Chapter 28

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Rebecca's POV (I know it's been her POV for a while but mehhhhh, its easier and it's getting later here so *blows raspberry in your face as I have no idea how that sound would be spelled!*) :P

        On our way back to the hotel I was getting hungry, having no breakfast was catching up with me. "Hey who's up for some food?" I ask mainly to the girls but Mickey decided to answer with them like a 5 year old.
        "MEEEEEE!" they all said at once, the fact that Mickey joined in making the girls giggle a little which made me smile as I knew that to night was going to be full of nightmares just like when their dad vanished off to only God knows where.
        "Right well how about we stop off at a cafe near by?"  I asked with a little smile. They all nodded their heads like mad and I couldn't help but giggle at them. We kept penny boarding until we came across a cute little cafe.
        It was a cliche cafe. You know the type, old lady looking after the place and everyone that came in the place. Flowers on every table that were either for groups of  2 or 4. As soon as we came in she locked on to us as if she was a homing missile. She greeted us with a warm smile and looked down to the twins her smile widened and I couldn't help but giggle at the way the lady's smile grew wider as she saw them and bent down to talk at their leave.
        "Well hello, who might we have here." She asked this in a caring voice and it was so soft I feel butter might have melted somewhere. But as soon as she said this the girls hid behind me and Mickey. We couldn't help but giggle at this as it was the definition of cute.
        "They would be Millie and Melody. That purple haired weirdo would be Mickey." I was about to introduce my self but Mickey interrupted me. "And this weirdo is Becca" He said with a smile and a slight chuckle. She smiled at us and laughed a little at our weird behavior.
        "Well I'm Fay, how about we get you 4 to a table?" She asked the girls. They nodded, still hiding behind us. I couldn't help but giggle at the way they were acting as it reminds me of when they first met my mates.
        We were sat at this lively table that had roses in the middle of the table and was right by the window. We could see the paps but to be honest I couldn't really care as I was too busy laughing at the twins.
        "So, what do you two want to eat?" I asked as they were looking at the menu. At this point I noticed that they were acting themselves again and I could also tell they wanted to ask a lot of questions about the food. They loved cooking and it is the main cause of us noticing how smart they were. 
        "You can ask the lady questions you know, she won't bite I promise." I said this while holding my pinky out to them with a silly smile on my face. They just giggled at me and joined their pinkies with mine. Mickey just looked at us with a smile that went from ear to ear.
        "Excuse me?" Melody asked loudly as there was only us in the cafe. The lady smiled and came over. It seemed like she was happy to have the company.
        "And how may I help you?" She asked with a smile. This is where I feared that they might be looked at differently and a little odd as it has happened before. They know a lot about cooking as it was something that is actually quite easy once you get the basics down. They looked at her with a small smile and started asking a lot of questions about what type of sauce was used in the ravioli and if it was homade and loads of other things that I found adorable as it reminded me of what I would do when out with my mum and dad.
        The lady didn't think twice about it and answered any question that was fired her way. After answering all the questions the girls could think of she looked at me and smiled. "You have raised such smart children." She said with a smile that I couldn't help but laugh at.
        "They aren't my kids, their my cousins I'm just their legal guardian." I said with a smile. She was shocked at my answer but the twins decided to disagree with me.
        "Your more than that. Mommy would always call you are second mommy. The second chance we would have at having a family." Millie said with a smile. I was shocked at what she had just said and I couldn't help but give her a massive side hug. We finally ordered our food, we chatted a little but I feel like we were too hungry to have a proper conversation. As soon as the food came the little conversation that we were having was gone and we just ate.
        As soon as the food was gone we sat and talked for a little bit. We got a milkshake to drink each, it having to be Oreo one for us all to share. We just sat here and chatted for a while. Fay would look over every now and then and just smile at us. We were so into the conversation and didn't even notice all the paps that had been gathering around the cafe until Fay came over to us.
        "I don't mean to alarm you 4 but there seems to be a lot of paparazzi wanting to get a photo of you." She said this with confusion and uneasiness in her voice.  When Mickey looked out the window he saw all of them and sighed massively.
        "I guess I'm going to have to call a car." He seemed so annoyed and I have a feeling we all were. While he went to call for a car to come get us so we didn't get attacked by all the papas and fans that were beginning to crowd around the front of the cafe. Melody had crawled under the table and was now cuddling my right side, while Millie was cuddling my left. They hated being in crowded situations and were very claustrophobic so the thought of not being able to get out was getting to them and I could tell they were beginning to panic. You see anxiety runs in the family, so they had already developed it at this age, they were advanced in more ways than knowledge and that scared me some days. A lot of bad things run in our blood line.

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