see a plastic thing that just blows hot air around in the summer, not a person.
        "You sure?" He didn't seem to believe what I had said and he had all right to, I mean I didn't. I just nodded and I guess he knew that was the best he was going to get. I was just wishing that this wasn't my heart saying a massive "FUCK YOU" before giving up on me.

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