Chapter 3

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Rebecca's POV

        So I wake up from a little nap as that's what the horribly sweet liquid morphine does to you and what do I wake up to? Yep that's right, one of my favorite bands! I mean when Kat said that she would see if the boys that were visiting the childrens' ward could come and talk to me, I was thinking some boys who just wanted to do some good and help the kids smile and laugh. I didn't think in a million years think it would be them.

        "Anyway whatcha want to talk about?" I asked with a smile as the others just looked at each other as if they were talking trying to figure out what.

        "Well I don't know about the other lads but I want to find out more about you." Michael said this with a smile. The others just nodded in agreement while looking at me.

        "Well there's not really much to tell you I'm afraid." I said with a shy smile because there seriously wasn't, I'm probably one of the most boring people they'll meet in a while.

        "Well I know that's not true, I mean you already said that you were in a band." Ashton said this with a smile on his face with a little chuckle.

        "No, what I said was that I play my guitar and sing with  my mates, we're not a band. Nah we were just hated by our music teachers because every lunch time we would always use the same music room and make a hell of a lot of noise." I said this while laughing at all the times we made so much noise that the teachers had to come in and tell us to keep it down.

        "You seem found of those memories, care to share one?" Calum said this with a silly smile and I just burst into laughter because the memories are so stupid I don't think any one but us would really laugh.

        "Oh come on tell us!" Luke said this in a whine but he still chuckled a little while saying it.

        "Sorry I was thinking about  the time me and my mate Holly changed the lyrics to wrecking ball to 'I came in like a dictionary I've never hit so hard with words! All I wanted was to give yooou a verb, or a nou-ou-ou-oun! A nou-ou-on'!" I burst into hysterics when I finished the stupid lyrics we came up with in the music room on monday. The only other thing I remember about that day was the fact that it was tipping it down with rain.

        The lads all burst into hysterics with me and it looked as if they were crying with laughter. I had to stop sadly though because the pain in my hip was becoming unbearable.

        "I'm not even going to ask how you two came up with that." Michael said while still laughing and whipping his eyes. When he looked at me he stopped and said with a load of worry in his voice and face. "Are you OK B?"  I made me stop and look at him.

        "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just laughing doesn't really like me at the moment. And out of all the names I've been called over the years, good and bad, B had never been one." I said this with a smile.

        "Well there's a first for everything." He said this with a smile while looking at me. He still seemed a little worried about the pain so I just clicked the button for my morphine that should take the pain away.

        "What do you mean by bad names?" Ashton asked this tentatively and as if he said it another wayit would make me burst into tears.

        "Let's just say that people at my school were complete dicks and would make fun of anyone who wasn't like them or just happy all the time. It didn't and still doesn't bother me when they call me names. It does bother me when people bully my mate so much that she comes to me and my mates before foem crying her eyes out." I started to get anger and clench my fist so I knew I had to stop talking abou it before I went on a massive rant.

        Michael must have noticed because he started to rub my arm as if he knew I was about to rant and was trying to calm me down. "Sorry its just that really pisses me of." I said this with 

        "Don't be stupid, you have every right to get angry." Luke said this with a smile, before carrying on "I guess you've know her a few years then, I mean you seem close since your more bothered about what happens to her than you are with what happens to you." He said this with a smile.

        "Yeah, I've known her since I was 9 and she was 7. We tell each other everything. I mean she does, I don't really feel the need for her to worry about me when at the moment she's going through hell and I don't know I just really wish I was there with her so I knew that she had someone to vent to." I said this normally but my voice got weaker at the end.

        "Wow you've known her for a while. I'm guessing that must mean your a good friend." Ashton said this with a smile while Michael was still rubbing my arm.

        "Well I'd like to think that. And yeah I've known her a while but I've known holly since I was 3 and when we all finally got together we lost any sanity that was left." I paused for a second and carried on with a smile on my face. "To be hones when I make a friend they don't really like to leave, I guess it's because I'm easy to talk to about anything that is worrying and they know that it won't change my opininion of them." I said this with a smile on my face because it was the first time I really noticed this.

        "Well then I feel like we need to get to know more about you to see if I want to do the same." Michael saith this with a smile while a the others agreed ed with him.

A/N OK so I'm really sorry that it's taken forever for me to put a new chapter up but I just lost track of time with everything that I had to do. I mean the day after I wrote the last chapter I got out of hospital so I had to travel all the way home so I had no internet, and then I just started to read and so that made me lose track of time. OH AND IT'S ACTUALLY SUNNY AND HOT HERE IN THE UK SO I'VE BEEN MAKING THE MOST OF IT!!! :P

HUGS to anyone who reads this! :P (>^.^)>

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