Chapter 21

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Rebecca's POV

        I was stood next to Mickey sharing a mic, while Cal and Luke shared one and Ash had one to himself. To be honest I thought the boys would share and I would have my own but I guess Mickey had other ideas.
        "Hello and welcome to the studio 5 Seconds of Summer and the lovely Rebecca." The interview said. I couldn't help but giggle a little.
        "Not just any Becca, but the rare dress wearing Becca." Mickey said with a stupid grin on his face that made me burst in to laughter. IT didn't help my heart but put a smile on my face and took my mind off of it.
        "I'm only wearing this because I didn't pack enough cloths and I now have to pay the ridicules hotel washing fee." I said with a nervous giggle as I really didn't feel too comfortable wearing a dress. Never have and I doubt I ever will be
        "Well you look amazing, I'm pretty sure the whole of the 5SOSFam will be glad to have it on camera. This rare event may never happen again." He said it with such seriousness I couldn't help but laugh. Gladly so did the others.
        "I have a feeling the running out of clean cloths may happen again. She didn't pack a lot really." Ash said with a smile. The others just nodded with grins on their faces.
        "Hey to be fare I don't own much more than I brought." This shocked them all. I'm not the type of person to buy a lot of cloths just because I would much rather have books.
        "I can't believe that, I mean you've been with us what 3 weeks? How can you only have that much clothing, and be a female." Luke said with a shocked face I just laughed at him.
        "I only have enough clothing to last me 2 weeks, I've been re wearing things, And whenever I got money to buy cloths I always got distracted by WaterStones." I paused for a second and then remembered a very important fact that not many Americans would know. "It's the larges book shop in the UK, should have said that." I added with a little giggle at the end. Everyone did a simultaneous "OOOHH" 
        "Soo you boys have been working on the new album right, is there anything you lot can tell us about it." He was looking at me if I had heard anything.
        "Don't look at me mate I heard nowt when it comes to the new stuff." I laughed. Yet again everyone looked at me as if I was insane. "what?" I asked with a nervous laugh
        "What on Earth does nowt mean?" He asked and I laughed, yet again realizing my Cambrian slang had slipped out.
        "It means nothing, sorry went a little Cambrian I keep doing that today." I smiled and yet again the chorus of "OHH's" followed.
        The boys talked about what little they could actually say about the new album, which wasn't much since it was still all being written but they managed to make it sound like a lot. I've noticed that they are really good at that, just blagging their way through questions like that. they didn't really say anything about the music it's self just saying what they think about it and how they feel and hope it will go down. I just stood there and listened to them. I spent most of the time trying to get the pain out of my chest but it was beginning to get worse. I think mickey noticed as he stopped talking and mouthed "Are you alright?" To me, I just nodded with a pained look and I think he got the message that it was just my stupid heart. He looked so worried about me. He grabbed my wased to side hug me to try and comfort me but I think the interviewer got it the wrong way.
        "What do we have here?" He asked with a smirk on his face and raised eyebrows, the other boys looked over to see what he was on about and they all joined in with the look.
        "A Becca with a bad heart." I said in a pained voice, I didn't mean too and I did try to make it sound like a light hearted thing but it came out so wrong. The other began to look just as worried as Mickey but I think the sound of my voice made him worry more, I normally always sound so jokey, but know I'm just in full on pain.
        I don't remember much after that really, things just went black and it felt like everything in my body just stopped on me. The last thing I remember was hearing Mickey say Bumble as he fully got a hole of me before I hit the floor.

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