Chapter 26

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Rebecca's POV

        I slowly woke up to the warmth of Mickey's body. Everything that happened last night rushed back into my reality and no longer seemed like a bad dream. I needed to get up, dressed and over to my little cousins house before it was too late. I know that Lizzie wouldn't be able to stay with them too long and if I didn't get there before noon they would be off to a care home or somewhere of the sort and I couldn't let that happen. I promised Cathy I wouldn't let that happen and I can't let her down. 
        I looked over his shoulder to see that it was already 10 and it would take me a good 1 and a half hours to get to theirs on my penny board. I hated getting taxis in LA just for the fact that the scenery is beautiful and it just passes by to quickly in a car. I feel like this is one of the only times where food isn't seen as important I just need to get there and being early will show that I really care and put me in a good light too. I knew it would only take me 10 minutes to get dressed and out the hotel.
        After 5 minutes I finally managed to wriggle out of Mic key's grips only to have him wake up and moan.
        "Hey come your up?" Mickey asked while trying to pull me back into him. I just giggled and let him win, just so I could leave again without him moaning.
        "I have to go, get my cousins. I promised my aunt I wouldn't let them go into care and I have to be there in 2 hours." I said trying not to get lost in his warmth, which was hard as it was so comforting and I felt so safe wrapped up in his arms.
        "Can I come with you? I mean it would help you right, showing them you have someone to help you?" He asked this with a smile. I just looked at him and nodded. I have a feeling I was smiling like an idiot but to be honest I couldn't really give a shit.
        "We have to skip breakfast, and wiz of in about 10 minutes." I said with a smile. He just looked at me with a confused look.
        "We can get a car to take us there you know, you don't have to take your  penny board everywhere." He said with a smile. I nodded and smiled a little.
        "I know I just love the way things look here and well its the only exercise I get to be honest." I laughed a little and he just looked confused. "Oh I have a spear one." I laughed knowing that he wouldn't like the idea.
        "You know I can't penny board." He said with a laugh. I couldn't help but giggle and sat up and looked back at him.
        "I can teach you on the way. If two 5 year olds can penny board then you can." I smiled and finally got out of the worm and cozy bed.
 "I'll meet you outside in 10 minutes. If you not ready your going in what your wearing!" I laughed as I grabbed the spear key card that was on the side. As I got out of the door I heard him laugh as I left.
        Getting dressed was the easy part for me. It was finding the spear penny board that was the trouble. After a good 10 minutes I found it behind my bed. I have no idea how it got there and to be honest I didn't have the time to think about it. When I got out I saw Mickey was waiting and I looked at my watch. I sighed loudly.
        "looks like we need to get a car after all." I said this with a small smile as I knew there was no way we could get to their's in time. He looked at me with a small smile.
        "Well just means that I'll have 3 teachers instead of 1." I couldn't help but laugh at him when he said it and neither could he. I looked at him and I couldn't help but give a sarky comeback.
        "I feel like your going to need all the you can get." I said with a cheeky smile as he got his phone out to call for a car to pick us up. He laughed as he called the number.

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