Chapter 1

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Rebecca's POV (Yes I'm using my own name, I can't think of any right now OK!) :P

"God I'm sick of this room" I said to no one in particular. To be honest I think anyone would be, I mean I've been in here for a good 4 days and nothing has happened. Well apart from the fact that My leg was cut open everything around my hip bone was moved out of the way. Said hip was then broken, my leg bone was then jiggled about until it was in the right place. Then after all of this everything was then screwed, sewed and glued back together again. I bet you think I'm somewhere in my 50s or up from what I just said, but nope, I'm 16 and have more of this agonizing pain to come thanks to the joys of physio that is on it's way.

The room was bland and boring. The only things that made it feel more like home were the massive cuddly rabbit that my brother had bought me a day ago, my laptop that was bright pink that made me regret the phase of my life where I actually liked the bloody colour. As well as my small but growing collection of books. The one thing my mum is happy to buy me as they keep me contempt and also improve my English skills as well as my writing. I have a massive bookshelf full of books and sadly not all of them are read, but a good 55% of them were. The books were in a neat pile next to my laptop that was on the weird desk thing that went over the bed. It went from being only two to 4. I had already finished one book so she thought it would be best to buy my a couple more to make sure I don't run out of things to do. The last thing she wants is for me to not only be in pain but slowly going insane due to boredom. Well more insane than I already am, hanging out with the mates that I have, all with a stupid sense of humor and a weird and wonderful imaginations would cause anyone to go insane. Well just the right amount in my mind, everyone should be slightly insane, it makes life more fun.

The room was white and I hated it. It lacked the one thing that I loved in a room as well as the one thing that I feel makes a room feel like home, colour. For me colour, any colour, is what makes a room feel more lived in and welcoming. I get that loads of people have to come and go from these rooms and that the colour white is seen as a clinical colour but not only does it show the slightest amount of muck, but it is the most boring thing to look at, and for some poor souls it's all they have to look at for months. That's just not right.

I finally clicked on the button that called the nurses. I hated doing it, but I really needed pain relief and I just couldn't bear it anymore. The thing that I hate the most about the button was the last time I clicked it was because I was sick, it was in my mouth and all over my jaw and hand for a good 10 minutes before a nurse was free. It felt like my mouth was burning and i brushed my teeth at least 3 times after before the taste was gone. Don't get me wrong though, the nurses here are so nice and friendly. They do all they can to make sure you are as comfortable as possible it's just there's a lot to . They also make sure there is always something for you to drink too, I think I have drank more tea than I have in my entire life but I'm not complaining.

"You rang." The nurse said with a smile, I could tell she was trying not to laugh at her really bad pun, but I guess that was the upside to this place as all the people here are really nice.

"I think I need more pain killers." I said this in the smallest of whispers as the pain was getting really bad. Gladly that was all she needed though as she was of like a shot and in about 2 minutes was back with the sweetest pain killer liquid I have ever tasted, but it did the job as right after I said my name and date of birth which was almost like second nature to me now, I swallowed it in one and the effects were almost instant.

"Thank you." I could gladly say this normally and not in a small whisper. She just smiled at me and the walked out of my room. I think they're all treating me extra nice since I'm the youngest her by at least 30 years.

Before she was all the way out of my site she turned around to look at me again and came back into my room. "There are some boys paying a visit to the childrens' ward downstairs later, their about your age, would you like me to send them up so you have someone to talk to?" She asked this with a massive smile on her face. I just decided to nod. I guess it would be nice to talk to someone my age face to face and not on the phone like I have been doing with all my friends.

She then left the room and the only think that I could think of was "Something fun might actually happen for once." I ended up drifting of not long after due to the liquid that was now racing through my veins.

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