Chapter 31

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Ashton's POV

        I wasn't Expecting her to tell us anything else, just because I didn't think there was anything else for her to tell. She sat on her chair and we all sat on the floor. I noticed the way she looked over to the two little girls that were asleep in her bed. I could tell she cared for them a lot, just by the way she was looking at them, it was almost as if she looked away they would vanish.
        Rebecca looked nervous. I could tell she was stalling the conversation because she decided to move from sitting on her chair to sitting on the floor wit us. I could tell she was doing it so she had more time to figure out what to say. 

Rebecca's POV

        "This is hard for me t say. I mean  I'm good with words but I'm better at writing them down then saying them. I mean I can re write it if I need to and there isn't as much pressure to get it right first time round." I sighed loudly, stalling was something I was good at. I knew it was obvious I was nervous but that was the last thing on my mind at the moment. 
        "A lot of illnesses run in the Cartwright blood line. Everything I suffer was passed on and there's a few that I missed out on." I took a deep breath trying to figure out what to say next.
        "Cancer is the most common cause of death in my family, suicide being a close second. My aunt, their mum, Cathy was sadly no exception to this fact. Malignant breast cancer is a bitch, it spread everywhere, leaving no organ free in the end. We found out two years ago that she was cursed with disease that has killed of 70% of females in our family. We were told she had two months and when she beat that she was amazed and grateful. Soon after she realised that she needed someone to look after the girls when she was gone. A year before the diagnosis my uncle, their dad, vanished without a trace. We tried to find him but it was impossible. So the only choice left was me. My mum and dad weren't as close and sucked at telling them apart, that's why they started wearing the ribbons in their hair, it just became a thing after a while. So we fought the couts and we somehow managed to win. I became their God mother." I smiled at the memory even we were shocked that we won, I mean I was under age but I guess we had a good case in the end.
        "Now this next bit is the hard bit." I said with a forced laugh. I had to tell them, I just didn't know how.
        "A few weeks before I came over here to tag along with you I had a check up. I have them twice a year, just to be safe considering our family history." I took a deep breath, swallowing the lump that was in my throat. 
        "I was diagnosed with the same thing that's killed so many people in my family." I managed to chock out. I had never really talked about it just because I couldn't. As soon as I said this they all looked at me with sad eyes and Mickey ended up wrapping his arm around my waste.
        "But I was a lucky bitch. It wasn't malignant. It was only benign. It wasn't going to spread anywhere. It wasn't going to kill me as they found it really early on. The only problem was it was in both of my boobs, not just one like most peoples." I didn't know how to say the next bit, just because every time I thought about it it made me feel like I was less of a woman. So I just did what would show them. I took my bra off. Well my boobs really.
        "It was either lose them, or risk losing me." Tears started to fall from my ears while the others just looked at me with pure shock in their eyes. I took yet another deep breath trying to control myself a little bit so I could finish.
        "A week before I came over here the two sacks of death were chopped of off my chest. I had the choice of implants but I hated the idea of having something fake inside me for the rest of my life, just to remind me of what I went through. I started calling them the death sacks just because it made things easier. Made it seem like they were what they actually were and not what everyone automatically thought they were." I laughed a little as Mickey hugged me a little tighter. I couldn't help but notice Ash and Cal couldn't take their eyes of off the stuffed bra I made a few days before I got on the flight to LA, one of te best things I've made not even going to lie.
        "Look you can hold it if you like, it's not like it means anything to me anymore." I laughed as I got up from the floor and walked over to the bed where I had noticed the once sleeping beauties were beginning to wake up. "I mean I only wore it because you didn't know, now you do, it's going to spend the rest of it's days in my suitcase." I laughed and soon after I heard them laughing and then saw the bra fly across the room.
        "Welcome back to the world away from Neverland my little tinkers" I said in a whisper and a giggle. They just looked at me and I could tell the only reason they were awake was because they were hungry they were two little girls after my own heart. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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