Chapter 10

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Rebecca's POV

        Time in Japan was over and I was now trapped in a plane for 11 and a half hours. Mikey and Cal were sat next to me, I was gladly sat next to the window. Ashton and Luke were in front of us.  I was somehow ahead of scheduled when it came to writing as I was so close to finishing so I decided to write until I finished which was only a chapter or 2 away. I don't think the guys realized how epic it was for me to be like an hour or 2 away from finishing my soon to be published author as they were trying to get me to talk.
        "Come on Becca you can surely stop typing for a few minutes to talk it can't be that important." As soon as the words left Calum's lips I slammed my hands my keyboard. This scared them all as I never get angry, or at least don't show it.
        "Not that important, NOT THAT IMPORTANT?!?!?!" At his point I could tell he regretted what he had said but I've kept so much in for so long it all came running out my mouth as if I had no control.
        "I gave up everything to write and finish this book. I've put my heart and soul into it. I gave up seeing my mates everyday, hospital appointments have moved as much as I have. I've had to sneak around to get to them so no one would see and start asking questions.  My anxiety have been all over the place while trying to write this because I haven't been able to get the words out. My heart has been missing so many beats it's not only scaring me but all of the million doctors that I have seen. That's lead me to need to wear this bloody uncomfortable monitor to see just how bad it actually is. My bipolar has got worse and medication doubled so I don't attempt suicide again, that's the whole reason my dad let me leave by the way, he thought getting away would help me. I'm about 2 hours away from finishing a book I have been writing for a good 2 years, a few hours away from being able to send it to all of my mates who said they would proof read it, a few hours away from being able to see if they think it's good enough, to see if I'm good enough to follow the only thing that I have ever felt like I could really do. But no my novel isn't that important at all." When I finished I realize what I had said and burst into sobs. Sobs that I've been holding in for months finally came out. Mikey didn't even hesitate to hug me. It was so tight but comforting it was unbelievable. I felt safe. I don't know how long I was in that position before I fell asleep. It took everything from me and I guess my brain was just like "Fuck it sleep will be easier" It was, but the last few chapters didn't get written.

Mikey's POV

        I was shocked, I had no idea she was hiding all of that. The fact that she kept it all to her self must have killed her. When she stopped shaking I thought she had calmed down, but I was wrong, she was fast asleep. She looked so peaceful. I slowly and carefully somehow managed to move her laptop onto my tray an lift hers up so I could lean her against the window as there was already a pillow there since she was leaning her head on it while she was writing. 
        "Fuck" was all that was said for a while. I could tell Calum wished that he never said anything, but as horrid as it sounds I'm glad he did. I feel like it was the only way we were going to find out what she was hiding. 
        "Hey Cal don't worry, she needed to get all of that of off her chest one day, you just pushed it forward." I said this with a smile and that seemed to put him at ease a little as he relaxed and fell asleep. B moved in hers to rest her head on my arm, I would say shoulder but shes so small her head only reaches my arm. It's really uncomfortable so I slowly and gently move my arm out of the way so she doesn't wake up and was resting on my chest. She looked so cute and I couldn't help but smile and stare for a little bit. It wasn't long till I was asleep like the others. I was worried about how she was going to act when she woke up but I knew I wasn't going to act any differently because that would be her worst nightmare.

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